
Saturday, June 28, 2008

Psalm 138:2 I will bow down toward your holy temple
and will praise your name
for your love and your faithfulness,
for you have exalted above all things
your name and your word.

Jenny the biker chick~LOL

me with my "little brother (in-law)
I got some major mosquito bites on my ride!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

help my unbelief

My life is pitiful compared to this. I find myself tonight asking the Lord to help me overcome my unbelief in Him and be the obedient servant He died for me to be.

Love Jenny

June 26, 2008

by Charles R. Swindoll

Read 2 Kings 1:1--18

We cannot help but admire Elijah's consistent heroism. The man is alone, standing before the king and, surely, surrounded by armed warriors, faithful to Ahaziah, who could have finished him off with one thrust of a spear. Yet God's man never gave the risk a second thought. He was so convinced, so committed to his Lord, that the thought of self-protection never entered his mind.

The heroism of godly men and women is demonstrated in their willingness to face unpleasant conditions, even threatening circumstances, with remarkable calm. They act with firm resolve, even though it means incurring personal unpopularity. Nothing deters their passion to obey their God . . . regardless. His message is paramount. Period.

Few in the history of the church possessed this quality of passionate heroism in greater measure than Martin Luther. It's been asserted that he was, perhaps, as fearless a man as ever lived. "You can expect from me everything save fear or recantation. I shall not flee, much less recant," said Luther on his momentous journey to Worms.

Luther's friends were concerned for his safety. Focusing on the grave dangers ahead, they sought to dissuade him. But the mere thought of not going disgusted him. "Not go to Worms!" he said. "I shall go to Worms though there were as many devils as tiles on the roofs."

On a later occasion, while awaiting an audience before all the prelates of the church, Luther was asked if he was now afraid. "Afraid? Greater than the pope and all his cardinals, I fear most that great pope, self."

Elijah rose above his enemies, his king, even himself as he heroically stood his ground, delivered God's message, and refused to dull its edge. May his tribe increase in this day of shallow, feel-good theology, so popular among superficial, backslapping ministries.

And may you find the spirit of heroism in your own heart.

Taken from Charles R. Swindoll, Great Days with the Great Lives (Nashville: W Publishing Group, 2005). Copyright © 2005 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Used by permission.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Morgan Hope--The Lord has been gracious to me.

Psalm 86:15
15 But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God,
slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.

Tomorrow is my sweet Morgans 3rd birthday. As I sit here I can hardly find the words to type. Some things are just a matter of the heart. You can't really articulate them. The past 3 years with her have been the most wonderful years of my life. They have literally flown by. Some days I want time to just stop and keep her where she is in all of her sweet innocence and purity.

We have been spending most of our time at the pool lately. Each day she tells me she needs her bathin' soup to go to the swimminpool (all one word). A friend from church told me that last Wednesday at church she found a little baby pool left over from vacation bible school and she took all of her clothes off and got in it. They about died. Then, tonight I was cooking and she was playing with her kitchen when she poured water all in her sink...took her clothes off...and laid across her kitchen set splashing her feet in the!

There is not a day that goes by that I do not stop and think of the tenderness of God in allowing me to be a steward of this little one. She is my best buddy. Since I lost my first born Shelby, and had such a complicated pregnancy with Morgan, I realize that if I were in a different time I would not even be able to have a child.

She is talking so much more lately and when people ask her what her name is she says Morgan-hope. I love how she calls herself that! Anyway, I realize that my gushing heart for my child isn't as interesting to others but I want her to be able to read this one day.

Morgan you are very strong willed.
People already tell me all of the time how fearless you are (that may not be a good thing).
You like action figures and princess things as well.
You can be a tomboy and dress so cute as well! Your mommy was just the same.
So far, you are not in to minding. We are working on that one real hard.
You still love Veggie tales and I think mommy loves them more.
You are one picky eater!!
You are mommy's little cuddle bug.
You are my date to our favorite Mexican place all of the time.
You love to go to the mall, go to Walmart, and get something from the ice-cweam-twuck.
You have your daddy wrapped around your little finger.

We love you so much. You have stolen our hearts sweet one and we pray that you grow to love Jesus in a mighty way.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Living with missed opportunities

LISTEN to THIS series by Dr. Erwin Lutzer Living with missed opportunities.

Another good one from James MacDonald!

Don’t Lean on Your Own Understanding

The Weekly Walk

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

I bet that a lot of people would say that Proverbs 3:5-6 is their life verse. Is it yours? Do you have it underlined in your Bible? Let’s spend a couple minutes digging into this gold mine of truth for an even better understanding of God’s promise to us.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart” is obviously an exhortation not to doubt. Doubt is so destructive. It eats away at your soul. When you trust in the Lord “with all your heart”—with your total commitment, with everything you have, you’re making a tangible choice not to doubt.

But are you trusting with all your heart? This will help you to know— “…And do not lean on your own understanding.” You can’t trust in the Lord with all your heart if you’re leaning on your own understanding. Maybe you know some things. The problem is, are you leaning on those things when you hit a crisis? Are you confident in your own ability to get out of tight spots? “I know how to fix this.” Yeah, that’s not so great.

Well, what then? “In all your ways acknowledge Him…” In every choice, acknowledge God. Everything is about God—His reputation, His fame. You might be able to handle that situation by yourself, but you don’t just want to get out of it, you want to honor God in it.

Let’s say you’ve run into financial problems. Or you lose your job. Or you lose the big sale you were depending on. Not to mention the cost of gas! Things are getting so tight you don’t know how you’re going to pay the bills.

Humanly speaking, the first thing I do is lean on my own understanding. We’re going to tighten the belt around here, baby. No more money to charity. We can’t help our little Compassion Child anymore; she’s going to have to take care of herself. We’re not giving any more money over at that church; they seem to be doing fine.

Now, it’s not wrong to be wise in how you spend, but if you think you’re going to just gut it out, you’re leaning on your own understanding. That might be how you got in this situation, but that’s not how you’re going to get out of it. Instead say, we’re going to honor God as first in our life. We’re going to trust Him to keep His promises. We’re going to keep our commitments and tithe and give.

Don’t you think God sees you? Maybe He has allowed this very thing to teach you what it means to trust Him.

Monday, June 16, 2008

My True Father

Galatians 4:6-7

6Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, "Abba, Father." 7So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir.

Romans 8:15

15For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father."

I know that Fathers day is over but I just have to take a minute to talk about my Father. As most of you know my real dad was not in the picture after I was about three years old. Bottom line...the man needs the Lord. I think he has been married the maximum amount of times and has at least 15 kids. So, not to dishonor him but we were a burden off of his back since he never had to pay child support. My grandmother told me one time that I was almost three and I looked her in the face and asked her why my daddy didn't love us. She tried to explain it the best she could and she said that he was sick. I told her he wasn't sick he was mean. So, at an early age I was already probing and wondering and having an immense need for a father. I think that is just the way God wired us with the need for a mother and father when we are young. There are so many people who have had either their mom or dad not in the picture and my heart breaks for them. I grew up feeling so insecure. Wanting a dad. As my mom dated, I would sort of interview them and size them up. Finally, when she met the dad that adopted us I asked him straight up if he was going to marry my mom (first date). I was five years old.

My mom gets married when we were six and Heather was seven. We moved out to the country and began a new life. I clung to my dad like you have never seen. I was his shadow. Wherever he was, I was sure to be. I remember waiting at the window watching for him to come home most nights. When he got home I greeted him on the deck. I needed that relationship so bad.

When Shelby died I can remember everyone quoting Romans 8:28
28And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,who have been called according to his purpose. While I knew this verse I wasn't exactly feeling it at the time. I entered into the sufferings of Christ through losing her and I am able to share in others losses and sufferings because I know what it is to suffer. However, I didn't want that verse rattled off as if I could just get over my pain because it was working for my good. You sort of have to go through the whole process of grieving before you see any fruit.

All of that is to say that I had such a void that no earthly man could ever feel...not even an earthly father. While I do love my dad who adopted me...nothing comes close to Jesus.

I took about a year or so to heal from some hurts when I was 19-20 years old. The Lord did such a profound work in my life to teach me that He was my Father and that no one could meet the immense needs that I had but Him and that all along even in the bad times, times of questioning, times where I did not understand...God was working things for my good. He was working things out for me to have such an intimate relationship as Father.

This verse is so powerful to me:
Psalm 27:10
10 Though my father and mother forsake me,
the LORD will receive me.

Even if the people who should love you and should care for you forsake you the Lord will NEVER leave you or forsake you no matter how you feel (Hebrews 13:5). Yes I have had to work through my insecurities but I wouldn't trade anything for what I have with my Abba Father. No one can come close to what He means to me. I am so thankful that I have been adopted into the heavenly kingdom and that my Father loves me so much. I am thankful that He is holy and just and that in Him there is no darkness. Most of all...I have been the prodigal daughter and I can't fathom how great the love of the Father is that He would take a wretch like me back. His love is ever toward us. He is good. He is the Father of all creation and I am thankful that I am a sheep in His fold.

Lord, I have no idea where I would be without you. I don't even want to know. I pray that others that feel rejected and abandoned would come to know you as Abba. Thank you for loving your children and having compassion on us. You are so worthy.

On another note...We had a really good Fathers day. We bought Rod a watch and a gift card to his favorite outdoors store. He really is such a wonderful father. He loves Morgan so much and is so into protecting her. Sometimes to the point that it gets on my nerves. =)
I love the way he lights up when she is waiting for her at the door and he picks his punkin up and loves on that sweet thing. I never thought I would see such a manly man stoop to kiss boo boos. Or drink out of tea party cups but to my amazement he does. She has him wrapped. We thank God for the opportunity to parent sweet Morgan hope.

Serial Rapist in Hoover, AL

This is for my local friends. Here is an article from ABC 33/40

Not that we should live in fear but it is good to keep watch of our surroundings. I have a couple of family members that have been raped and it is a horrible crime. Let's pray that they catch whoever it is.


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Don't follow me...

when I do not follow Christ.

Paul says this in 1 Corinthians 11:1
1Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.

Well, I blew it tonight. My blood pressure is still up I think. I went to Walmart to get my watch battery changed. We waited and waited and the girl couldn't do it. That is my 3rd attempt to get a battery and get the thing changed. I should have just bought a new watch. Here is some quick background info for why I say don't follow my example from tonight: Morgan and I go to the Walmart by my house almost daily. The greeters know her and even buy her presents. Seriously. I know if a cashier is new or not. I know most of the managers. I have been a loyal patron there. I get up to the check out and I had left my wallet at home, so all I had were my checks. The cashier tells me that she can't run my check through without my license number. Well, I know my number by heart. I looked around at all of the cashiers that I knew and they vouched that they all knew we came in daily. Still she was not going to take my check. Then, I asked to speak to the manager. He said, yes ma'am I know that you come in everyday but we can't take your check... it is our system. We have to know your license number. Okay then, I can give it to you...I reply. I then told him that he knew it was me. I was not trying for any special favors but please give me a break. So, I have Morgan with me about to freak out because we had been there waiting for an hour to get the battery changed. Long story short, they would not take my check. I understand policy, as well as protecting others assets, but if I was going to rip them off with an automatic debited check it would have been for more than 20 dollars if you get my drift. Also, they have NEVER asked for my license in all the few years I have been going to this one or even once since I have used a check for auto debit. So, to me they need to do it all the time or not at all.
I about lost it! I even told them that I would never set foot in there again, AND I WON'T. To all of these big businesses...they do not care. Phone companies, large chains, or whatever...they could care less if they lose your business or not. It just amazes me. I was rude and I will have to take that up with the Lord...but it just amazes me. Sorry for waisting your time...I have just been furious. I know it wasn't righteous indignation either. Lord, help me.


Yes I have been that busy!! Just checking in and I have some posts in draft but my life has been crazy this week (in a good way).

Here is another great devo by James MacDonald:

The Right Path

The Weekly Walk

Psalm 23:1-4 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

Life knocks on your front door every morning with offers to go in more directions than you could ever pursue. Some paths are obviously wrong and lead to very bad places. Go very far down one of those trails and you’ll wake up one day and say, “What am I doing over here? I had bigger dreams for my life than this.” You chose that path with a thousand small decisions, and it led you to that predictable spot. You thought you’d beat the odds, but it’s a losing proposition from the start.

However, some paths appear to be right and they’re still wrong. Proverbs 14:12 says, “There is a way [a path] that seems right to a man, but its end is the way [the path] to death.” That maze doesn’t lead you anywhere good.

Other paths are right, but only for awhile. You might actually be on a very good path when God changes your life and sends you in a different direction.

If your heart is to get your life on the right path, then your ears ought to perk up a little bit when Psalm 23 says, “He leads me in paths of righteousness.” Literally it means “into life’s right paths.” God is very interested that you are following the right ways—the paths that lead to joy, to peace, and to blessing. Psalm 37:23 says, The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way [or his path].” God Himself orders the path of the righteous person.

Are you with me when I say that I want to be on the pathway that leads to life and blessing? Speaking of the Lord, Psalm 16:11 says, You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy.” It’s encouraging to know that if you’ll follow God’s lead, you’ll step confidently in the right direction. Now, it might not be your preferred direction, but in the end it’ll take you where you want to go.

I can guarantee you this: When the Lord is your Shepherd, He will guide you on the paths of righteousness.

visit his site at

Sunday, June 8, 2008


I have been so busy today and have been meaning to post on some stuff but have had no time. I am so tired now I am about to pass out. Anyway, Morgan is cracking me up so much with all of her new words. She says Oh man! All of the time. I didn't realize how much I said that until I heard her saying it all of the time. Then she has a thick southern accent with the word Butter! It cracks me up! I want sum but-ter.EVERYDAY, she wants to go to Wal-Mart or the mall...LOL! It doesn't mean we go but she sure wants to. Anyway, I can't believe she is almost 3!!! Hope all my blog friends are doing good! Love jenny

duck cake that my friend Valerie made for our friends baby shower
Tiana the hostess
Gemma-with the baby in the oven
I was not happy with the mess but I had to grab my camera anyway.
Miss Priss
that sweet baby face
upside down
Us at "swim day" lessons (with her new found friend Painter).

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek You; my soul thirsts for You...

Psalm 63 has literally been blaring in my soul for the past two days. I memorized it years ago and the Holy Spirit obviously wants me to get my whole self into that passage. I have been walking around the house repeating it over and over. I went outside last night and just looked up into the heavenlies and heard the psalm in my soul.

Here is a quick quote that I am dying to share in relation to this passage. I am going to include it in my take on the psalm but it just struck me so much about the importance of getting up early to seek the Lord while the day is fresh and we don't have a million things trying to take over our attention (and this really speaks to me about how we get so lazy in our comfort zones and how I want none of be 911 Christians who just seek God when we have ourselves in a mess):

C.H. Spurgeon
When the bed is the softest we are most tempted to rise at lazy hours; but when comfort is gone, and the couch is hard, if we rise the earlier to seek the Lord, we have much for which to thank the wilderness.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Driving and thinking

Psalm 119:11
11 I have hidden your word in my heart
that I might not sin against you.

I was riding down the road tonight and all of the sudden a verse just popped into my head. Here it is:

1 Corinthians 10:12-14

12So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall! 13No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

14Therefore, my dear friends, flee from idolatry.

There are so many ways to unpack this verse but I am going to keep it simple.
1. As believers in Christ the enemy and our flesh want to destroy us. We are capable of any sin and if we think we aren't we must take heed to the verse that pride comes before the fall.

I know first hand what it is like to judge someone harshly and then fall into that same sin that I was casting a stone at them for.

2. God does not tempt us! He doesn't tempt anyone to sin. However, when we are tempted it will not be beyond what we can bear and God will provide a way out so that we can take it. One of the most thrown around phrases is "God won't give you anything more than you can bear." It drives me crazy because I know that I have had trials in my life that I could not bear without Him. That verse is so taken out of context...the word is saying we won't face a temptation that He won't provide us a way out for us to take.

3. Why flee from idolatry in verse 14? Because anything that takes the place of God in our life, anything that we bow down to is in essence the worship of this world, and the prince of this world, Satan. He tempted Christ and he is sure in the business of tempting us. So we are to run from anything that exalts itself, or is taking the place of God. We must not harden our hearts when we hear His voice telling us this is the way walk in it. When we harden our hearts we lose the power to obey.

So, I was like Lord what in the world? Why did that verse just pop I about to be tempted with something? Guess what (for reasons personal to me I want to be vague so you can apply it to yourself) just around the corner was a temptation. Temptation is anything that is bait for us. Anything that seeks to ensnare us, destroy our testimony, and pull us away from the God we love. I know first hand what it is to give in to temptation and I am sure you do to. I am so thankful for the grace of our God.

I am so thankful for the words that I have hidden in my heart that I might not sin against Him. However, it is not enough for me to know His word, I have to obey it. I have learned the hard way that obedience is best.

I was able to take the way of escape. I was faced with the temptation and I had a fork in the road at that moment. I could go one way or the other and I chose by the power of the Holy Spirit to run down the road of escape. Then, I pumped my fist to my Great God and said YES! I obeyed! You don't know what that means to me. There have been times in my past where I thought I was never going to be able to say no to my flesh. So, I rejoice at the times you and I choose the way of peace for our souls.

**Swim lessons went great! Morgan is so darn independent she didn't want me trying to help her at all.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

help- swim lessons tomorrow

Morgan starts swimming lessons at the YMCA tomorrow. Do I need to take her arm float things or earplugs? Do I wear a swim suit to since she is 2 and it is parent child classes for 2 weeks? I asked them at the Y and they were not sure. If anyone knows I sure would appreciate it...