Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
The Song of the Beautiful--Lyrics
Here are the lyrics to Christy Nockels (formerly Watermark) song "The Song of the Beautiful".
"Song of the Beautiful" Lyrics
by Christy Nockels from the album Life Light Up
The broken, weary and poorFinding...You are the cureThe weak and dying, glorifying, You in it all...It’s the song of the beautiful, Jesus Loves Me...It’s the song of the beautiful, Jesus Saved Me...The song of the redeemed, the echoes of those made free,It’s the song of the beautiful, Jesus Loves Me...The fallen back on their feetThe fatherless now complete...The innocent suffering, rising from wounding, to find...You were there all along!It’s the song of the beautiful, Jesus Loves Me...It’s the song of the beautiful, Jesus Saved Me...The song of the redeemed, the echoes of those made free -It’s the song of the beautiful, Jesus Loves Me...Oh how He loves meOh how He loves meOh how He love me...The broken, the beautiful....The prodigal running home...The widow never alone...The one who is waiting, rising and singing, “You...Jesus, You Are My All!”Written by Christy Nockels© 2009 Songs / sixsteps Music (admin. by EMI CMG Publishing) (ASCAP)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
When I think of the Wisdom & Scope of God's plan...
I try to use tangible things to teach Morgan about God. So, I took some sand and showed her the grains and told her that God knew every single number of the grains of sand that were in my hand and in the entire world. We would die trying to count even a stretch of sand...impossible.
He knows every creature in the sea and bird in the air. God is so unfathomable. We can not comprehend His greatness or His glory. The other night I took Morgan outside with me to roll the trash to the street for the purpose of looking at the night sky. I told her how God marshals the starry hosts and knows each one of those stars by name. The sheer power and awesomeness of God. I asked her if she could count the stars and of course she would try and then lose her place in the sky. The fact that He knows every strand of hair we have ever had or will have, or have now to me is incredible. Luke 12:7 (New International Version)7Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. Whether the chicken or the egg came first God knows. I personally say it is the chicken. But anyway, not a sparrow falls to the ground that He doesn't notice. And yet this God, this Holy righteous God...cares about you and me. He sees everything. He is already in our tomorrow. I was so mad at something on the news and I told Rod how I know more than anything that I know that God is real, and that Jesus is The Way, The Truth, and The Life...more than anything that is real to me this I know. And how can so many be so blind to the fact that there is a Creator. What a tragedy to think that we just had a big stinking bang or just evolved. Whatever, that doesn't even make sense. **He just came in and told me to go to bed...I don't think that is an area of submission, so I will keep typing.**
When I get away and can have time to think and bring all of my junk to Him I feel as if I am on Holy ground. We should approach our God with reverence, yet there is something about nature and getting out of your usual routine that causes me at least to want to fall on my face. Especially when I look out and for as far as my eyes can see, I see nothing but a vast ocean that only God knows the depth of.
I know how sinful I am...believe me this I know. My heart so wants to please God. I want to be obedient to Him. I want to love Him more and not sin in what I say or do. Truth be told though there are a lot of days lived in victory for me, yet I have never gone a day without sinning in thought, word, or deed in someway even if it was unintentional. I HATE my flesh, in me no good thing dwells apart from Christ.
So, here are the verses. The chapter is Paul talking about the mystery of the gospel revealed especially to the gentiles. His people, a people that were supposed to be set apart to Him were the Jews. You all know that Paul heavily persecuted the church so what better person to write about this under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit than him. If anyone was a recipient of God's unabashed grace, it was Paul. He was the one that was called to go and spread the gospel to the gentiles. "The pagan people" if you will. God grafted us in and we are made right because of Christ. It really is a mystery. I can't even grasp the fact that ALL OF OUR iniquities...past, present, future were laid upon Christ and He bore the punishment for what we deserved. So as he speaks He has this prayer in at the end. I will never forget how this took hold of my heart about 8 or 9 years ago. PLEASE let it speak to you.
Ephesians 3:14-21
Prayer for Spiritual Strength
14For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, 15from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, 16that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.20 Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
So Paul is like praying since the gospel is beyond this mans comprehension and dude is brought to his knees. He is praying that believers would be strengthened with power, through His Spirit in their inner being. Does anyone need to be strengthened? Does anyone need some victory or power that comes from only a work that God can do through the Holy Spirit which dwells in ever believer? I know I do. There have been so many opportunities for me to want to just throw in the towel. I saw a shirt in a window down here that said "Life is Crap" instead of the "Life is Good" logo. It just cracked me up because to a lot of people life is crap. So how on earth do we get some joy, or peace in the midst of it. We have got to let God tend to us. Giving Him access to all of us and just go to Him as broken as you are, as naked in shame that you feel. He is power, He is joy and peace. And here is what I love. This is Gods will for us. Pray it for yourself and others. I have personally prayed that this will be a word for whoever reads this, a word for the weary.
that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.We have got to be rooted and grounded in love. Loving God with all of our heart and receiving His love and being rooted and grounded in it is so important for us who are born into sin and are inclined toward sin. It is for our good. God doesn't need our love. He doesn't need us. He is complete. He is GOD! There is a house in my neighborhood that has a willow tree in their front yard. Y'all the wind can barely blow and that tree falls down, roots out of the ground. They still put the tree back and try to stake it down. It never fails the tree is down again and again. I get so irritated that they don't just get rid of the thing for crying out loud. I am like DUDE please get a tree that can grow some deep roots and be able to stand in a storm. We are like that willow tree if we are not rooted and grounded in Gods love. We are full of all manner of insecurity.
There has been something that I have been battling in my mind regarding self-image and I began to obsess over it. I know that I have been so down on myself that it has taken away from me viewing myself as God sees me. I am just not happy about my weight right now and even today Morgan called me "fat mommy". I do not call myself fat or anything in front of her...but I cracked up and so did Rod once she said it. The enemy is not working through Morgan but the enemy will use anything to fuel the fire of our obsession with whatever. He wants us to have misplaced thoughts and affections so we will not be secure and established in Gods love for us. Why? Because if we are secure in the Lord, there won't be much that deters us from reaching out with the gospel to a lost and dying world. I know so many women struggle with their image and in our culture we can get really obsessed with it. What happened to the days when if you were big it meant you were rich and etc?
Again Paul is talking about us knowing the breadth of God's love. The height, the depth. Yet we will never fully comprehend it because Gods love for us and the gospel reaching out to sinners surpasses our ability to comprehend with our minds. In other words there is a big difference in having head knowledge, for knowledge puffs up. Paul was not lacking in zeal or knowledge before he had a head on collision with the Lord. The man was brilliant and zealous in his religious sect, yet for all the wrong reasons. So, instead of just knowing God's love we must accept it, internalize it, combat lies with the truth of His love for us, and bask in His grace. There is so much more I could say. Because of His love we will be filled with the fullness of God. When we are filled with the fullness of God we become secure in His love that surpasses comprehension. I need that. I need that. The church needs that. We can not put limits on God's love or grace. Where would we be without it? He is so other.
Most people don't read my posts that are long or comment on them, but whoever you are...I pray that you will truly have time to think on the Greatness of God and that it will move you to your knees, or better yet your face. We live in a world where rejection is high and we hear "He's just not that into you", or thinner is better, to have love you must give of yourself and you only feel cheap and used. The bar is just too high, and when it is the Lord wants us to get low. Low on our faces crying out to Him. That we would find our worth in Him. Our satisfaction in Him. Crying out for others who are so desperately begging for others to fill their souls needs that only Christ can fill. He is WORTHY yet He esteems us. He opens His hand and satisfies the desires of all things. Lord, please help our unbelief. Please fill our wounded hearts with Your love and peace that transcends all understanding. Guard our hearts and minds and help us to cast down thoughts that are lies with the knowledge of the truth. Tear down our strong holds. Lord, anything that is not worthy of our affection. Rid us of lies that we have believed that have a grip on us. Open our eyes and our hearts to Your Grandeur. You are our faithful, covenant keeping God; slow to anger and abounding in love. You do not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. I praise You Lord. Help us to believe.
Let us not give up for He is able. Take your mustard seed of faith if that is how small it is and place your prayer before Him. He can do something far more abundant than what you and I can even ask or think because of the dynamite power that comes from the Holy Spirit within us.
20 Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Psalm 33:4
4 For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does.
The Lord is right and all of His words are true. He is faithful in all he does. Believe Him when you feel otherwise. Watch out for the snakes...the things that want to ensnare you and trip you up from running in this race. Make a plan for victory in this rocky terrain of earth. Here are some words that may help: Proverbs 4:26 Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm.
If you are driving around your pit and expecting not to fall need to get a new path. Mark out a straight path for your feet to follow and take only ways that are firm. Am I making sense?
If you have walked with God for any time and you leave His side to chase after other things I promise you won't be able to fill your voids and you will end up Please stay close to Him. If you have left the God you love (fellowship...I am not talking about losing salvation)...Go back!! There is nothing beyond His forgiveness.
Romans 16:27
27to the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen.
I pray, You pray, We pray.
THANK YOU SO MUCH. It means so much!!!
Monday, June 15, 2009
My Baby Girl
The tenderness of God
His mercy so sweet.
What a blessing of grace
this child is to me.
With one child in heaven
and one here on earth
this little one gives me such joy.
It is a wonder my heart doesn't burst!
I never knew how much this handicapped heart could love.
'Til that 5 pound blessing was sent
from our God above.
Four years have gone bye
in the blink of an eye.
I have prayed for her, loved her,
and worried myself to death.
I have laughed so hard
at times I couldn't catch my breath.
She is as stubborn as an ox,
an explorer from the day she could walk.
As I sit here with tears in my eyes...
I know that I am merely a steward of her
and oneday I will have to let her go.
Oh LORD, rewind the clock
Give me memories of days gone bye.
One day she will be grown & leave-
Oh LORD what will she do,
who will she be?
But most of all
will she still love me?
I hear her ask "why" a thousand times a day
the things I take for granted I will miss so much one day.
The tender heart,
the little prayers,
even sometimes the mid-night scares.
I love her so much
my heart can't even tell.
Oh how He must love us,
what joy He must share.
Thank You sweet Jesus
for this little child.
I'll hold her here in my arms
for a while.
She is Yours to fulfill Your purpose and plan.
But for now we'll do life hand in hand.
She will always be my baby girl,
the one who came and rocked my world.
Thank You Jesus,
Thank You for the love You have shown.
You always finish what You start
& my, my, my what a piece of art.
When You do things...You do all things well.
You live in me and
one day I'll see Your face-
I will pass the baton
and let her finish the race.
Luke 18:16
16But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Only Child
I have a question in the mean time:
Are you an only child?
Then here are a few more:
If you are an only child do you think you are spoiled?
What are some of the disadvantages?
If you have siblings...are you close to them?
And any other "only child" insight would be great!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Let me know if you try it.
Also, tonight I had to take Morgan to bible study. I have not had to take her before but since I am the leader and Rod couldn't make it home she went. I threatened her about talking and etc. When I went down on the floor to pray she did to. Then when I was finished she said to the class, "I need to pray to."
I think I was the only one who could understand...but as she was laying prostrate on the floor she prayed and thanked God for our church, the tables and chairs. She thanked him for all the ladies there and said they were so pretty and then she cracked me up so bad...she thanked God for all of their purses because they were so pretty!!!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Lonely Places
I have extensively study the life of David over the last decade. If you ever have a person that you relate most to in scripture, he is the one I relate with. He came from nothing, was considered little more than a flea by the worlds standards. He was on the run from his enemies for years and escaped being murdered many times. Then, this man becomes the king over Judah. This is a man who had to completely rely on the Lord as he was on the run from Saul, his best friends dad. His family is mentioned later but they are not on the run with him. He had no comfort but to take comfort in the Lord. There are so many ways I could take this because I don't want to turn it into a novel. If you have never sinned grievously, you may want to stop reading now.
We know of the heroic David (where the Lord fought his battles), we see his heart through the psalms as he is constantly running to God pouring out his heart to Him. He was a shepherd, warrior, worshiper of the Most High God, friend, and at times we find him on the run seeming as if he were a criminal when he wasn't. We see him multiply wives and gain a kingdom. We are also told that he shepherded his people with integrity of heart. We see him with nothing and then everything at his disposal. So how like him to we handle those two extremes with contentment?
Then, the downward slope begins. Bathsheba. I hear so many people just focus on the sin but I want to get into the feeling of it. I want to learn from this but also look at how fallen we are and what need we have for a Savior. Let's face it left to our self we will eventually jump head first into a pit of sin "the sin that so easily entangles us"(Hebrews 12:1).
Here you have David at home, in the spring, during the time when kings were off at war ( 2 Samuel 11:1). He was idle yes. He sent Joab off to do his bidding while he remained in Jerusalem. So it is evening time and David gets up from his bed and goes for a little walk on the roof of the palace. Push pause real quick. It is "evening time" and it looks like David had been sleeping. Do you think he was depressed and worn out from all that he had been through to get to where he is now? These are just my thoughts. He knew the law of the Lord and I just wonder if he decided he just needed to chill for a while instead of going to war AGAIN. After all, he was king. This poses a problem because clearly he should have been off to war shepherding and guiding his people, yet it seems as if he is pulled away and has isolated himself.
We also know that David was a handsome man. How many women do you think would be attracted to someone like him? Someone they had heard about with the victories that were won and the victory over Goliath and the Philistines. He was the guy with the looks, and a whole lot of power that was intrusted to him. I imagine him to be level headed as well seeing as he came from the sheepfold. I am a very demonstrative passionate person and I know from reading God's word that David was most certainly passionate about God. There is something about having nothing but God that causes you to be so blessed as you cling to Him because you see that He really is all that you need or all that can fill you. Women are attracted to power, wealth, looks and etc. As a christian woman those things can't be the priority in seeking God's will for a husband or wife. Money can be taken away, looks fade, and you can also fall to low depths.
We are told in detail of David and Jonathan's friendship. Jonathan amazes me when he makes a covenant with David knowing that he would be king next even though Jonathan was heir to the throne (technically). How selfless. They were the type friends that stick closer than a brother. And his friend was gone. I wonder how many times he had imagined the day that would draw near when he would finally be settled in as king. Did he feel inadequate, was he afraid of the task ahead. Being a king has to come with a lot of pressure. I can just imagine at this state he feels lonely, maybe there is a void in his heart, and he wasn't doing what God had called him for. Had his heart become proud?
As he is on the roof he saw a woman bathing. OK lets break it down. Dude is on the roof and a naked chick is within eye sight. Also, Bathsheba is VERY beautiful. I wonder how many heads she turned and what kind of attention she was used to getting from the opposite sex. Did she feel and desire the power of having attention from men? Did she need it to define her or make her feel of worth? David sends someone to find out about her. The man he sent said, "Isn't this Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam and the wife of Uriah the Hittite?" Don't you know that a lot of the men at the palace already knew of her and the fact that she was married (because of her beauty).
-David sees her. He lusts after her. He has all of this power yet he wants to feel powerful by being with this trophy wife. He was being deceived. David went by how he felt, instead of faith and obedience, he let feelings dictate the course.
-David seemed above reproach. This is one reason why we need to be around other people who are walking with the Lord. No one was calling him out on this because they were more afraid of losing their head then helping snatch someone from the flames. That is not a good place to be AT ALL.
He clearly knows that she is married. What was it in him that made him do this? We know that in Deuteronomy 17:17 the Lord warns not to multiply wives "17 He must not take many wives, or his heart will be led astray. He must not accumulate large amounts of silver and gold"
He had already multiplied wives. They didn't fill the void. He had wealth, it didn't satisfy his hunger. He was standing mighty tall with a fall awaiting him.
David sends messengers to go get her. Again, they don't even question him. People in a position of authority and leadership need people to counsel them and call them to the carpet if need be.
Now I want to talk about Bathsheba for a minute. When David tries to cover up his adultery with Bath (nickname for short) we see how devoted her husband Uriah to his job. He was gone a lot I am sure, especially when you are traveling on foot or by horses and etc. Did Bathsheba feel neglected? She had no children at that point. What did she do all day. Did the one person she wanted to love her and be attracted to her even know she existed? The reason I say this is because she never says no! I won't go with you...I am married. I am sure she got caught up in the prestige, if you will, of being summoned by the king. Did she purposely position herself to take a bath when she knew David would see her. Maybe she was trying to seduce him in some way so she could feel alive again with the emotional death she had experienced from her husband who didn't know if she were dead or alive...but if only she could get the attention of one of the most powerful people...then she would feel special. Did she think she could go and then flee the temptation. Maybe so. Then, she found herself not being able to turn back. Duped by their own lusts and longings, their few minutes of passion would turn into some very long term suffering. One of the reasons the bible says to flee from idolatry, sexual immorality, and greed is because we can't walk around those areas without sinking in quicksand. Running from them "burning sinful bridges" (as Melissa quoted last week on the LPM blog) is the only way to withstand those things.
She felt used, deceived, and dirty. They had their one night stand and then she was sent away after David was done with her. That is what you call desperation. When your feelings take over to the point that you operate purely on your feelings. When I hear the famous words "follow your heart" I want to scream NO!!!! Don't follow your heart!!! STOP! Why because it is our seat of emotions in the Greek. It is deceitful until we have allowed God complete access and covering. When we are seeking Him we can have His heart and be able to trust certain things. We just can't be trusted in our natural man.
This was more than they bargained for.
Bathsheba conceives, and sends word to David that she is pregnant.
(To be continued I have to go to bed...and remember these are just my thoughts)
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
George Tiller (murderer-murdered)
This is taken from pastor James MacDonald's blog, which you can see here
To Kill an Abortionist!
- Posted By James MacDonald on June 2, 2009
OK, so what did you think when you heard that abortionist George Tiller was shot and killed by a pro-life fanatic this past weekend? Did you even know who George Tiller was? Only the most prolific late-term abortionist in America. “Abhorrent evil for financial gain” kind of summarizes his life.
Tiller is the poster child for a seared-conscience- pseudo-Christian. He has aborted tens of thousands of babies moments before their birth. (Abortion is murder any time after conception, but even many pro-abortion Americans shudder at illegal late term abortions.)
Only recently, Tiller was accused on 19 counts of illegally aborting viable babies in violation of a state law that requires a second physician – without legal or financial ties to the abortionist – to sign off on the procedure once the unborn child reaches a state in which it could survive outside the womb. He has an actual incinerator inside his ‘factory’ and destroys the murdered baby parts even as the mother exits the building. Youtube has many videos of Tiller announcing his confidence that he is doing nothing wrong.
“Some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons . . . seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron” (1Timothy 4:1-2).
The Wichita Eagle reports Tiller was shot just after 10 a.m. Sunday at Reformation Lutheran Church, where he served as an usher. (That pastor has a lot to answer for.) The Associated Press reports the suspect arrested is named Scott Roeder, a known fanatical foe of abortion.
Is this murderer a Christian? Is the murderer he murdered at a Christian church a Christian? How wrong is the wrong is using murder to stop the wrongdoing of another wrongdoer? Answer: very wrong! This question is on the edge of what we discussed last week: the difference between the personal ethic Jesus requires of his followers (Matthew 5-7), and the protection/punishment ethic the Lord has entrusted to civil governments (Romans 13:1-7) that frequently FAIL to do their job.
Inside each of us is a God given longing for justice. If we focus exclusively on a particular injustice in society or in our own lives we will become bitter and eventually irrational. Nowhere is this more common than on the front lines of the fight against abortion. How difficult to see up close the greatest injustice of our day unrelenting and increasingly undeterred. Where the injustice is greatest, the greatest faith in the ultimate wrath of God is needed.
Romans 12:19 ” Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY,” says the Lord.
Gerald, (also posting here on Straight Up) just reminded me that the command to leave place for God’s wrath is followed immediately by the Romans 13 passage describing the government as “an avenger carrying out God’s wrath.” (v.4) Surely if our government would do its job in dealing with these murderers there would be less temptation for people to take matters into their own hands. However this clearly does not in any sense justify taking matters into our own hands.
Where government authorities fail in their job, we are to wait on the ultimate justice of God Himself. Of course Tiller deserved death, but in God’s time and according to the means God has ordained. NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO TRY AND DO GOD’S JOB FOR HIM!! That is always wrong and a set back for the countless faithful people who war against the evil scourge of abortion with patient reason and Christ honoring, law abiding resistance. We are to focus by faith on what is promised in the future:
Revelation 19:11-15 “And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war. His eyes are a flame of fire . . . from His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations . . .and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of Almighty God”
Every abortionist and every elected official who supports their slaughter will answer to God for their failure to protect the most innocent life among us, the unborn. We are commanded, COMMANDED! by our Master to WAIT for that day.
Dr. Al Mohler rightly summarizes on his blog: “Murder is murder. The law rightly affirms that the killing of Dr. George Tiller is murder. In this we must agree. We cannot rest until the law also recognizes the killing of the unborn as murder. The killing of Dr. George Tiller makes that challenge all the more difficult.”