
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Wising up

I get a lot of prayer requests and pray for a lot of people.  I'm not going to tell you I will and then not. Anyway, some of you know I will obsess in prayer for you. Lol. You may wish you didn't ask me to pray. But as I sit here now I'm just awash with how every inclination of our hearts is evil apart from the Holy Spirit working within us. I don't care what anyone says we are evil and wretched and capable of the most vile of sins in our natural man. If Christ is not "THE Priority" and we are left to ourselves, we will allow the enemy and our flesh (our own free will) to not only self-destruct us but to steal, to kill, and to destroy us of the life Christ died and rose to give us. Let's face it most of us have taken some big field trips to sin to learn this one the hard way. And if you think you are standing firm...take heed you stand lest you fall before you proclaim how you would never do such and such. The enemy is after your testimony since he can't have your soul if you are in Christ, as you are sealed unto the day of redemption. Anyway, I also can't stand when people say Christians are hypocrites. Why don't we call it what it is? Sinners. We will all struggle with sin until we lay these vessels down. So of course we are going to sin and miss the mark and are told to watch or better yet, to guard our life and doctrine closely. So I say all of this to say that The Lord leads those that are His.  Has He given you red flags about someone or something in your life? Do you need to get out a sheet of paper and ask Him to show you and confess your sins so you can be in fellowship with Him? If we walk in darkness, living to gratify our flesh, y'all we just can't think clearly. We get duped and the scary part is that we can be handed over to the hardness of our own heart. Not only that we can't have the assurance of integrity and stand on The Rock or a firm place when we are living a life of duplicity. You and me may think that following Gods way didn't work at times but that's a lie straight from the devil. He is for you. His commands are not burdensome. What's burdensome is when you douse yourself in kerosine and light the match to your own flame. It's scary business. Lots wife was turned into a pillar of salt because in the Hebrew terminology she looked back on sodom and Gomorrah with longing and affection over that which would bring about her destruction. She loved Sodom and Gomorrah.  So what good is salt if it loses it's saltiness? Do you want to just wander in a wasteland pining away for the affections of mankind and living out of a perpetual suitcase of unmet needs, and desperation? I'm reminded of how short this life is as i did pray for 5 people and their families who have lost loved ones in the last week and month.  We don't have long here y'all. Eternity is a long time. That's what we've got to get our eyes on! So again I say, let's not be duped. The enemy is not looking out for you. Sin desires to master you as it crouches at your door.  We are in a war. Let's quit getting entangled in civilian affairs. If God is for us who can be against us! The enemy will kiss you on the cheek, give you what you thought you wanted and betray you every-time. It's sickening. Open our eyes Lord!!! Let's go to Him and confess and repent.  We have to cling to Him in these perilous days. 

The integrity of the upright guides them, but the crookedness of the treacherous destroys them. The righteousness of the blameless keeps his way straight, but the wicked falls by his own wickedness. The righteousness of the upright delivers them, but the treacherous are taken captive by their lust. (Proverbs 11:3, 5, 6 ESV)