
Monday, June 11, 2007

I wear my sunglasses at night

I wish I has something deeply spiritual to write about...but I don't. I am sitting here mustering up the strength to give my praying friends an update to their sweet comments. My head is hurting so much from light that I am having to wear sunglasses if I do go anywhere around the house. Speaking of the house it is falling apart without me.
So its, just lots of nausea, the worst headache of your life (for 8 days now) and throwing up, fever, neck and spine pain.

I really want and need to be well soon. Please keep praying.


  1. I'm still praying for you!!

    Love ya!

  2. I am so sorry it is lasting this long! I am still praying.

  3. Jenny,
    I feel the discouragement in your writing. I have been pleading for your healing!
    I know it is coming!
    Do not be dicouraged God is holding you and loving you through this!
    Love you,

  4. Hey sweetie - i may getting on the tial end of this saga in your life so forgive me if you ahve already addressed this - but have you been to the ER? Have you thought about menegitis??? You sould like you arein terrible pain....

    Concerned for you!!
