
Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Don't Be Jealous

Ladies don't be jealous but i am getting a thermal straightener on my hair this Saturday! It cost so much at the salon but I have connections. My sister-in-law used to do hair and she is going to do it for me for free! God is good! I am still checking into the Chi.


  1. Girl!!! Those things are insanely expensive. That is one praiseworthy connection!!! lol

    Have fun!!!

  2. okay, I am seriously jealous!

    the other shelley (shaw)

  3. When you said you were an 80's girl, you meant GIRL! See I was an 80's girl too, but that means those were me JR High/High School years...My senior picture was at the pinacle of the big hair movement...I will try to find one to post someday.
    As for the wrinkle thing, I am VERY expressive, therefore, my face has taken on some lines from all of that expression!!! (Especially my forehead, ugggg!) But you know, I am embracing the late thirties that are creeping up on me! (Officially, on Sept 5, I will be 36.) There is so much good that comes with this stage. Like before, I would NEVER have had my head this many colors...but now, I just don't care if people don't like it! So, anyway, thanks for saying such really nice stuff to me! Because I truly appreciate it! And you just keep doing whatever you are doing girl, cause it is working for you! (Cheese sticks and all!:))
    Have fun at the salon!

  4. Hi Jenny,

    Had fun visiting your awesome blog!

    A confession, I AM JEALOUS!

    Let's us know if it really works!

    So nice to meet you,


  5. Hey Jenny it is Lori...Guess what I have entered the blogging world. My blog address is come by and visit. I can't figure out how to post pictures. It takes did you get all your pictures on yours?

  6. Let us know how you like it! (Not that I could afford it or anything...still, I can dream)

  7. You are too funny!!
