
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Dread!

I am not kidding when I tell you that I am getting really worked up about tomorrow morning! I have a shooting pain in my mouth that has to be dealt with! I had a root canal two years ago and the dentist dropped his drill bit in my mouth and couldn't get it out so he just filled around it. Whenever it rains it is like I have arthritis in my mouth. So, tomorrow at 10 I will be getting drilled on. NO!!!! I have the worlds most sensitive teeth!


  1. Oh my goodness!! I just had to post on this one. You see, I really, really panic when it's time to go to the dentist (and I love or dentist. . as a person--just don't like his profession!). So, I will cover you in prayer on Thursday morning. May the LORD bring you through the experience pain free!

    St. Louis

  2. Cheryl, i thought you had a blog...i have seen you on Beth and Travis' site!! Thank you for praying for me!!! oh my goodness. I was telling our siesta Shelly that I am listening to CeCe now to pump myself up. I do have some things to look forward to like picking up my new ipod at the post office in a minute and then i am going to the olive garden! I just cant stand any kind of dental work...when the bible speaks of weeping and knashing of teeth...i just don't want anyone to have to go through the teeth part. I know I am crazy!
