Friday, August 31, 2007
Top Reasons as to why I need a mental vacation
2. I just got home from work where I met the worlds most important woman (or so she thought). She comes in the store and interrupts us while we are helping other customers because she needed to find a navy camisole. Her husband literally slept in the chair as she came in and acted like we were her slaves. If you want to do some foot washing you need to try retail. This lady was cracking me up...not only did she have some bad taste she came in and tried to drop it like it was hot with some compulsive shopping. I could not help but crack up as she strutted around the store to let everyone know how impor-tant she was! I also felt sorry for her that she has let life and money go to her head.
3. I locked my keys in my car tonight...and could not get Rod on the phone so my co-worker and her husband had to bring me home (during a no small downpour).
4. Then I waited in the drive thru for 20 maybe 30 minutes...I mean this was Taco Bell...and I really think that dude in front of me was trying to order everything they had. So I left and went to Arby's.
5. I pulled into the house tonight after driving back to the mall and ran over all of the bags of grass that Rod had bagged today...oops!
6. Morgan has learned how to get in closets now and I came home to the upstairs hallway sprayed with comet!
7. I just learned that I left out 2lbs of sausage (all day...which is now ruined) that I was thawing out for Rods sausage balls. Oh Well!
I have to add this I am so used to my own style of music which consists mainly of CeCe, Watermark, Jennifer Knapp, Shane and Shane, Nicole Nordeman, and I could go on. I swear I think I heard all of the songs from Phantom of the Opera tonight and it was ENOUGH! I am out of touch so I think it was Madonna singing it...not sure. Also, I got to hear maneater! Whoa O Here she out boy she'll chew you up will be replaying over and over in my head tonight.
All of this is to say...I would not have made it today without the Holy Spirits help. Seriously!
3For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
So much of my problem lately has been in my mind. I have been letting things overwhelm me to the point that I am ineffective. Case in point: I am in the middle of bible study this morning and the man says something to me that has a potential to tick me off. Instead of focusing on what he said and letting it get to me and ruin my time with the Lord (ps it was something small and insignificant...but isn't it funny how we will make a mountain out of a mole hill?) I took the thought captive and told the Lord that I was going to move past it and think about His word. At times I have let certain things build until I had a stinking mountain on my hand. I was thinking about a word picture this morning regarding thoughts that I think the Lord gave me years ago. It is the picture of a cowboy or cowgirl on a horse with a lasso. I don't know why this picture! But it is the idea that when a thought comes (especially one that will cause destruction if given time to take root) that I take my lasso and throw it out around the neck of the herd of crazy thoughts that I can come up with and I take that beast by the neck and bring it in under the authority of Christ Jesus and His word. I cannot emphasize the importance of Gods word enough and how you will live a defeated life if you don't make it a priority. Anyway, I have been overwhelmed about all of the things I need to get done so much so that I will have a faulty focus and get so focused on how incapable I am that I just sort of paralyze. Then my problem seems to get bigger. I just looked at the end of my bed and saw the mountain of clothes (literally) that I need to put away. Instead of focusing on how big the mountain I truly just need to get in there and do the thing...a little at a time. Instead of freezing and doing nothing. I think we are the same way with our personal strongholds. We believe the lie that we have been this way far too long, we have a mountainous stronghold on our hands and we accept defeat. We begin to see the size of our problem and we become overwhelmed and defeated and ultimately stuck. I am going to go on today and believe God. Even though I am tired I am going to chip away with His help at the mountains before me. We are going to do some climbing and it will take work but I have got to get to the top and have that mountain under my feet so I can see the view from above. I can't keep accepting defeat and living in fear. It is robbing me and it is robbing you. So, I will check back in and let you know how things are going. I am praying for more of His Spirit and more of the word to saturate me and I am going to go and do this thing with the Lord. I am SICK of me and SICK of wallowing in my self loathing and pity. AAHHHH!!! I have to be free if it kills me!! Problems, trials, the enemy, you may come and try to get me down but hear me YOU ARE NOT BIGGER THAN MY GOD. You want me to believe that lie...but a lie is what you are. I will not sit paralyzed with fear today. I have better things to do! I am going to take some courage from Him today and get on with it. I stand in the Shadow of the Almighty and He ain't afraid of nothing! SO I am going to go on...infused with His courage...knowing that in Him I am more than a conqueror.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
My running career is over...LOL
Please don't tell the police but if Morgan is getting tired (and it is not time for bed) we let her ride in the front seat of our car (like the good ol days) around the neighborhood at like 2 mph to wake her if you have a comment that is it. Anyway, we were circling our street tonight and she sat in the passenger side with her seatbelt on and I would touch her sweet little leg and y'all my sweet two year old daughter would shove my hand away. She is already so independent and it breaks my heart.
Also, I am feeling so overwhelmed with responsibility that I am feeling stuck. Does anyone do that but me. The Lord has been ministering to me through the book of Habbakkuk. I don't even know if I spelled that right but I am too tired to care.
I am so there
Mine is that I have had a do over. The night before last Morgan woke up in the night and would not go back to sleep and it was so frustrating. I didn't handle it well I was so tired. I was very impatient and cranky with her. I prayed about it yesterday and last night I got a do over. I got NO sleep and I was okay and filled with the Spirit and able to not let it get to me.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
When sin loses its grip on me
13 "If my people would but listen to me, if Israel would follow my ways,
14 how quickly would I subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes!
Can you tell that I do not have much of an outlet to share what I am learning besides this blog? No but really...The Lord totally recalled this verse today. I was driving down the road thinking and the Holy Spirit spoke to me over a current situation. A lot of times we go through trials that we had nothing to do with other than the Lord using them to refine us. Sometimes we go through a painful season due to our own rebellion in one area or another and we must remember that God never tempts us. I have certainly experienced MAJOR consequences to my rebellion. The Lord truly disciplines those that He loves (Heb 12). Over and over He tells us that our fear of Him will keep us from sin. I know that to be true firsthand. There have been many temptations that have come my way that I have in essence said you know what it is not worth dealing with my God to cave into that one. The consequences of my rebellion would far outweigh the temporary pleasure that this or that would bring. I have learned obedience through my failure and discipline that has come from the Lord the hard way. I can remember a terrible season of rebellion when I was younger. I loved God, truly had a heart for Him, but when the temptation arose I would give in. Then, I would be devastated. I would pray "God, please give me godly sorrow that leads to repentance." Ultimately, through constant failure I finally woke up to the fact that I would have to take the way of escape. I began to do so and I was eventually free. Take heed we stand lest we fall though because any of us can return to areas that God has delivered us from if we are not careful. We have to guard our hearts and minds and saturate ourselves in God's word. I got my journal out this afternoon and began to voice my prayers with a heavy heart. Then as I drove down the road I sensed the Lord speaking these verses:
Psalm 81
13 "If my people would but listen to me, if Israel would follow my ways,
14 how quickly would I subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes!
15 Those who hate the LORD would cringe before him, and their punishment would last forever.
No, we can't take everything and run with it from the Old Testament...but if I could just have His permission to back this up with some 1 Cor 10:6
6Now these things occurred as examples to keep us from setting our hearts on evil things as they did.
I do believe that the Lord would quickly subdue our enemies and hear me say this "IF WE WOULD LISTEN and OBEY." How often are we in a mess that we just plain got our self into and we are suffering because we will not listen to the Lord...we won't take heed to His warnings?!?! I believe the Lord would say to you and to me "Child listen to me. Even if you have blown it and you think you have gone too have not. Start obeying. Bathe yourself in the word. Get on your face and pray...cry out to me to be free." The enemy wants to see to it that you are burdened to a yoke of slavery to steal your effectiveness for the kingdom. Y'all God is greater than our junk. He is! I think we can get so deep in sin that we forget what freedom is...if we have ever known it. If you have never known what it is like to experience freedom in Christ keep walking with Him until you are free. Surround yourself with other believers and stay StAy STAY in the matter what. Pray for a heart that loves Him. I promise that you will taste and see that the Lord is good. You have heard the saying you made your you will have to lie in it. NO don't listen to that! You do not have to accept defeat and failure as your inheritance for your duration on this earth. We may experience consequences to our sin and rebellion but hear me with God there is forgiveness therefore HE IS FEARED. If you oh LORD kept a record of sins who could stand!! Get the enemy back for his seduction. Turn back and strengthen the brethren. You are a child of the King! One thing that the Lord taught me years ago and I have tried to teach this to others. I did not start walking with the Lord until I was about 18 (as far as knowing Him through the word). Listen to me...I was one messed up girl HEADED for destruction. In me no good thing dwells. As I began walking with the Lord His word became my guide and as I learned truth I discerned error. That is the only way to freedom is to get in the word for yourself, rely on the Holy Spirit, and walk in that word. Anyway, I wish I could tell you that on such and such a day God saved me and I was delivered from all of sins grip on my life (from the last 18 years of living in the flesh) but that is not how it has been for me. My walk has been a process. So this is what I say...if God delivers you from something overnight...GLORY...but most of our "getting freed" up will take time. God will guard us and help us as we walk in obedience. However, if we walk in pride we set ourselves up in opposition to Him (1 Peter 5) if we humble ourselves He gives us grace. The greek rendering of opposition (going off of memory here) means to arrange ourselves in battle. Do you get that? When you go against what He is telling you and persist in WILLFUL disobedience you arrange yourself in battle against the KING OF KINGS. Guess who wins? Not you. The way you will win (which gains freedom and when I say win...I mean winning against the foe) is in humility and obedience. So if you didn't get in a pit overnight chances are you aren't going to be totally freed of your junk overnight. Some of my sinful areas I had persisted in for a long time and it took a lot of cooperation on my part to be free. It was a daily thing. One issue I had was co-dependence. I had to have a man in my life because I sought my worth completely in a relationship. When I was single I sensed the Lord calling me to take some time to just focus on the Lord and not have a man in my life. I kept on trying to work things out for myself. I continued in one relationship after another after another. Then finally I gave up (submission). The Lord did not need to know that I could be by myself. I needed to know it. I needed to know that I was okay if I was alone. It was one of the most frightening yet freeing times of my life. Then I married the most independent man on the face of the earth! LOL!! God wanted to continue that good work that He began, right? I really like my independence now. I can go serve the Lord, even eat at restaurants alone and I am okay with and Jesus. I was so insecure until the Lord did that work in me...but it took me cooperating with Him and you know what? It was for my good. My freedom took time...but when it came. I was so ripped apart during that time that I had to fast from lunch every day. I would go home to my townhouse and pray during lunch. I literally set up sanctuary in my room and would pray and read the word at night until He made me free in this area. I needed to know that I could be free...and I am forever marked by that season. I have seen so many family members stay in abusive situations out of fear...because they no more knew who they were apart from that person then the man in the moon. I could go on and on...but there you have it. If I have said anything that is not from the Lord I pray that it will fall to the ground. It is for freedom that Christ set us free. We have freedom from sins grip on us because of the cross. Let's cooperate. Let's not be like the concluding passage of scripture...refusing to have none of salvation and rest. If God is for us who can be against us!
Isaiah 30:14-16
14 It will break in pieces like pottery, shattered so mercilessly that among its pieces not a fragment will be found for taking coals from a hearth or scooping water out of a cistern."
15 This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: "In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it.
16 You said, 'No, we will flee on horses.' Therefore you will flee! You said, 'We will ride off on swift horses.' Therefore your pursuers will be swift!
I don't have a title for this one
7 Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the LORD has been good to you.
8 For you, O LORD, have delivered my soul from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling,
I am not sure what my problem is but I am just slap worn out. The Lord just put the above verse on my heart as I was crying and about to start a pity party. I needed to remember that the Lord has been good to me in the face of my adversity. I truly have so much I need to be thankful for and yet it is so easy when you are just faced with one trial after another to not forget how good the Lord has been. We have a tendency to want to focus on our problems instead of how He has cared for us this far, and not to mention what a great salvation we have received if we are in Christ. I am so thankful for all of the verses that the Lord has put in His word about being strong and courageous and not to be discouraged. Discouragement is not from the Lord but we all have had seasons of great discouragement. Times where the enemy is pressing us in all around whispering lies that we will never get past this mountain, that this season will never end, or that we might as well just give up. He wants us to think that the Lord does not care for us. Yet that is such a lie. He knows every hair on our head. The Lord is present in our trials...we just don't want to go through them. We want deliverance instead of the refining work that the Lord is trying to produce in us through the trial. Look at the disciples and see how they had to go through the storm and if they had not they would have missed the miracle of Jesus walking on water, or Jesus stilling the storm. Jesus will come and still the storm in you and me as we seek to hold His hand through it all. The enemy is hard after us quitting. He wants us to get so focused on our present circumstance that we lay down and die even though we are still living. God DOES NOT WASTE WORDS, He did not tell flesh and blood to not be discouraged because they weren't discouraged or afraid. He spoke those words because they were afraid and looked headlong at their enemy and not the size of their God...and they were discouraged. They felt like they couldn't go on and be victorious. Don't we all face that same temptation? Obviously Joshua, like us, felt like the task to lead the Israelites after Moses died was too big for him, and that the enemy was too much for him to face. He was right...the enemy is stronger then us (in our flesh we can not stand up against him), but he is a defeated foe. He is not stronger than our God or Christ living and dwelling in us. We can not stand up against him on our own...but the Lord goes with us. He is mighty to save and we see testimony of that over and over in the word. He chooses the foolish things of the world to shame and confound the wise. So let's go to God with our burdens, this life is not about ease and if it was we would totally miss Christ showing up in our circumstances. Lets not lay down and die...lets live even if we are hard pressed.
Deut. 31:6-7
6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." 7 Then Moses summoned Joshua and said to him in the presence of all Israel, "Be strong and courageous, for you must go with this people into the land that the LORD swore to their forefathers to give them, and you must divide it among them as their inheritance.
Deut 31:23
23 The LORD gave this command to Joshua son of Nun: "Be strong and courageous, for you will bring the Israelites into the land I promised them on oath, and I myself will be with you."
Joshua 1:6, 7, 9
6 "Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their forefathers to give them
7 Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.
9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
Deut 7:18-19
18 But do not be afraid of them; remember well what the LORD your God did to Pharaoh and to all Egypt. 19 You saw with your own eyes the great trials, the miraculous signs and wonders, the mighty hand and outstretched arm, with which the LORD your God brought you out. The LORD your God will do the same to all the peoples you now fear.
Psalm 142:5-7
5 I cry to you, O LORD; I say, "You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living."
6 Listen to my cry, for I am in desperate need; rescue me from those who pursue me, for they are too strong for me.
7 Set me free from my prison, that I may praise your name. Then the righteous will gather about me because of your goodness to me.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
A Picture Story of My Week (in no particular order)

Getting her hair cute. This was our first attempt to roll her hair. Glad those rollers were from the dollar tree.


Here is the bride...she was in a bad mood but I managed to get a snap. Rod says that most brides are in a bad mood before the wedding.

Stephanie, me, and Caylyn (the new brother in law's sista)

me and holly my twin in the car on the way home from the rehearsal dinner. I was taking photos to irritate her with the flash. She was not happy with that...sisterly love.

Inky, I mean Morgan. This is when she drew all over her bedroom but managed not to get the ink on the outfit! Thank you Magic worked wonders. I came home from the wedding Sat and Morgan drew all over the door and closet and herself (on Rod's watch). I managed to get it all out. This was her second pen episode.

Steph and I

Me and my dad

My nightly ritual. Rod was on the phone with me while he was at Walmart and I asked him to get me a bag of skittles. Did you know that skittles are not Kosher by the way??!?!? Jesus would not have eaten them...or would He?!? Back to my story...Rod was like what in the world? You had like 3 bags...that is why you have health problems Jenny. I informed him that I only eat two I go through a bag fast! So this is me sorting them out. I throw the inedible colors out! I was trying to match up the reds and purples.


The wild child and her cuz

GO TIGERS. Morgan is getting ready for some football with her dad. I have to work the day of the first If you knew me well you would know how sarcastic I am being. I will make sausage balls for Rod to show my support.

Morgan and her cousin Bre...she was giving Him the praise to "King of Kings" by CeCe. The kid has soul!

Her shirt says "When God created me He was just showing off" I have to agree with that! Look at those hills!

My twin sista Holly, Steph, and I!

These boots were made for....trying to walk?!?!

Or maybe sit?

Bre at the rehearsal dinner...chowing down. We were hungry!


Fill my cup Lord...Morgan is already a "hands on" girl...she made me pour her like 15 tea cups of water. It got annoying...but it made me think of how our Lord wants us to come and hold out our cups. He longs to fill them. He doesn't grow weary or tired either of us coming!

PS I SERIOUSLY FORGOT MY CAMERA the day of the I have no pictures of my $200 dollar dress!
Monday, August 27, 2007
So Tender
Sunday, August 26, 2007
I love Him!
The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector 9To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everybody else, Jesus told this parable: 10"Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11The Pharisee stood up and prayed about[a] himself: 'God, I thank you that I am not like other men—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. 12I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.'
13"But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, 'God, have mercy on me, a sinner.'
14"I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."
The Lord is so good! He is good when times are good and He is good when times are bad. My words fail to describe Him. I just got back from work and a long weekend with my sisters wedding and I left the wedding thankful that I had a head on collision with His grace so many years ago now. I praise Him for revealing Himself to me at a younger age and giving me a hunger for the word. It is life to me.
I am so tired and have a few stories to tell but I am going to rest now. I just want to say to how alive and active He is and that if we will pay attention we won't miss it. I clicked on the living proof blog and saw that Beth spoke on 2 Peter 1 this weekend. The Lord got my attention with that about two weeks ago. I love the unity that the Spirit brings. I love so much that when He wants me to get something...He will drive that point home. The passage above reminds me of me at times in my sinful that I couldn't look up in my shame and God has had so much mercy on my life. I just needed to get that out. One thing though that the Lord has been teaching me lately is that He will not force our hands at being close to Him. We must obey out of love and pray for a hunger and thirst for Him. We need to ask for hearts that are undivided that fear His Holy Name. He is so ready to respond to that is all in the asking. Fill our cups Lord...fill them up Lord. Give us a bad taste in our mouth for our own foolish attempts at finding satisfaction. True satisfaction is found only in You...from someone who knows what it is like to search in vain.
Friday, August 24, 2007
New Mercies
I am just going to say that I am so thankful that His mercy is new every morning and that He is so faithful inspite of our unfaithfulness. I was having such a good time in the word (well it would have been yesterday since it is 1am) this morning and I did something that I should NEVER do. I answered the phone before I was finished hearing from the Lord. This is not legalism for me. If I don't make first things first I will get off track really fast. I had spent time learning and had not had much prayer. Well, I got on the phone and began to share about a trial that I was going through. After that my focus was shot. I began to dwell on that thing all day. I experienced worry and a bit of anxiety (which worry is sin by the way ;). I began to talk to my friend about the problem before I talked to the Lord which usually is not a good program for me. I always end up saying too much when I don't go to the throne to petition the God of the universe. My day has been one of the most unproductive days that I have had in a long time. Not only was it unproductive all of my energy was spent as I focused on my problems and not on God and what His word speaks to my situation. My problems and worries began to exalt themselves above the knowledge of God. Seriously, I am looking forward to a fresh start with some new mercies in the morning. I am so thankful that we have day and night and not just one endless day! I need to have a fresh start! I learned yet another lesson. God is in control and while He gives us godly friends He wants us to come to Him for council, comfort, and peace FIRST! With Him we can filter and save ourselves a lot of regret from spilling our beans all over the place to other people before we have spilled them to Him. He cares so much for us and He longs to be gracious to us and show us compassion.
This week I have been focusing on His love and being rooted and grounded in His love. I have had more verses on His demonstrative love come my way and I have had so many text messages from friends that felt they should remind me of God's love for me. He is so actively involved in parenting us when we stop to listen it really builds our faith! He has been reminding me over and over that He laid down the life of His Son for me...small little me...and you!
Well, hopefully soon I will go to sleep and be able to wake up to the smell of some fresh mercy brewing! Maybe you need a fresh start today, new mercies, a clean slate. He does remove our transgressions as far as the east is to the west when we confess and ask for do know that?!?! Regardless of how you feel regarding forgiveness...He forgives. So good!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Nice Award!!

No He didn't
Great is His Faithfulness
I just learned some of the coolest stuff this morning that I will have to share when I get time. I am so tired.
Turning Point Devo
Eternal Flame
Great is Your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:23
Recommended Reading
An eternal flame has been used to memorialize the loss of people of great significance, such as John F. Kennedy or the soldiers killed in the American Civil War. The secret to its prolonged existence is an underground gas line that produces a continuous spark to re-ignite the flame should it go out momentarily.
Psalm 92:1-2
God's love for us is like an eternal flame. The major difference, however, is that His love never goes out, even for a millisecond. The rainstorms of our disobedience and the sudden gusts of our fickleness cannot weaken the fire of His faithfulness to us. He proved that by sending His only Son to die for an undeserving world, a world full of people that He loves completely and perfectly.
Let us give thanks to the Lord for His undying love and commitment to us. We are cherished by the Creator of the universe and deeply cared for by the Lord of Lords. And all of this is true despite how inconsistent our love is for Him. What a comforting thought!
As the psalmist said of God, "Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds" and "endures to all generations" (Psalms 36:5; 119:90). And though our minds cannot comprehend such devotion, our hearts can receive His love, and we can praise Him for His faithfulness.
Christ's shed blood proves God's pledge of total commitment to me.
Grantley Morris
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Also, I was studying Morgan today and noticed her fake cries when she wants something. It is so funny because no one taught it to is just in our nature. LOL!
On another note...I am looking to buy a present for my six year old niece. Morgan and I looked and looked and I just don't know what to buy a six year old little girl. Any ideas??? Do they care about clothes? Do they want money? I just don't have a clue!
Fake it until you make it? REALLY?
Psalm 51:6 Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; {6 The meaning of the Hebrew for this phrase is uncertain.} you teach {6 Or you desired...; you taught} me wisdom in the inmost place.
Why in the world are we (especially as Christians) so worried about our image or how we appear to others (I am not talking about our witness. I am speaking of image building...wanting others to think something of us that is not true)? I get so tired of the fake it until you make it approach to life. I am not saying that we are to open up and tell total strangers our deepest struggles and every past sin so let me make myself clear. I just think as Christians we would all be a little more free if we dropped our defenses and our pride and made our struggles a little more known to those around us. We could also use a dose of praising God for where He has brought us from so others that are weary can hear that they can make it out of the hole that maybe they dug for themselves. I hear all of these phrases when people are describing "themselves" like I am a wife, and kids are near husband is the next best thing to Jesus he is so dreamy...I keep my house perfectly clean...I iron all the clothes...and I have a hot meal on the table at 5pm. If that describes you...I am so happy for you but that is just not my life. There are times when I is this life going to get better? Am I ever going to have victory in this area? Will my marriage ever get better? Am I a good mother? Is my heart pure before God? Will I ever get over this unforgiveness or this envy? Is anyone struggling financially? Will I ever feel God's forgiveness over this past sin? There is a person in my life that cares all about form and nothing about function to the point that it makes me want to puke my guts out to put it lightly. Hey ask me about my favorite team or sport and I will tell you anything you need to know...but let's not get past the surface...why that would mean work. It would mean being real which is something I am just not willing to do. I think that is the attitude of a large percent of Americans...just keep the topic to manicures and pedicure only please...all the while I am dying on the inside. It reminds me of when Jesus spoke to the Pharisee's in Matthew 23:27 "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men's bones and everything unclean.
28 In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness."
I think that this is the goal that many of us are striving for to appear that we have it together when in fact we are full of sin, struggling, and maybe even wigging out in a stronghold. We want others to think that we are rolling with the big dogs, that our wallets are fat, our marriages are perfect, and all the while we are white washed tombs on the outside, our foundations that we have been building on are nothing but sinking sand and inside there is no life in us just dry bones. Don't you think a lot of it has to do with us not focusing on Christ because if we truly did we would see that we are all made of clay? That we all fall short? That we all need help...real help from a real Savior? The whole comparison thing reminds me of this verse: 2 Corinthians 10:12 "We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise."
All I am saying is that we all have room to grow, room for improvement. None of us have arrived and where God has delivered us let's please try to pass it on to those who are desperate to know that they can be delivered to. When we begin to delve into just how much we have been forgiven we are going to want others to be reached with the same forgiveness and mercy that has been given to us.
More importantly we need to be honest first with God. He knows even why we feel the way we do...why we are struggling like we are. He created us. He is our maker. I have been giving a lot of thought to prayer and one thing I keep thinking of is how prayer is really honesty, authenticity before God. Showing God our true colors and not hiding behind a mask. Don't you think if we do that and His forgiveness washes over you and me that we will be more free to be able to reach others. Don't you ever feel like looking at someone and telling them to Get Real?!? So here me say it as I say it to myself: GET REAL!
I love this verse in Lamentations 2:19 Arise, cry out in the night, as the watches of the night begin; pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord. Lift up your hands to him for the lives of your children, who faint from hunger at the head of every street. I don't want to take this verse out of context but I will say that we would all be wise to apply it. Part of the reason why we don't get past our junk is because we aren't being honest before a Holy God who made the way for us to come boldly to His throne to find grace and help in time of need. You don't have to agree with me and you can just stay to yourself but I love that Jesus told Peter this verse after Satan had asked permission to sift him like wheat: Luke 22
32 But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers."
Jesus knew Peter's heart and He knew that He would turn back...and He told him "when you have turned back" not "if" but "when" strengthen your brothers. I guess if you have not ever blown it in a BIG way (which all sin causes us to miss the mark if you want to get picky) then you can't understand being forgiven in a BIG way. When you start to get the fact that God forgave you for denying Him, by your actions or witness, you will want to turn to others and strengthen them to stay true and strengthen them with the mercy that you have received.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Aug 20, 2007
The Worship of Another
Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth; he had two horns like a lamb, but he sounded like a dragon. He exercises all the authority of the first beast on his behalf and compels the earth and those who live on it to worship the first beast, whose fatal wound was healed. He also performs great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth before people. - Revelation 13:11-13 HCSB
One of the most frightening trends I see in Christianity today is the tendency to emphasize the emotional and experiential aspects of religious awe. I find this terrifying because I believe it is one of the needed steps toward the worship of another – notably the Antichrist.
Wicked people, under evil spiritual influences, try to get humans to accept their teachings by appearing to adhere to the same beliefs their targetsdo. In the case of the False Prophet, he will look like a lamb but sound like a dragon. As our Master stated, “Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravaging wolves.”[1] This is why we must not believe every spirit, but test them to determine if they are from God.[2] It’s not that I’m advocating a paranoid or suspicious attitude. We should eagerly welcome teaching on worship and prayer but examine the Scriptures daily to see if the things we are being taught are actually so.[3]
One of the teachings we hear a lot today is that since God is all around and in us, we should seek to “feel” His presence within as we pray. We are told that we should think of God, or visualize God either in us or in the room with us. We are urged to use our imagination in this manner so that we can more fully realize His presence. This will seem particularly comforting to some believers, especially when they are in a crisis but since when are our emotions the most reliable guide – especially in times of grief?
Here’s the problem. If you can localize God “within you” and worship Him, if you can localize God “within the room” and worship Him, what’s to stop you from localizing Him “within another” and worshipping Him? What’s to stop you from localizing Him in a certain building or tree for that matter?
The emotional appeal of this technique will be particularly difficult to resist as one watches another heal from a fatal wound only to perform great signs and cause fire to come down from heaven. In that moment, when we are asked by a False Prophet to worship a conquering hero, we must cling to the Scriptural teaching: will God indeed live on earth? Even heaven, the highest heaven, cannot contain Him, much less any temple we may fashion.[4]
'The Way' Copyright 2007 © Kevin Pauley. 'The Way' articles may be reproduced in whole under the following provisions: 1) A proper credit must be given to the author at the end of each story, along with their complete bio and a link to 2) 'The Way' content may not be arranged or "mirrored" as a competitive online service.
Good stuff
15 "Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!
16 See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.
Isaiah 54:5-6
5 For your Maker is your husband-- the LORD Almighty is his name-- the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; he is called the God of all the earth.
6 The LORD will call you back as if you were a wife deserted and distressed in spirit-- a wife who married young, only to be rejected," says your God.
3 years ago today!
ps i am so thankful for each of you and how you have encouraged me over Shelby. I love you all so have no idea what it means to me.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
The Funny Farm
So, for those of you that know me well...I will not even pretend to like Pets and this is why!!

She makes me laugh so much. Especially when she should be getting in trouble. I love this little girl! I thank the Lord for her everyday! When things get tough (which seems a pretty constant thing) it sure is nice having her to live this life!
Here it is!! The .97 cent dress from Old Navy!

Saturday, August 18, 2007
Dr. David Jeremiah
Speedometer: Living Within the Limits
All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify.1 Corinthians 10:23
Recommended ReadingExodus 20:1-17
About three-fourths of the German autobahn road system has no blanket speed limit; and in those areas, the average speed is about 93 mph. While most European car manufacturers operate under a "gentleman's agreement" to limit the top speeds of their cars to 155 mph, autobahn speeds of up to 186 mph are not unheard of.
Even if you could legally drive that fast, would you really want to? Just because things are possible doesn't always mean they are advisable. There are plenty of lifestyle choices we are free to make that are permissible, but not healthy or safe. The apostle Paul made that point when writing about spiritual freedom—and when it's best to practice self-restraint for our own good and the good of others. God places strict limits on some areas of life (see the Ten Commandments) and "wisdom" limits on other areas. The mature Christian is the one who chooses those things that are permissible and wise at the same time.
The next time you have a decision to make, ask yourself who all will be impacted, and how. Let wisdom and restraint be your guides.
Nature gives man corn, but he must grind it; God gives man a will, but he must make the right choices. Fulton J. Sheen
Friday, August 17, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Blue Light Special

I try to tell my mom that going to the mall and etc is cheaper than walmart but I don't think she believes me. Anyway, here is a dress that I got tonight for .97 cents (I got it from Old Navy). The dress is really cute on... surprisingly!! If you want to get a deal you need to shop with me!! I don't try on so if you like to try stuff on I can't go shopping with you!!

Here are Morgan's new kicks! She hearts all things shoes. They are from Old Navy for $14.99.
Today is Thursday!
Here is mine:
I was reading Psalm 107 this morning and the Lord pointed out several things to me.
1 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
his love endures forever.
The word for give thanks in the Hebrew is Yadah meaning "to speak out, confess; to praise; to sing; to give thanks. Involves the acknowledgment of sin, man's character, and the nature and work of God. David admitted his sinfulness to God (Ps 32:5). National confession was made on the Day of Atonement...Also used in the sense of expressing thanks and praise to God...The name Judah comes from this root (Ge 29:35). The synonym halal, to praise, emphasizes pride in an object."
There is just something about speaking out His praise, out loud, that can remove a heavy burden. Also, this word, Yadah, encompasses us acknowledging our sin and not covering it up. We do the same thing Adam and Eve did in the garden...we try to hide and cover up our shame. Instead the Lord wants us to acknowledge our sin to Him and turn to Him. We can become really weighed down simply by refusing to come and fess up. He already knows and He stands waiting for us to come so He can free us. He will not force our hand at it...but life will become bitter until we cry out to Him.
I seriously want to give Him some praise for the fact that no matter what I have done, how far I have gone in sin, no matter who has not loved me...He loves me. He loves me and you with an unfailing love. I can remember fearing the loss of love from certain people and when I lost that love it was awful and painful but you know what?? I made it. I am okay because I landed on the Rock of His love (Romans 8:37-39).
The following verses have been so true of my own life and when I have cried out to Him He has been faithful to come and rescue me and remove my chains every time. So many of my trips to pits of sin have been a result of me searching for unfailing love in places or people other than the Lord. It always led to my prison cell yet when I cried out He came and removed the yoke from my neck.
Psalm 107:9-20
9 for he satisfies the thirsty
and fills the hungry with good things.
10 Some sat in darkness and the deepest gloom,
prisoners suffering in iron chains,
11 for they had rebelled against the words of God
and despised the counsel of the Most High.
12 So he subjected them to bitter labor;
they stumbled, and there was no one to help.
13 Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble,
and he saved them from their distress.
14 He brought them out of darkness and the deepest gloom
and broke away their chains.
15 Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love
and his wonderful deeds for men,
16 for he breaks down gates of bronze
and cuts through bars of iron.
17 Some became fools through their rebellious ways
and suffered affliction because of their iniquities.
18 They loathed all food
and drew near the gates of death.
19 Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble,
and he saved them from their distress.
20 He sent forth his word and healed them;
he rescued them from the grave.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Fellowship of the Unashamed
Our pastor read this in his sermon on Sunday and I remembered how much it ministered to me when I first starting getting in the word. I wanted this to be the cry of my heart. So good! Oh and I am back working at the Galleria at J. Jill. I have worked at that mall for ten years and just can't seem to get away from it! I helped open that store and I am going back! :)
~ Author Unknown ~
I'm a part of the fellowship of the unashamed.
I have Holy Spirit Power.
The die has been cast.
I have stepped over the line.
The decision has been made.
I am a disciple of His.
I won't:
Look back,
Let up,
Slow down,
Back away or be still.
My past is redeemed.
My present makes sense and my future is secure.
I am finished and done with:
Low living,
Sight walking,
Small planning,
Smooth needs,
Colorless dreams,
Tamed visions,
Mundane talking,
Cheap giving and
Dwarfed goals.
I no longer need:
Plaudits or
I don't have to:
Be right,
Regarded or
I now:
Live by faith,
Lean on his presence,
Walk by patience,
Live by Prayer, and
Labor by power.
My pace is set,
My gait is fast,
My goal is Heaven,
My road is narrow,
My way is rough,
My companions few,
My guide reliable, and
My mission clear.
I cannot be:
Lured away,
Turned back,
Deluded or
I will not:
Flinch in the face of sacrifice,
Hesitate in the presence of the adversary,
Negotiate at the table of the enemy,
Ponder at the pool of popularity, or
Meander in the maze of mediocrity.
I won't:
Give up,
Shut up,
Let up,
Until I've stayed up,
Stored up,
Paid up,
Preached up for the cause of Christ.
I am a disciple of Jesus.
I must go:
'Til he comes,
Give 'til I drop,
Preach 'til all know, and
Work 'til He will have no problem recognizing me.
Taking a Break to Blog
I was finishing up a segment of my online courses and moving on to the next and I read the line above. Way to pump me up considering I have thought the whole course has been really hard and challenging! Starting in the seventh grade I began running cross country and track year round. We had some MAJOR hills in the town of Trussville. We would run what was called the "Cherokee" named after a street and it was uphill ALL THE WAY. One of our practices in running was to encourage each other as we ran. I can remember people meaning well (with their encouragement) while my calves were burning, my side was aching, and I was out of breath running up that hill. They would yell "it's all uphill, only 1/2 a mile more." Yes half a mile more of p-a-i-n thanks for reminding me. That kind of encouragement would always make me focus on how much of the hill I had left to get up and in my mind all I could do was think about how bad I was hurting. One thing I practiced doing (I still do this) was to look at the area right in front of my feet and not up at the giant hill that I had to climb and I would zoom right up it and catch my breath at the top. This is sort of my approach now and also in life in general. If I get ahead I will completely freak myself out, get overwhelmed, and quit. A couple of verses come to my mind regarding this:
Psalm 119:105
105 Your word is a lamp to my feet
and a light for my path.
Matthew 6:33-34
33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
As far as His word being a lamp unto my feet and a light for my path we are all on a path here in this life. Some of us a path of darkness and others one that is lit by the light of His word. Thinking back in the day where they had to use actual lamps at night (or torches)...think about how much you could see in the darkness with that lamp. Probably only several steps. Matthew 6:33-34 tell us to seek Him first and that we should not worry about tomorrow because today has enough trouble of its own. In other words don't get so far ahead and worry yourself to death. Jesus is already there in your tomorrow. All of this leads me to the place where I am tonight. Not just with my online courses but with some MAJOR challenges in general....some major mountains to climb. I have been very open when I teach about my life and testimony this far. I grew up and had a lot placed on me at a very young age. I dealt with abuse for years and my real dad was never a part of my life. There was a time when I was in my teenage years that I really wanted to die and I contemplated suicide. I really thought at other times that I was going to have a nervous breakdown. I was too much of a chicken to end my life and all the while the Lord placed hope in me (that is even my middle name). Running was such an outlet for me that is for sure. I had a lot of anger and a lot of insecurities. I most always felt shame and I never felt a sense of belonging. I kept thinking that one day things would change and that I would leave that life and trade it in for a new one (oh and the day will come when I will leave this earth and shout out like Job that I know that my redeemer lives and at the end He will stand upon this earth and that when my flesh is destroyed I shall see God! I myself and not another oh how my heart yearns within me). I can tell you that if I did not know Jesus I do not know where I would be. I would have probably ended it a long time ago. As I was walking with Morgan tonight I said Lord I thought things were going to be different. Life just hurts and it is hard it's not turning out like I thought. He reminded me all today that He knows the plans He has for me...plans for hope and a future...even though I have been through a lot of stuff. It is so easy for me to be like yeah, yeah, yeah, everyone and their Jeremiah 29:11 quotes. But the Lord gave that to me 3 times today so I know He wanted me to take it to the spiritual bank. It is a daily struggle for me right now to walk by faith and not sight or better yet "feelings". I think something in all of us asks the same question: Lord is this it? Is this life?
I think the reason that we ask that is because there is so much sin in this world and we long to have true fellowship where it is broken. We long to be loved fully when we have been rejected by others. We long for true intimacy when this world offers so many counterfeits. Still we keep searching and we keep trying to fill that need in us. Take the national average of debt in the US. We are literally burying ourselves trying to be happy or complete. I can tell you that I am so thankful for all that I have been through because if I had not been let down over and over and over I would not know what Christ's unfailing love is. We long to be made perfect and that day will come when Jesus comes and makes all wrongs right. When He destroys the final enemy which is death and gives the enemy his rightful place in the lake of burning sulfur where he is doomed forever (that felt really good to type). Until then there will be difficulty and crisis war and famine. But we can still have peace. I was at the store tonight and I had been in the middle of a constant conflict with someone. I was so full of anxiety and all of the sudden unexplainable peace washed all over me. I may have some screaming fits at times and feel hurt and discouraged but when I continually lift my head to Jesus deep down I am okay. I know that I can endure and that through Christ I can do all things. That does not mean that I don't experience the pain of life. It just means that I have perspective to my pain and that it is not wasted.
2 Corinthians 4:16-18
16Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
God Calling Devotional-August 15th
August 15 - Not Punishment
I will guide your efforts. You are not being punished for past sins. Take My Words, revealed to you each day from the beginning, and do in all things as I say. I have been showing you the way. You have not obeyed Me in this.
I have a plan that can only in this way be revealed. So rarely do I find two souls in union who want only My Will, and only to serve Me. The union is miracle-working.
I have told you that I am longing to use you. Long ago My world would have been brought to Me, had I been served by many such two souls.
It was always "two and two."
As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he
removed our transgressions from us. Psalm 103:12
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
A person who deserves your respect does not have to demand that you respect them.
I am not going to even go into the reasons that made me think about this but I believe this to be true. We should pay people with respect whether they deserve it or not...but I am just talking about the kind of person that walks around demanding that you respect them! You know someone like this "I am so and so hear me roar and you better show some R-E-S-P-E-C-T." Just a random thought.
Philippians 2
Monday, August 13, 2007
I Surrender "Some"
31 and in the desert. There you saw how the LORD your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place."
32 In spite of this, you did not trust in the LORD your God, 33 who went ahead of you on your journey, in fire by night and in a cloud by day, to search out places for you to camp and to show you the way you should go.
How many times do we go to church and sing songs like "I Surrender All" and we can't truly sing it with our whole heart because we know that it is not true of us? Still we go through the motions. If we were honest wouldn't it read for most of us "I Surrender Some"? If we really live a life of submission and surrender to Christ what will be the mark of it in your life and mine? One word comes to mind: VICTORY. In surrendering all we lose ourselves in the cross and we gain everything. Yet our natural inclination is to hold on to what is ours with a tight grip. Let me give you an example. Tonight Rod and I got into a Instead of me entrusting him and his attitude to the Lord I lashed out and began to take my shots with my own words. Then guess what? I am sinning all over the place with what I say. The Lord wants me to be filled and have self-control and instead I throw the baby out with the bath water....because I feel like in saying something back that I am justified and that I can take care of how I am wronged or misunderstood instead of letting the Lord deal with what concerns me. It is pride all the way. I decide by lashing out that I am going to take matters in my own hands and settle the score. What about the song that has the lyrics "In all I do I honor You"? Can we really say that? In all we do we honor Him? Then why are we walking around half the time in defeat? Lord, help us to honor You. Help us to surrender all. Help us not to give in to the constant temptations to take matters into our own hands. I barely go a day without trying to be the boss of my own life. LORD help us!! Father may it not be said of us that we saw all that you did for us yet we did not put our trust in You. Help me, help us, to believe You. You are so worthy Lord. Please forgive us for our pride.
2 Samuel 7:28
28 O Sovereign LORD, you are God! Your words are trustworthy, and you have promised these good things to your servant.
Psalm 4:4-6
4 In your anger do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent. Selah
5 Offer right sacrifices and trust in the LORD.
6 Many are asking, "Who can show us any good?" Let the light of your face shine upon us, O LORD
So Funny
Another Blogging Siesta

30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Last night Morgan and I were at Walmart (if you can believe that) and as we were waiting in the check out line I glanced over to one of the headlines on a somewhat legitimate magazine. I NEVER even pick those things up to read since it is mostly garbage but this time I had to. I thumbed through the magazine to read the interview of one of the most glorified stars. I once heard someone say that this woman was the most beautiful woman on the planet. I was truly shocked when I read this interview with her. I could not even believe that someone could be so proud of the darkness that they were in. It really hit me that while people may think this woman is some sort of se* symbol she is lost. All of her good deeds are as nothing if she spends an eternity in hell. All of her beauty is so fleeting and it will be of no profit to her. I felt sorry for her and thought how I needed to pray for her lost soul, knowing that I could be right where she is apart from the grace on my life. To take it a step further why on earth would we want to so desperately live vicariously through these peoples lives in trying to mimic their looks, styles and etc? It is high time that you and I get our focus on things above and not down here on the ground. We will spend a lifetime wasted chasing vanity if we don't look up. We are called to be different...the light of this world. We are not called here to let the world infiltrate us. So how are you doing? I know first hand what it is like to try to find my worth or beauty from this world and people in this world. It truly left an insatiable craving in me that could not be satisfied until I had a beast on my hands. I would search for anyone to fill that void in me and my whole life was aimed at trying to get someone to fill that need in me. It is a vicious cycle and not to mention it is expensive to keep it up. We can't keep it up and we will NEVER be satisfied if we are living to please our flesh. It is destructive when we don't look to the Lord to define our beauty. If we keep comparing ourselves among ourselves and with this world system we will become fools. I know this to be true. It is not wrong for us to want to look our best but all of our clothes, shoes, purses, hairdos...none of it matters in the end. The Lord won't be concerned about all of our "good deals" we got at the mall or the fact that we had the latest hair style. It is meaningless. Please hear me when I say this: Who or what is defining your worth. No one should define who you are but the Lord. He calls you beautiful, loved, chosen, forgiven. When you believe the lies of the enemy, and this world system, you will loose part of yourself in attempt to find yourself. Your closest friend doesn't define you, your husband doesn't define you, this world doesn't define you...your past DOES NOT say who you are. It it the Lord. He created your innermost being and He means for you to find your worth in Him alone. If not you will give into all manner of sin out of pure insecurity. Go to to Him...spend yourself on behalf of Him. That is only where you will find true security. Take it from someone who knows...
Psalm 45:11
11 The king is enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
"Prayer, and only prayer, restores my vision to one that more resembles God's. I wake from blindness to see that wealth lurks as a terrible danger, not a goal worth striving for; that value depends not on race or status but on the image of God every person bears; that no amount of effort to improve physical beauty has much relevance for the world beyond."
Here goes! The passage that she spoke on was 2 Corinthians 1:1-11.
Before the conference the Lord led me to several passages of scripture regarding putting no confidence in the flesh. I think it is fair to say that we try desperately to flesh out obedience, forgiveness, peace, and the hard stuff without really relying on the Holy Spirits help. We are told that upon conversion we receive the Holy Spirit and we are sealed unto the day of our redemption. So as believers in Christ we have the Holy Spirit but are you and I quenching the power of the Holy Spirit? Are we trying to do this walk without relying on Christ in us? We simply aren't able to love, forgive, die to ourselves, or really live apart from His help. I spent some time outside tonight just gazing up at the stars and thinking about the Awesomeness of God. How He is infinitely wise and holy and how vast He is. I can not even begin to comprehend. Anyway, I have been struggling with some things lately that I know I am not capable of dealing with on my own apart from His help. I am asking Him to help me and give me more of the Spirit and that I would not "do as I please" and live to gratify my flesh. I really believe that so much of the stifling of the Holy Spirit is a refusal to submit and we make the decision that we are going to "do as we please". That phrase really speaks to me because Isaiah 58:13 speaks of doing as we please. I can not even begin to count the times that I make decisions based on what pleases me. Anyway, that begins where God was leading me before the conference and then I pick up on her topic "The God of all Comfort".
Here are my notes just so you will know and I wont have to interject with "she said this" and etc.
The word comfort appears 9 times in this passage of scripture (count it for yourself).
"God cannot have compassion without being moved. Compassion is the emotion, comfort is the response."
What is comfort?
What is it not?
How can we be vessels of comfort?
God reveals Himself to Moses in Exodus 34:5-7 as compassionate and gracious.
5 Then the LORD came down in the cloud and stood there with him and proclaimed his name, the LORD. 6 And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, "The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, 7 maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation."
The New Testament is replete with Jesus being moved to compassion and healing people. His compassion has a response.
Our culture is training us to be compelled in life by our comforts. I had a very tangible example of this at the conference. I was like Lord, why do I have to have an example even while she is speaking. The chairs in most arenas are hooked together. As I was sitting on the front row and Shelly and I were praising the Lord I thought yeah maybe no one is sitting in the seats next to me and I can have room to move around in our praise time. Wrong! A woman and her daughter came in while Beth was speaking. The lady was a large woman (I am not saying anything about her being large...just stating the fact) and she sat down and took up half of my seat. I was struggling at that moment with my rights to my own chair. I could not believe that for the next several hours I was going to have to sit on one side of my chair...not comfortable. Shelly very kindly let me share half of her chair. Don't you love the Lord for working on us in the middle of giving us a word? He wants me to apply it QUICK! Anyway, I forgot to mention that her and her daughter talked the whole conf (LOUDLY). I was like woman don't make Beth get on to you. We are on the front row!
Several things that come to mind:
We want comfortable homes
Comfortable cars
We want comfort food
We want to comfort ourselves when we have problems...maybe by shopping or something
We don't want to get our hands dirty...we want comfort.
Our way...Now!
She said that in our relationships we want comfort. When it gets uncomfortable...we want to bolt! She said that America is suffering from Agliophobia-paranoia of pain or fear of pain. She is so right. As I listened to her I thought about how many of us really want to dive into the book of Job. If we offered a study on Job at our churches I wonder how many people would truly sign up. Probably not many because we are afraid that if we read it that it just may have to happen to us so we just will sit back and read all of the feel good passages. We are scared of suffering and we are afraid that God will hurt us.
One point she wanted to elaborate on was this:
Will we go through suffering and allow God to comfort us or will we make comfort our God?
Will we drop the cult of comfort and really start living?
1. We will live in a rut of relational disasters...paths strone by one messed up relationship after another after another if we refuse to seek comfort in Christ and seek to find comfort elsewhere.
Being comforted by God will involve us getting hurt and just living life to receive His comfort. She pointed out Gen 5:28-29 28 When Lamech had lived 182 years, he had a son. 29 He named him Noah and said, "He will comfort us in the labor and painful toil of our hands caused by the ground the LORD has cursed." Noah sounds like the Hebrew for comfort. How strange it was that his name meant comfort yet he was to build an ark and the earth would be wiped out because of wickedness yet God used him to build the ark and he did not completely destroy the earth. Noah would be sent to bring comfort from our labor and painful toil. Because of the fall we have uncomfortable relationships. Case in point...Adam and Eve's eyes were opened and they felt they hid from God and their fellowship with God was broken. It was not what it was or what it should have been. I personally love how God works to clothe them immediately which to me points to Christ even then. He covered their nakedness and clothed their shame and He comes to do the same for you and me by the shed blood of Christ. Work became toil and it was meant for enjoyment, se*uality became uncomfortable, their surrounding was uncomfortable. All because of the fall.
Seeking comfort in flesh and blood will always fail us. If a human gets put in the place of God our soul will be tempted to find comfort in someone else. Then our need to find comfort or affirmation keeps amassing itself until our need for filling, comfort, validation becomes titanic. No one else can fill that need in us but Christ. I have been in this place so many times where I so desperately sought the world over to find comfort, and approval that it almost killed me literally. We get hooked on people, substances, media, just about anything to try to fill the void in us. I have found myself in great need lately for the Lord to come and fill me. I have been crying out to Him for His help. That He would be more than my senses, more than how I feel, that He would be enough and that with every single let down that I would see that as an open invitation to come to Him. To fellowship in His suffering and allow Him to deal with the needs in me that only He can properly deal with.
-Unhealthy attract unhealthy and as long as we seek comfort in a person other that Christ we will have a power-play until we self destruct. We have got to seek God and seek our worth in Christ alone.
How many of us have experienced first hand the train wrecks that occur relationally by seeking to put others in the place of God?
Look at the extra-marital affairs that happen in seeking comfort. The substance abuse addictions that occur from trying to get comfort and all manner of addictions that result.
2. We will sign up for a lifetime of addiction if we do not drop out of the cult of comfort.
Ask yourself: Am I a comfort addict? The whole basic addiction thing begins with comfort. We try to medicate and then we have to continually up it. We have to keep feeding and sustaining our addictions. Can I get a witness?
3. We will miss the full measure of our callings if we forfeit true living for comfort.
Then the acronym E-A-S-T-E-R
This is so true. No one will be unfailing to us but the Lord. No one. The full measure of our call in Christ is to make Him known. To make Him obvious. Not to just blend in with the world and what it has to offer which will leave us cheated ALWAYS. We are called to live out of our comfort zones and make Him obvious. This does not mean that we deny ourselves in every way either.
4. We will miss the Presence of God if we seek to meet all of our needs ourselves. I was reading the other day in Phillip Yancey's book that the majority of people in the US can not truly prayer in earnest "Give us this day our daily bread" because our pantry's are stocked to the brim. That really spoke to me and gave me the best word picture of us trying to supply our own needs instead of waiting on God and truly knowing what it means to fellowship in His sufferings.
The actual definition in the Greek for the word comfort is the word Parakaleo and it means to call to ones side. I looked up this word when it is used as a verb and not a noun and it means this:
exhort, urge, beseech, intreat - comfort.
When used as a noun it involves exhortation.
-"If we constantly supply ourself with comfort we will miss the grace of God."
How would we know like Paul if we seek it out on our own what it means in 2 Timothy 4:16-17 when he was deserted by everyone but the Lord stood by his side? We can't know that if we are busy trying to help God out in this area. I can tell you from all that is within me that I know what it is like to be forsaken, betrayed, lonely, suffering and experience the comfort of Christ.
When my first born daughter was born and died I went through a period of grieving that I truly felt alone and it was in that time that the Lord met me. Rod had seemed to have moved on a couple of weeks later and I was still crying and in despair. I did not rely on Rod, I relied on the Lord and I saw firsthand what it means to receive the comfort of Christ. At first I was like Rod why aren't you helping me through this and by staying in the word daily I knew that only Christ could meet the depth of my need. If I had not been in the word daily there is no telling where I would have been in my heart. I can pour out a HUGE bag of cards and etc from my brothers and sisters in Christ that came alongside to encourage me and God used that...but I can say it was God alone who had to walk me through the valley of the shadow of death. No man could do it.
My neck is killing me and I need to go to sleep for church in the morning so I will have to pick back up on this. ;)