
Thursday, August 23, 2007

Great is His Faithfulness

I just learned some of the coolest stuff this morning that I will have to share when I get time. I am so tired.

Turning Point Devo

Eternal Flame

Great is Your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:23

Recommended Reading
Psalm 92:1-2

An eternal flame has been used to memorialize the loss of people of great significance, such as John F. Kennedy or the soldiers killed in the American Civil War. The secret to its prolonged existence is an underground gas line that produces a continuous spark to re-ignite the flame should it go out momentarily.

God's love for us is like an eternal flame. The major difference, however, is that His love never goes out, even for a millisecond. The rainstorms of our disobedience and the sudden gusts of our fickleness cannot weaken the fire of His faithfulness to us. He proved that by sending His only Son to die for an undeserving world, a world full of people that He loves completely and perfectly.

Let us give thanks to the Lord for His undying love and commitment to us. We are cherished by the Creator of the universe and deeply cared for by the Lord of Lords. And all of this is true despite how inconsistent our love is for Him. What a comforting thought!

As the psalmist said of God, "Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds" and "endures to all generations" (Psalms 36:5; 119:90). And though our minds cannot comprehend such devotion, our hearts can receive His love, and we can praise Him for His faithfulness.

Christ's shed blood proves God's pledge of total commitment to me.
Grantley Morris

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