
Thursday, October 18, 2007

Because a 2 year old has very important things to do at 12:23 am

This is for you Jim Henderson! My child is up once again after midnight. And as far as suggestions go I have tried them all. I just walked in her room to see that she did not like her jammies and she had to change them (with some help) to match (she gets that honest). Then I noticed that she had colored about 4 or 5 pictures while she was in her bed. She found the Crayola color wonders in her top drawer. Thank the Lord they were invisible ink...Praise You Father.


  1. So I could gather that she is a night owl like her mama...

  2. oh girl, I am going through the EXACT same thing right now. sara is boycotting sleep/naps, the whole works. if she yawns, she immediatley starts saying "I not sleepy, I not sleepy!!" OH the 2's....not sure I'll miss everything about them!! take care and hope you get some rest soon!! love ya girly!

  3. y'all I am only a night owl because I have to be...LOL! I also have to get up is starting to catch up with me. Oh Jackie thank you for relating with me. I feel like the worst parent of the year because my child doesn't follow suite with the other kids. aahhh!

  4. Jenny,

    Hang on. . it will pass. In the meantime, try and grab sleep whenever you can. Man, your whole "sleep" situation brings back memories to me with my daughter, Sammie. I prayed so hard for just ONE good night of sleep with that child. By the way, she's still a night owl (even in her teens).

    Now if only I could have had those magic crayola markers. I've still got hidden behind a bed "a map to Pooh corner" that my oldest drew in the middle of the night. I just can't bring myself to paint over it!!!

    Enjoy every minute with Morgan and invest in some good strong coffee in the morning.


  5. Too funny!! (ok, not for you). I also highly recommend the Washable crayons.

  6. That's nuts!!! I'd be a zombie and my kids would be...dead! (I'm kidding of course!)

  7. I stuck it out until our youngest was three. Then The Man headed off to the war college, out of state and I pulled The Little Boy into bed with me everynight and everyone slept like a baby. Surprisingly enough, when The Man came home a month later, The Little Boy went back to his own room and never had a lick of trouble sleeping again! Good luck with this Jenny!

  8. well at least she knows how to keep herself occupied!! :)
    and yes, PTL for invisible ink crayola wonders..

    glad she got her mama's style ;)

  9. I am so sorry. I hope you got some rest last night! The Princess is going through a little bit of that right now too. Most of the time she refuses to nap (unusual for her) and sometimes she takes forever to go to sleep at night.

  10. And I may have to try the irish spring! My clinical strength still works great, but I don't love the fact that it has 20% aluminum.

  11. Hi Jenny~ It's natalie again. I was just wondering what your calling is. I have heard that you are called to ministry so I was wondering if you could tell me alittle about it. Also, do you have anyone in your life with the same calling that you can share thoughts, feelings, visions etc. I'm not trying to be nosy and pry. Promise. You can email me if you'd like. My email address is
    I too feel called to full time womens ministry so I'm always interested in other people who feel called as well.
    Natalie Hare

  12. Praying for sleep for you all, and for supernatural strength for you to get through your days...we did do that for a while with our son...but now he needs woke up in the morning, and I am awake! lol
