
Monday, October 15, 2007

Eeeewwww -Ora!

Quick funny story and then I have to read and go to sleep. I have shared before that I am not a gassy person. In fact anything of that matter has always been a private matter. Well Morgan is learning from the gassiest man on the face: Rod. In the above picture you will notice she has on her jammies, her dads shoes, and her Dora backpack. She can't say the "d" in Dora so she calls her -Ora. So anyway, she is walking along and expels a toot really loud and turns around to her backpack and says ewwww -Ora! I about died that she is 2 and already blaming her junk on someone else. How like our human nature. Turn your finger in Morgan and own up to that toot your dad would be proud of his girl!! LOL!! One thing I love is that Jesus passed gas too! He was fully God and fully man! Can't you just see Him with the disciples sitting around a fire passing the gas! LOL


  1. Jesus passing gas....sorry, is it okay if I don't want to picture that lol:)

  2. I just read your comment on Babybangs! I would have had to fight you for Joey!! LOL!!!! He was my favorite too!!! Little known fact about me: I had my 5th grade school picture taken with my Joey shirt on AND a black hat on just like he used to wear!! I was a serious DORK!!

  3. I wish my daughter had enough cooth to at least TRY to blame it on someone else...She wants me to rate her blasts 1 through 10...:))

  4. too funny- oh, kids make me laugh so hard!!! have a good monday girl, love ya!

  5. Ewww-Ora! LOL! Jesus tooting around the fire...I wonder if it was socially acceptable then? Guys are guys you know? I figure whenever the guys are together doin the whole "guy" thing it must turn to competetion at one point or another...Peter, James, John and Jesus probably having farting contests after feeding the five thousand...was that sacrelige? (Just kidding!) You can SO tell I am a northerner, I don't even call it "tooting" I don't mean to offend, truly, I'll take Morgans lead and blame it on ORA!

  6. Only you would bring up my perfect little Jesus farting! Ahhhh! I guess I have to except this...

  7. LOL!! Too cute!
    Reminds me of a time when my younger sister, Hope, was accompanying (as mother's helper) a mom and her two kids to the doctor. The 3-year-old tooted and then said, "Something smells. It's probably Hope."

    And by the way, I think TJ would give Rod a run for his money. ;)

  8. you know jenny, i REALLY NEVER thought about this, i don't know why, i just never linked this man phenom thing to Jesus.
