
Friday, October 5, 2007

The Tenderness of God

Luke 18:16
But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.

Rod gashed his arm tonight at the hunting club (don't worry he is fine) but he is going to have to go tomorrow and get some stitches. Anyway, I got on my knees with Morgan and told her that we needed to pray for daddy's arm. That little sweet thing laid prostrate on the floor with her face to the floor and her hands tucked under her little face as we prayed for her daddy. What tenderness...I just stored that up in my heart. She has just started really knowing about praying at dinner and etc. She will just bow her sweet little head and we say "thank you Jesus"! It is so precious!!!


  1. She certainly has an amazing example in her mommy!

    Why is Rod waiting to get stitches?

  2. So sorry to hear about Rod's arm. I hope it heals up quickly. I wanted to thank you for your comment on my blog. It sounds like we had a similar experience. I also went through a crisis of faith during my pregnancy with Alethea. The Lord has brought me a lot of freedom and I can't thank Him enough for that. I am pregnant now and I am enjoying this pregnancy so much. I sing and talk to our little baby. It's so exciting to feel him/her move. I feel the baby moving a lot more now. I also know that this baby is in God's hands and God is in control of all things. I trust Him with this little one.

    Once again, I really thank you for your comment. I hope you have a wonderful day today!

  3. he did not want to go to the ER to get them so he was waiting to go to the Doc in the Box instead. We are about co-payed out this year. He told me he could wait because he was not a baby ha ha!

  4. aren't kids amazing. they are so good for my heart!!! Hope his arm is feeling better. Praying for him and you!
    love ya

  5. how sweet! children have such a heart for God!

  6. so sweet!! glad your man is ok!! :)

  7. the faith of a child! when 911 happened my little man only 5 then did the same thing, and reminded me that I need to pray and hide in HIM. God is so good to show us that HE has already started a work in our childrens hearts. Thanks for sharing! Hope tough guys arm heals well and quickly! Hahaha that is all we need to our already hectic day..a big baby patient! love, darla

  8. I can just imagine how sweet she looked on the floor with her hands tucked under her face!!! Now that's just precious! We never want to forget those moments!

    Prayers for your husband!

    Have a good day!
    Angie xoxo

  9. Oh man - I am glad Rod is Ok!
    How sweet that Morgan hit the floor face down to pray for daddy!
    What a wonderful example you have set for her.
    Much love,

  10. Our children teach us so much. I know your sweet baby girl is learning by beautiful example.
    I hope your hubby is healing and is on the mend.


  11. Truly is precious! I love that story and that picture of Morgan's tender heart for God and for her daddy. I hope Rod heals quickly!

  12. funny! I hope he's better now!

  13. What a precious moment to treasure forever-the sight of your beautiful little girl worshiping our Father at such a young age!

  14. How precious. I love experiencing that perfectly innocent child-like faith every day with the Princess.
