
Thursday, February 7, 2008

Before I call...

I woke up one morning last week and was faced with the temptation to worry... first thing (don't you hate it when your heart is burdened down before you ever have a chance to get started). We have had some tough times in the last few years with medical stuff and it just has worn us down and drained us financially. Anyway, Rod is also 100% commission and we have seen our ups and downs with that as well. We have definitely seen how the economy has affected everything. So, as I walked to the window that morning, I looked out and saw what had to be hundreds of birds feeding on the ground. They were so cute and little. The Lord reminded me of his verses in Matthew and Luke.

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

I love how He told the disciples to LOOK. Look at the birds of the air. In the very literal sense the Lord tells them look at the birds...they don't sow or reap or store away in barns, and our heavenly Father feeds them.
The word for look is the word behold in the KJV it is the word emblepo {em-blep'-o}
Meaning: 1) to turn one's eyes on 2) look at 3) metaph. to look at with the mind, to consider

You and I have a million things we could spend our strength worrying about. Worry will literally put us in an early grave. So the Lord of hosts tells us to look at them with our mind and give careful thought to the fact that the Lord values us so much more than the birds of the air that He takes care of. Most of us in America are extremely blessed! Just think about the ability to have health care for one. When Morgan got dehydrated a while back I was tempted to complain about how long it was taking at the ER but on the other hand I had to whisper a prayer to Jesus thanking Him that I didn't have to watch my child die, like some mother do that can't get their child any care.

I have been put in so many positions to trust the Lord it is not even funny. I am talking about times when I needed divine intervention to even make it another day. Even this week I was noticing how Morgans jeans were getting a little to short and I really didn't have the funds to run out and buy some clothes. Well, I went to the gas station and Linda (whom I have told most of you about...the one who lost her daughter in law recently) bought Morgan 2 outfits including 2 pairs of jeans. Let me brag on the Lord for just a minute...He has seriously provided most all of Morgans clothes for free. There have been many times I could have run out and bought her stuff and I waited and He provided.

Lately, I have been so fatigued. I am not sure why but I can't get enough rest...I am that tired. Yesterday morning I was like oh if could only have a nap. Rods parents called and wanted to take Morgan to the store with them and give me some time to myself. TO TAKE A NAP. I slept the entire time they were gone. It was yet another reminder of how He knows what I need...even if it the need is rest. Morgan loves her Mimi and Pop and she cried like crazy when they left. They bought her a bunch of snacks for her lunch and other things (just because they wanted to) and it was yet a reminder of how the Lord will meet my needs as I wait for Him. So often we hurry and scurry around in worry trying to meet our own needs without giving thought to waiting on the Lord to provide. And as a side note...yes we need to work and not just freeload but God gives us the energy to even be able to work. I am just talking about all of the times when God shows up by setting an answer to my need in motion before I have even called.

Isaiah 65:24
24 Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.

Jeremiah 33:3

3 'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.'


  1. Before they call I will answer them....does that not just give you goosebumps? I love that so much! Thank you for giving me a Good Word. :-)

  2. Thanks for the word today. Fear and anxiety are two biggies in my life. Most of the time I have victory but lately I have relapsed into the anxiety mode over my daughter and all the what-ifs. Yesterday I closed the door to the kitchen because the dishwasher was preventing me from hearing a teaching playing in the other room. I felt God speaking to me saying "you MUST close the door on those anxious, fearbased thoughts." I'm "choosing" to do that....replacing that fear with trust.

  3. Jesus is SO very cool, isn't He? I love how He is providing for you in such a real way, Jenny. Glad you got a nap (lucky!).

  4. I just love when the LORD shows up in my everyday life. He really does care about every detail of our lives.

  5. And, I am a tad jealous, ok WAY jealous of that nap!!!
