
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

It's 1 am

Will someone who has read the redemption series that I spoke of in my get a grip post please tell me that Kari ends up with Ryan? It will be more than I can take if she doesn't and I will be mad that I ever started these books. I finished that first one in 24 hours and I will for sure have to limit my reading...but I need to know before I dare read the next in the series. LOL!! Here it is 1 am and I just finished the first one. HELP! love-the drama queen who cant stand suspense.


  1. If you really don't want to know STOP reading right now because I am about to tell you....

    yes...she does end up with Ryan. However, don't for one second think the drama is over. Remember Karen K has been 2 more series off this one family!

  2. Lori here is my comment on your blog if you got it...also thanks for telling me because I cant stand when people wont tell me! ha ha! I know I am dramatic.

    ok so she does end up with Ryan. well, please just tell me one more thing: does he die? does her kid die? I need to know before I read on because if it is all tragic i am not sure if i want to finish the series. I know you think I have to be crazy by now. that would just be more tragedy then I could take for poor Kari girl...

  3. If Ryan is your "he" then no he does not die. Her child is alive and well. However, there is A LOT of drama in the Baxter family through the 2 you might not want to continue reading...unless you want to up some medication :) LOL

  4. You are so funny. Just read the books! I have just started the third book on the third series (the Sunrise series). They are SOOOOO good. I stayed up late too and read them just to find out what happens. I cried all the way through all of them but they are VERY good!!!

    I just want you to know that I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog. You are such a godly woman who knows SO much about the Bible. I want to be "Bible-smart". :) I learn a lot from your posts.

    Thank you.

  5. Just wait until you get to the Firstborn series of teh Baxter Family Drama. You will be blown away. SHe is amazing that Karen. I love her!!!
