
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Nevermind Them

Quick disclaimer: I am on some pain medication for my bone graft so if some of this doesn't come out right, blame it on the medicine. =)

John 21:20-22

20Peter turned and saw that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following them. (This was the one who had leaned back against Jesus at the supper and had said, "Lord, who is going to betray you?") 21When Peter saw him, he asked, "Lord, what about him?"

22Jesus answered, "If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me."

Peter has just been reinstated by Christ after his denial of Him before His death and resurrection. Have you ever felt like you have been skipped over? You have passions on your heart to fulfill your calling in Christ but you feel frustrated because you see the days passing and you feel like you aren't where you need to be. You are tempted to look at others and see that God is using them, but what about you? You want to bring Him glory but why the wait?

As long as you and I focus on others and how God is using them and not us rivalry can set in and we can become jealous (green-eyed monsters). Peter was told the kind of death he would die and of course he wants to know what is going to happen to the one Jesus loved...John. Jesus basically tells him never mind John, you follow me. And that is what we need to do as well. Forget about focusing so much on what we feel He is doing in someone else's life and go on with God. Follow God.

I have often heard people tell me that they aren't going to go to church until their husband/wife goes. My answer to that is don't let anyone keep you from Christ. Go to church, get in a bible study and follow Him. When we get our eyes on others and that spirit of competition sets in we take our focus off of following Christ and it is only by abiding in Him that we will be sure that we won't miss our call.

One thing, I love in that chapter is how He reinstates Peter. God loves His children in a way that we can not comprehend. No matter what we have done, or how bad we feel that we have sinned, God is a God of forgiveness and compassion and we have got to stop living in the past of guilt and shame and go on with God. Lift up your head to Him (Psalm3:3 3 But you are a shield around me, O LORD;
you bestow glory on me and lift up my head.)
We have got to change the way we think when we get into the self-loathing and have the mind of Christ. We have got to stop putting limits on His grace. Especially in our own life. Yes we have consequences to our sins...but can you just stop for a minute and relish in the fact that God loves you so much.

Here are some verses that I hope you will meditate on from Psalm 145. CLICK HERE

With much love and affection!!! I can't wait to see all of my siestas in San Antonio!!


  1. Go to bed!!! I love you and I am praying for you. I got your text...girl now I can just see you over there not are going to waste away! Lord I lift Jenny up to you, Jehovah-Rophe, please heal my friend and ease her pain.

  2. JENNY! This is just beautiful! It goes along so well with a study Freedom's Call is doing together.

    Also, I'm praying for you to rest and be healed!

    Can't wait to hug your neck in San Antonio!!!


  3. Great post,
    See ya in San Antonio
