
Friday, May 23, 2008

Romans 15:13
13May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

This is a verse that the Lord repeated to me twice this week. I hope it blesses you.
Also, I have some very exciting news! Morgan went number 2 in the potty!! I know you are all blessed by that!

Potty training is some busy stuff. Not only that I know most people are so glad to try to get their kids out of diapers, but to me it just reminds me of how fast the time is flying by. It grieves me that I can't stop time and have this preciousness forever. But while I have this time I will praise Him and thank Him for this precious gift of grace. It amazes me that this treasure of my heart was knit in my womb by God Himself.
I usually cuddle with her at night and just watch over her while she sleeps. I am so thankful for the visual that the Lord NEVER sleeps. He is omnipotent and He never stops being who He is! The Great I AM. He is the God who sees us (and watches over us) in our joy, our distress, our anxiety, our suffering, our grief, our sin...and so much more. He sees every fiber of our being. Aren't you glad that He is never taking a nap. He is concerned for you and longs for you to come to Him. He rises to show you compassion. Psalm 121:3 He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;

4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.

5 The LORD watches over you—
the LORD is your shade at your right hand;

Isaiah 30
Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you;
he rises to show you compassion.
For the LORD is a God of justice.
Blessed are all who wait for him!

BTW, The little booger is up now at 12:11 am. She just mentioned that she was ready to eat and that she wanted to go to Wal-Mart. Also, if you think of me please pray for endurance and that God will make me smarter than I am to finish my online course. I have been studying so much and it is all of God to help me.
Then, on Wednesday I go in for the dreaded bone graft in my mouth.

Hope you all have a wonderful memorial day. Here is a bit of INFO on Memorial day for those of us who may have forgotten and just thought it was another holiday. ;)


  1. Hi, Jenny!
    Just wanted to say "hi" and tell you congratulations for your daughter going #2 in the potty! That is huge! My kids are now in their early 20's and I still remember that like it was yesterday. It was so exciting! Anyway, have a good weekend!
    Angie xoxo

  2. I will keep you in my prayers. I can't imagine having oral surgery. I think that would be the WORST!
    I am also wishing you continued success with the potty. Keep me in your prayers for that also. Samantha was completely potty trained for several months and now is back in a diaper refusing to take it off and go potty again. The pediatrician says for me to chill out and not force it,(some sort of power struggle she says!) but my goodness she is 3 years old and I am starting to freak out!
    Wishing you success in everything,

  3. Girl!!!! Are you even kidding me? Any mother who has potty trained a child knows that #2 (or #1 for that matter) is a HUGE deal! Way to go Morgan!

  4. wow! Jenny, I will be praying for you---for me that would be huge trust---something about surgery terrifies me as if I am in control of my life anyway! You give me hope---you give hope away---praying that the God of all hope overflows you this weekend!

  5. when i read this i drifted back to some abusive childhood memories and recalled how i use to sit inside my closet to hide and would feel so alone and abandoned. no one was there and no one really knew what was going on.

    now, here i am today. a whole different kind of child. never, ever alone. never out of HIS sight. always watched over and adored. actually, HE was watching over me then - i just didn't know it!

    Praise Him for loving us so!

  6. Hey Jen---two things:
    1. what city do I show up in your sitemeter---Dallas or Fort Worth? I am on right now at 4:41pm
    2. do you remember who it is that Beth says she listens to a preacher every day?? I think I read it on LPM but can't remember where I saw it.

  7. Congrats to Morgan! I always became sad to that they grow so fast, three weeks ago my baby girl got married, and in her eyes she will always be that precious little girl who loves her mama and daddy.

    Love how the Lord never sleeps and watches over us, also love that HE sings over us...can you just imagine how beautiful that must sound!

  8. Hey, Jenny Hope! Praying you are feeling so much better these days. Potty training was rough but she will get there eventually.

    Just checking to see if you are going to do Beth's Tuesday night Siesta Bible study.

    Hugs, JW
