
Sunday, August 10, 2008

pneumonia strikes again

Proverbs 16:9

9 In his heart a man plans his course,
but the LORD determines his steps.

I took Morgan to the after hours today and she has pneumonia and a double ear infection. This is the second time for pneumonia this year. She was really struggling at night otherwise, you would not know a thing was wrong with her. Anyway, the funniest thing happened at church today. We walked up on her in her new class with her teacher "Mr. Jim" and she was in his lap telling sckory "story" time. They were talking about her bow and getting (or killing...sorry PETA) a deer. I about died. I don't think people thought she was for real until I told them she could bring it for show and tell. It is as big as her.
Also, Morgan's Mimi has been really sick so please pray for her and also that she will be better by Siesta Fiesta as my child requires A LOT of energy. Then, I have another friend Abby who has been diagnosed with epilepsy and she is in the hospital now. It has been really hard on her and she is a teacher and has had to miss a lot of school. If you could just lift up a prayer right now I would love that. I love that our God hears and that He cares. I love Him so. At times He is the only thing that gives me sanity!

Ocean Mommy Steph just reminded me that it is only 10 more days!! I can't believe it!! Also, I am coming in earlier than most of y'all on thursday to be able to take a shuttle or =(


  1. I am so sorry to hear about Morgan having pneumonia again. Wow! I hope the meds work quickly. And for Mimi too!!!!!! Praying for you guys!!!
    I can just see Morgan bringing her show-and-tell item---that's hilarious.

  2. Oh goodness! My prayers are with everyone!! Oh, I am so bummed to miss the Fiesta this year. I truly hope I can go (that they even have it!) next year!!

  3. That Morgan is really going to be a 'catch' for some hunter some day ;-)

    I will be praying for you and Morgan and her Mimi --- AND the Fiesta which I wish I were coming to.

  4. Hey girl! Thanks for checking in...I am better on most days, however I was sick last night! YUCK!! My biggest problem is EXHAUSTION! I can't keep my eyes open if i even sit down for a minute!

    POOR MORGAN! AND poor you!! Landon had a random case of pneumonia a few weeks ago. I you both get to feeling better quick!


  5. Praying for your precious Morgan and her Mimi too! I know that need for all to be well so we can leave in peace.

    I can't wait Jenny. I'll be in touch again soon. God will take care of it all. He wants us there so badly.

    Love you girl...

  6. Oh me....prayers coming your way! Found your blog on Stacey's and wanted to pop in and say HI!

  7. She is so cute! I'm sad her is sick (babytalk). Pray for a young girl named Quinn at Egleston. Pneumonia and a virus has attacked her heart and she needs prayer.

    Father, Morgan is sick and the others we've mentioned are, too. Please do whatever needs doing to make them well. In Jesus Name. Amen.

    I'll be looking for you at the Siesta Fiesta!

  8. I have just prayed and will keep praying for your family and your sweet friend...

    And show and tell would never be the same if Morgan brought her prize in! This child sounds like a riot!

  9. so sorry to hear about morgan. i too hope the antibiotics take hold quickly and all is well so you can leave with peace. you are going to have a fantastic time!!!!! janel
