
Thursday, August 7, 2008

Steph what do you think?

I will be back with the finished product but I wanted my little sister to look at it first. I am going to paint a verse in the middle.

update...kind of blurry


  1. I want one!!! Would you paing me one?? Of course I'll compensate. I love anything artsy with scripture.

    You are one talented girl. I'll just cry when I see your sweet face.


  2. jenny you are so good! i really couldn't read it to the end. what is the verse? i love your style of printing too! i think you could sell these, seriously. i'm interested too.

    fran's comment almost made me cry. you guys are going to have one awesome time.

    hugs to you. janel

  3. Y'all are so sweet. It is psalm 130:4-5 and the flash is what messed it up. =)

  4. I think you seriously need to sell these girl! This could be your stay at home job! You are great at it!

  5. I WANT ONE TOO! How much? I love the boarder. I am wanting to redo Emma Kate's room and one of those would make a great addition :)

    We need to get together for a playdate!

  6. Love it!!! Jenny, girl, I am praying for that talent:) This is exactly what I want to paint myself. When I try to paint the verses, it looks crazy and I keep painting over with another coat (I love acrylics) OK, so I am thinking I may have to zoom in on this picture to see how these letters are shaped up close!
    I probably sound crazy, but seriously, these are the kind of paintings I would love all through my house.

    Awesome job!

  7. This Steph. LOVES your artwork!!!
    God has really given you a gift in this area.

    See you in 10 days!!!!!


  8. That may just be my favorite verse. THank you Lord for Your forgiveness!!!

    I hate to boast, but just wanted to put it out there that I have a Jenny original in my baby girl's room!!! I have taken it off the wall so that Lily can hold it and play with it!! How sweet is that?

  9. sherry you crack me up!! The one that rod says looked gothic! I tried!!!
