
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Are there still prophets?

There is so much confusion in the Body of what a prophet is. I think John MacArthur sums it up better than I could. This article is educational and important.

Spiritual Gifts--Apostles and Prophets


  1. Jenny, thank you for posting this!! you had no idea the turmoil that I have been in over this topic. I just choose to believe God, and stay close to HIM. I don't like the debates, and discussions that just tear at my faith. this has been more than is a gift from God through you! I love you!

  2. I had to do it! I tagged you..and shared more link love with you..please...its a good one

  3. That isn't an article, that's a book! Talk about passionate people pouring through...whoa! I perused it and thought about you---"stirring up the gift" --- that's what you do for me and so many!
