
Saturday, September 27, 2008

Link Love

I can not believe it!! Two of the students have created a blog! I am so excited. Not everyone was asleep on Friday:
Here are their links. They are so smart!


  1. Thanks for adding my blog as a link on your blog :) Since you've done that I've had a lot more people viewing mine. Anyway to get the flair: go to You don't need facebook to do it either. Then you just copy the flair you want into a file, and when you edit your blog click on pictures, then click browse from your computer, and select the picture. It's really simple, but if you have any more questions on how to do it, feel free to ask :)

  2. I knew you would inspire our young minds (and plant seeds)! Jenny was gracious to give us an entire day--bless her! Let me say that Jenny was fabulous on Friday and I can't wait to find out who our new bloggers are tomorrow. Both the new blogs are great and have lots of gadgets. I'm just going to have to cross to the "blog"-side, huh! ;-)JW

  3. well the gadgets blew me away...i need a young person to do something to my blog cause i can't figure it out...cute blogs and stuff...way to go Jenni

  4. ps - I love Ali's's simple...too cute!

  5. It isn't that we were asleep, just not interested. Thanks for coming, you seem really cool! God bless!

  6. Thanks anonymous...LOL!!!

    Mrs. Jill, you are so sweet. Thank you for my gift and I will come back anytime. =)
    I am so glad I got to see you!! you were always my fave and taught me so much!!

  7. ok jen... I need you to talk blog with me... =) So cool that you are teaching others and always learning!
    by the way keep me posted on your doctor visit to discuss another baby!

  8. Hey Jenny! I was one of the students in the first period class on friday at Spain Park~ I was glad to hear you speak. Also i am planning on gettgin a blog :)

  9. Thanks so much for sharing in our excitement. :) I love that you are a twin! Feel free to share any advice, anything that a twin-mama should know. ;)

  10. Jenny I thought of you while at Craker Barrel last Saturday! They had JUMBO size pen's (not pencils)!:)
