
Saturday, October 11, 2008

Easier Said Than Done

Hebrews 11:6
6And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

Yesterday I was giving Morgan a bath and we got to the wonderful climatic part of the scene where it is time to rinse her hair. Usually I am soaked at this point while she checks out her pruned looking fingers and toes and wonders why they are like that. I have tried all kinds of ways to rinse that child's hair from cups, to wash cloths, and etc. Well, yesterday I just laid her back and put her head under the faucet and covered her forehead with my other hand to keep water from getting in her eyes. She fought and fought and fought me because she was scared that I would drop her in the water. So guess what she does...she resists to the point that she is squirming all over the tub and she tosses around and gets a mouth full of water and eyes full of water. I told her repeatedly to trust me as I rinsed her hair. "Morgan, trust me...I will not drop you. Just let me rinse your hair," I said. It was such a visual reminder as if the Holy Spirit was reminding me to trust Him. The Lord will not drop or abandon me. He will not let me sink as I trust Him. He will hold me when there are no footprints to be seen. I can not trust in how I feel. I have to have faith in what is not seen and seek Him diligently knowing that He rewards those who seek Him.

Diligently is the word:
[m;v' shama` {shaw-mah'}
Meaning: v 1) to hear, listen to, obey 1a) (Qal) 1a1) to hear (perceive by ear) 1a2) to hear of or concerning 1a3) to hear (have power to hear) 1a4) to hear with attention or interest, listen to 1a5) to understand (language) 1a6) to hear (of judicial cases) 1a7) to listen, give heed 1a7a) to consent, agree 1a7b) to grant request 1a8) to listen to, yield to 1a9) to obey, be obedient 1b) (Niphal) 1b1) to be heard (of voice or sound) 1b2) to be heard of 1b3) to be regarded, be obeyed 1c) (Piel) to cause to hear, call to hear, summon 1d) (Hiphil) 1d1) to cause to hear, tell, proclaim, utter a sound 1d2) to sound aloud (musical term) 1d3) to make proclamation, summon 1d4) to cause to be heard n m 2) sound

In the KJV the word for reward is:
misqapodo,thj misthapodotes {mis-thap-od-ot'-ace}
Meaning: 1) one who pays wages, a rewarder

God rewards our faith either here or in heaven when we diligently seek Him. When we listen to Him, when we obey, when we go against our feelings and choose faith. He rewards us when we do what His word says when no one else is looking.

God is for us. Yesterday, I had to spank Morgan for running out in the road. YES I HAD TO SPANK HER. This was not a lesson where she needed a stern talking to. This was a lesson where she needed to know that I meant business (we have gone over this 6 times at least). I yelled for her to stop and she kept going. She has no clue that I am trying to protect her from a car coming and hitting or possibly killing her. I spanked her then talked to her about why and told her that mommy was for her and that I was not going to spank her if it wasn't in her best interest. She needs to know and rely on the fact that if I scream STOP...I mean STOP!! Same way with the Lord. He will use whatever means to get our attention and He disciplines those that He loves. He is FOR YOU. He is for me.

My struggle this morning is a stupid one but I really wanted these shoes a while back when they were 60 dollars. They are sketchers and I saw them at Ross for $24.99. I have reasoned all morning as to why I need those shoes and how comfortable they would be and how cute they would be...but the fact is I don't need them. I could not believe what a wrestle it was for me to surrender that little desire to Him this morning. He is God of the universe and if He really thought I needed them He could put them at my door...but there are bigger fish to fry. Anyway, I even was like Lord, Rod buys this and that why can't I have these shoes? I was looking for a verse for Him to tell me it was okay and then I heard in my Spirit: Submit to your husband as unto the Lord...and Rod said I did not need I would be in disobedience...durn it!!

Anyway, I am embarrassed to tell you that that was such an issue of laying down my fleshly desires this morning but it is and I just want to be obedient to God. I remember one time I bought a pair of shoes (patent leather black birkenstocks) and I knew I was not to buy them. Y'all I had to get rid of those sin shoes they made me so sick to look at. It reminded me of this verse (because material things can become such an idol): (I had to add the verse before because it is so good.)
Isaiah 30:21-22
21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." 22 Then you will defile your idols overlaid with silver and your images covered with gold; you will throw them away like a menstrual cloth and say to them, "Away with you!"

I had to throw those shoes away (I gave them to my mom) like a menstrual cloth (who wants to keep that??) and say Away with you!!! For real. I know you all think I am crazy if you made it this far.

But if I could just say three things today:
1. God is for you.
2. Walk by faith in an area you are struggling with today and ask Him to help you and fill you with His Spirit.
3. Ask Him to show you where you are being disobedient and shrinking back the Holy Spirit and work on that with Him.


  1. soooo needed this today, even after God came through for me on my furniture (see post(s)) Marriage is hard too but I've only got faith to say I'll make it.

  2. Mmm, such a good post, and very vivid illustrations. Thanks for more wonderful food for thought, Jenny Hope!

  3. Jenny Hope,

    I can so testify to this post. Right now the Lord is speaking loud and clear to me in this area. Isn't HE amazing to bring it to me as another confirmation through a siesta.
    I have asked Him to gently remind me about this and He uses every opportunity. God bless your weekend.
    Love ya,

    PS I loved your post about teaching on how to start a blog. I am thinking about starting one and would love your advice. If you have a moment would you email me regarding this subject?

  4. Well I am very glad you posted this. I have been rationalizing a particular purchase I want to make, but have been told "not right now" by my man. (only to find he made a purchase far more expensive and less useless than what I "needed") I've been pouting, and need to go get flat and ask forgiveness.

    I do think it's just like God to have you use the Isaiah passage. He's had me parked in chapter 30 this week. I've needed a good shaking. :)

    Love you and praying that you are feeling well!!!


  5. Thanks Jenny very good food for thought! Loved your illustration of washing Morgan's hair... it is so true... the other one got the point across to =)

  6. I can so identify with what you are saying--in every way. Just wanted to let you know that we solved the hair washing problem with our girls by purchasing one of those hand held shower heads. It is long enough that the girls can sit in the bottom of the tub. Since you can put the nozzle right on their head it eliminates all that water in the face.
