
Thursday, October 2, 2008

I am boldly going where no woman should have to go....

Me and Morgan are headed to the hunting club-trailer. PLEASE PRAY!!!!! Yikes!! Rod just told me in front of Morgan that there are a lot of rattle snakes this year and I told him I would take my Glock and Morgan got scared to death about the snakes. We really need to watch our words.
HERE is a previous post on the hunting club.

If I don't come back I love you all!!! ;)


  1. Child please be careful!!! Praying for protection and well, a nice Marriott or Hyatt or something. Take the Glock, but don't be like Madea and shoot the place up. LOL


  2. You're funny!!!! I just saw a comment that you left on somebody's blog that said you were praying for them. I just wanted to stop by and say that I think you have a real ministry in praying for and staying in touch with so many bloggers!!!
    Have fun with the hunting stuff!!!

  3. Oh Jen, I feel for you! I don't want to be in your shoes! I am sure I can't wait to hear about your trip... Lv you!

  4. Hilarious! Have some adventures with God, Jenny!

    I just added you on my sidebar. I hope that's ok!

