
Sunday, October 12, 2008

"Modern man is responsible to society- HE THINKS TRUTH IS ESTABLISHED BY MAJORITY OPINION. For religious man, responsible to God, God alone determines Truth, and one should avoid judgments based on false, human criteria. God stands diametrically opposed to world. Men were false- God was Truth: an unbounded abyss separated them." ---Abraham Joshua Heschel "Passion for Truth"

1 comment:

  1. Great quote and post, J.

    My 2 cents.....The thing about living in, standing up for, resting in God's truth to us (believers) is that it will not cause us to blend in with the world or make sense to the world. The more we live in His truth the more pecular we become as we are transformed into a renewed mind. If we see ourselves becoming the puzzle piece that will not fit then it is likely we are becoming more like Him. Blessings, J
