
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Before He Speaks



  1. Hey girl, just wanted to see if you got an email from me last week. Haven't heard back from you so I just wanted to be sure I had the right address.

  2. Hmm, it looks like I used the correct email address last time then. I went ahead and re-sent the email with the photo links to you. Check your spam folder if you don't get it! :)

  3. Sweet Jenny...

    I just put up a post on a Christian movie that is coming out on Friday... I am encouraging all to go see it if it is playing in their movie theaters... A did a tiny write up about it on my bloggy..

    Blessings, Kim

  4. Hey My Friend Jenny!
    I absolutely LOVE this video! I cannot wait to forward it to my Pastor's wife. She is ALWAYS sliding down in her seat on Sunday Mornings....if you kno what I mean!!

    Hope you're doing GREAT! I am in Session 7 of Esther. We have about 100 ladies doing the study at my church. I'm lovin' it!! And sooo glad for the LPM post about "GP"!
    We had no clue what it meant...
    TOO CUTE!!

    Love your Ga Sista!
    Staci :)
