
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

He who blots out YOUR transgressions

Isaiah 43:25
"I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more

Yesterday, I walked into the bathroom to see Morgan up on a stool with the water going full blast. Then I noticed that the sink was not draining. So, I ask her if she stuffed tissue down the sink. With no one else to blame she said, "um nn..yes." Anyway, I got it out and managed to pull a toothbrush up from down the drain as well. As a side note Morgan flushed a toothbrush down the toilet and we had to buy a whole new toilet (I ought to get her to do that in the other bathroom...kidding).

I have been teaching her 1. that it is better to tell the truth and 2. when we confess and are sorry that the Lord removed our transgressions as far as the east is to the west. She is a lot like me when I get a guilty conscience. I can't stand it. So she (like me) will apologize again and again. She told her dad what she had done and I said, "Morgan stop bringing it up. You said you were sorry. You asked God for forgiveness and we are not going to do it again." She did look straight up to the ceiling and pray in the bathroom and said, "sorry God." She cracks me up.

Last night, I had a couple of things hit me like a ton of bricks. First of all, I am such a work in progress and I fight the same battle of Romans 7 when I do the things I don't want to do. Romans 6 is how I want to live. Dead to sin, alive in Christ. However, I falter everyday. As the words fell from my mouth to my child, it was like the Lord (in my spirit) saying, "Jenny, you don't believe what you are telling her." The LORD is right. I will confess things to Him over and over. I will live in condemnation at times even though Jesus died on the cross before I ever committed the sin. I am often the one who gets in the way of running in freedom. I will punish myself more than the Lord even disciplines me Rom. 12. Please go read Romans 6 and 7 when you have time.

Dig these prayers from David after the affair with Bathsheba and having her husband killed (I think this was a year later...I think).
Psalm 51:
[ For the director of music. A psalm of David. When the prophet Nathan came to him after David had committed adultery with Bathsheba. ] Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions.

Psalm 51:Hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity.

God the Same yesterday, today, and forever cannot resist the repentant. I could go on about this giving you examples like king Ahab (he did more evil in the eyes of the LORD than anyone before him, and provoked the LORD.):

  1. 1 Kings 16:30
    Ahab son of Omri did more evil in the eyes of the LORD than any of those before him.

  2. 1 Kings 16:33
    Ahab also made an Asherah pole and did more to provoke the LORD, the God of Israel, to anger than did all the kings of Israel before him.
Then, look at this later on (1 Kings 21:26-28):

26 He behaved in the vilest manner by going after idols, like the Amorites the LORD drove out before Israel.)

27 When Ahab heard these words, he tore his clothes, put on sackcloth and fasted. He lay in sackcloth and went around meekly.

28 Then the word of the LORD came to Elijah the Tishbite: 29 "Have you noticed how Ahab has humbled himself before me? Because he has humbled himself, I will not bring this disaster in his day, but I will bring it on his house in the days of his son."

God took note that Ahab, wicked Ahab, humbled himself.

So, my eyes darted across the room to my bible. My bible was opened to a page where I had written about a horrible season for me personally. One day, I thought to myself why keep reminding myself of that and baring up under a load of condemnation. So, I took a pen and blotted over it. I could cry right now. As I looked at where it had been scratched over the Lord recalled this verse to me:

Isa. 43:5

"I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more

Picture a list of all the sins you have committed. He died to blot out those sins with the Precious Blood of the Lamb, who was slain before the foundations of the world. AMEN!!!!


  1. Girl it is like you have been reading the word and doing bible study with me... Our bible study is doing Romans and we met last night to discuss chapter 6 but 7 kept coming up too... we were talking about this same thing! And I have been reading through the bible (I alternate books OT to NT to OT) any way I am in 2 Kings now... and when I read your blog I just couldn't believe how on the same page we are.... with the word. It is so true...I feel convicted because it is so easy to see what others should do and tell them but I am not living it out in me... I even thought last night how it is really unbelief - sin when I do that ... When I don't believe God's promises, including his forgiveness, etc... or when I try to "work" for it ... is like saying oh I got it I can atone for this - when I NEVER can - it is worthless... that is the whole reason Christ had to die! Any way I could go on and on here but I will stop.

    Love you... PS. Aud said you were thinking about the trip... that would be great!!!!

  2. Praise God that he blots our trangressions out, Jenny! I love the verse in Psalms 130:3 - "If you, oh Lord, kept a record of sins, oh Lord, who could stand?"

    How is your aunt Judy?

    In Him,

  3. Funny - your story reminds me of the time when one of our children put a kazoo down the cleanout in the basement, and the sewer backed up because of it!

    But also, I have many experiences in parenting where I will see a parallel in the way my children behave toward me and how I sometimes behave toward the Lord. Or something I am trying to teach them turns out to be something He is trying to teach me.

    Thanks for your generous use of Scripture!

    :) Another Jenny

  4. Oh awesome!!! At first I thouht this was your memory verse for the next couple of weeks. :) really great though! It's awesome that you are teaching Morgan at such a young age not to get under condemnation. Yay Jenny! :D I have a huge history with condemnation/self-condemnation. So anytime I see anyone teaching/doing Romans 8:1 I get beyond excited.

  5. Jen,
    You are amazing:)
    I love your humility:)

    I was at church on Sunday, bawling my eyes out, because during a hymn we sang I couldn't help but sit down and bow my head. I wanted to kneel, but the space wasn't possible, anyway, I pictured God wiping the slate clean, through scenes of my life, it was so awesome, and so hard not to bawl telling you now. Its been rough, because I want to get back to the faith I had as a teenager, and He has shown me getting there again would take more than just committment, but laying down things I wouldn't be ready to.
    SO much things in my heart and my mind...I had to give up in my heart, and not just on a physical level.
    I love Him so much:)
    Thanks for posting this:)


  6. I understand the burden of self condemnation. The heart understands that forgivness has been given once it has been asked for, but the mind will not allow the acts to be forgiven or forgotten by the self. For me it can be a roller coaster ride of burdensome guilt and elation.

    On Sundays, during services, there comes a point when God's glory wipes the slate clean for me and I have this feeling of joy that manifests itself in tears of thanksgiving. If I could only find that enlightenment in each moment of everyday.....but then I would be in heaven wouldn't I?

  7. Jenny,

    I am so thankful you posted this. I have been dealing with this sort of thing all week long.

    thank you for bringing some truth to my heart. :)


  8. This post was balm to my heart. I had to read it twice. I love the picture of you blotting out your own rememberance of a bad season in your life when He has already forgotten it.

    Oh I love the blood. His blood covers me, covers you.

    Bless you Jenny.

    hugs, janel

  9. recently, i have been going through yet another bout of illness. I needed to hear this this morning, to remember how great my God is, and how my sins have been blotted out. Lately, i been struggling with some believers who seem to always see the worst in me, and it seems to cause me to step back and think that all i go through is because of lack of forgiveness. I really need to get back to Believing God, and not so much man who comes in HIS name. They will have to answer to HIM, and me...I need to rejoice in my freedom and not pick up another bondage. Thank you for this post..beautiful, and right on time!

  10. I feel like I relive all the horrible things I have done. ALL the time. Instead of knowing that it is forgiven, and should be forgotten, I relive them a lot.

    Thanks for your post...I appreciate knowing others are working on the same things as me sometimes!

  11. Hello!
    Wow your blogspot is amazing!
    truly the Holy Spirit is at work here =)
    I gotta say i'd really like to know you more! and no that is not a cheesy pick up line, it is a genuine honest truth that you are someone i'd love to get to know better, my faith in Christ has never been stronger but after reading your blog it seems to have strenghtened a million times more (if that were even possible! but all is possible in Jesus)
    if your intrigued or would like to contact me then please do!
    you can reach me @ or on YouTube @
    so i gotta be going Jenny! hope your well and hopefully will speak soon?!
    see you
    God Bless , keep doing what you are doing , it's having a great impact on others i believe!

    David J
