I would like you to leave an anonymous comment here and let me know what you are struggling with right now. It can be anything so please be honest. I will also pray for these as well, knowing that the LORD knows who you are.
The reason is we are in such a war and life is hard and I think that so many of us have voids we are trying to fill because of how watered down the true gospel, Gods Word, and passion of Christ is in some of our churches. I know of some great teaching and preaching and wonderful churches so I am not saying that. I do feel like people do not feel like they can be real even with other believers just from what I have observed. I also hear of so many people desperate for more of the Lord and all they hear at times is something for a two year old Sunday school class. I hope you know my heart and what I mean. Anyway, I do have a reason behind this. Please be anonymous.
1. addiction to shopping
ReplyDelete2. never being satisfied with my body or looks.
3. condemnation over past sins. Feeling like a failure.
4. I am tired all of the time.
5. Knowing Gods word but not obeying it.
hope this helps.
being married but still wanting attention from other men.
ReplyDeleteMy struggle is learning how to parent my young adult daughter. I so want a relationship with her but feel like I am blowing it.
ReplyDeleteFacing financial hardship
ReplyDeleteBeing a woman of excellence for my husband and children and all in the scope of my influence
I am currently unemployed, an unfortunate victim of the economic times. I seem to continually run into dead ends on my job search. Over the past 6 months I have applied for more jobs and sent out more resumes than I could even attempt to count. At times it seems hopeless (but thankfully in these times God always seems to provide a little ray of hope). My savings and the severence I received from my former company are dwindling, and everyday becomes more and more frustrating, especially when my lack of employment is just about the only thing most people ask or want to talk to me about (don't get me wrong-I appreciate their interest, care, and concern very much, but I have heard "it's a bad economy right now" and "you'll find something" more times than I can stomach.)
ReplyDeletei had my first kiss this year and it leads to more than just a kiss 'cause it went out to be a longings for more but not to a point of giving all to this person.
ReplyDeletei am struggling with this voice within me that made me condemn myself. A voice that confusing me also - sometimes it says "stop the work of the flesh" and the other time it says "it's a normal thing coz others are doing it also".
I am God's servant and it hurts to serve with a baggage within me.
I do repent but im still hurt with what i did.
Please pray for me.
Thank you.
My husband is emotionally cheating on me. It is devastating. This is the 4th time in 5 years and I don't know if I can continue on in our marriage. I know divorce is not on God's heart but my heart aches!
ReplyDelete1. Bound up by fear in all areas...
ReplyDelete2. Turning my focus off me, and onto pleasing God and doing things all for Him.
3. My unbelief
4. Lack of discipline in my life
Thanks Jenny, and I agree about getting a watered down version of the gospel...this has been something that I have been learning over the last couple of years..
Being a member of a church where I feel like I am not wanted and treated like I am not good enough to go "there". It makes me feel like if this is Christianity I should just go back to sleeping in on Sunday. What's the point?
ReplyDelete1. I think my husband is dealing with depression... He is up and down & all over the place emotionally. It's taking a toll on me.
ReplyDelete2. I have a problem with picking at scabs & desparately want clear skin & deliverance from this addiction!
3. I'm struggling with friendships & especially one close friend I can't trust & I don't know what to do about it!
I am currently struggling with:
ReplyDelete1. teaching my son about God's word and not depending on the church to do it for me. I can't imagine anything more important - yet I haven't made it a priority in my home.
2. finances. - I haven't been honest with my husband about money I have spent and now we are in much more debt than he realizes. I feel incredible guilt over this.
1. wanting more of everything, not being satisfied.
ReplyDelete2. not being as happy as I thought I would be from staying home with my daughter.
I'm struggling with fear.
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid to move forward despite God's clear direction. I'm afraid of being hurt once again by fellow believers, those who should be my support group, but frankly have been everything but that.
I know God is bigger than any problem. He loves me I know that without a doubt! Most of the I can claim that for myself, but in the midst of tension and conflict, especially among other believers, I find myself succumbing to fear and wanting to simply run away and hide.
I am struggling to get my finances in order.
ReplyDeleteI am struggling with my weight, obesity is killing me and I cannot seem to get it under control. Help me.
Loving myself.
Thank you for your prayers ~ they mean so much to me and just knowing someone is praying makes me feel better.
I will pray for you and all that post.
Oh goodness....
ReplyDelete1. my weight
2. the fact that every sincgle person over 25 comments on my weight, including my father and his parents.
3. i have this thing about getting stuff (jobs, grades, etc) based on who you know and going around the rules to get them. i was given a part time job this week, and i just have this gnawing feeling that there was some scheeming going on. while i appreciate having the job, and i know that the steps of the righteous are ordered of the Lord, just knowing that something could have been done in a tricky manner makes me sick.
Needs :jobincomefacing evictionPlus, I struggle wi... Needs :
facing eviction
Plus, I struggle with health issues that keep me gaining weight and I am praying and asking God to help me lose 100 lbs.
Thank you for praying!
I'm REALLY struggling with staying focused at work - that whole "do your work as if you were doing it for Christ" thing... There are so many things distracting me, things in my personal life but also the events going on around us. I hate that I get off track and then I beat myself up for not getting things done at work.
ReplyDeleteThanks for asking!
My husband had an affair last year. I long to feel loved, pursued, and wanted again by him.
ReplyDeletePride/Self focus
ReplyDeleteat times unbelief
my apperance
critical heart
I am in a relationship and am unsure if it is God's will. Is he "the one" or is he not??? I am divorced and do not want to make another marriage mistake again. I need clarity for this relationship.
ReplyDeletePast spending patterns 60,000 in credit card/home equity debt
Not feeling loved by my family and extended family
Guilt over fatigue
Children whom I lead to the Lord as youngsters now living in sin/maybe they aren't saved guilt over my own poor theology that may have lead them to hell
No intimacy with husband
Food addiction I "hate being fat" please pray for god to help me with self control!!! I am so sick of this and to be delivered from smoking!! These two things I totally hate I have not been to church in a month because of the weight gain & nothing decent to wear!!!!
ReplyDeleteI long for my husband to look at me the way he did when we were dating. My heart aches because we have not had any type of intimacy in 5 years, 1 month, and 12 days. I feel less of a woman as each day passes by.
ReplyDeleteAlcohol addiction and an affair
ReplyDelete1. self condemnation
ReplyDelete2. money problems
3. not being discipline
I have been so irritable lately and especially with my husband. I almost don't even want to be around him. And it breaks my heart. I want to thrill his touch! I want to be a woman and wife of excellence.
ReplyDelete- losing my job after 20+ years and not being able to find another one.
ReplyDelete- not knowing what i really want to do now as thinking of going back into accounting and seeing the money large companies make and how little they take care of their employees sickens me.
- health for me and my family
- fear of everything in my life as it is right now and not being able to grasp and accept that God is in control of everything INCLUDING my life.
- lack of happiness. finding no joy in life anymore, but wanting it desperately.
thank you for your prayers. you and your sweet family are in mine as well.
I think it is wonderful you are praying for those who really need help right now...what a blessing!
ReplyDeleteI will pray with you.
ReplyDeleteFEAR in so many areas
Finding the right church after a church split. Really not wanting to get involved in another church and be hurt
Never able to be discplined to exercise. It is a daily battle.