
Friday, March 6, 2009

Laws against texting while driving... Alabama they were working on a law to make it illegal to text while driving. As I was texting and driving today (gotta live on the edge a little) I wondered how in the world police are going to know we are texting and give out tickets??
Just curious.


  1. I'm with you!!!

    What happened to the AL law about children being in a safety seat or children being the backseat until age 12....let them enforce those! It makes me so angry to see little ones in the front seat.

    This weekend I'll call my buddy in the legislature and ask how he voted and what is up with this. More later!

  2. idk...i think they have to see you doing it...they saw my son (in my passenger seat as i was driving) without a seatbelt on (only time I ever saw him not have one on and the one time he forgot and we were caught) --- they ticket passengers w/o seatbelts in texas...

    thinking of you this morning and wondering how you are doing? i've been out of the loop...sure do love you jenny HOPE

  3. I agree! I mean they can probably catch the bozos who hold their phones at eye level and txt, but otherwise, how will they know?

  4. Can they look at our phones before they issue a ticket? Just thinkin'. I really don't know.
