OK, I remember teaching bible studies at a young age and a singles class (which I am sure I had no business doing) at the age of 19. It was such a struggle to not feel like I had to earn the right to be able to say anything of worth to people that were older than me. I still struggle with it when each new study rolls around but now I have a different perspective. I want to be a voice to be part of His plan. He doesn't have to use me or any of us to be any more or less God. I have so much more sanctification that needs to take place...yet I want to be a woman after God's heart. Anyway, I know the most precious girl that has a voice. A humble voice. She just gets it. The Lord just has His hand on her in a special way. When I think of her I am just seriously taken with the Lord and how He shines thru her life. Seriously. I first started praying for Kelsie before I knew her. She was on a high school choir tour (I think at the beach) and a pole blew over and hit her, breaking her back. Then I met this precious girl who everyone loves. I can't imagine anyone not loving her. Anyway, she just made me think of this verse as I read her blog:
1 Timothy 4:11-13 (New International Version)
11Command and teach these things. 12Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. 13Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching.
Also, as I was just being blessed by her blog it made me take a small jog down memory lane over the last decade and look how far I have come with the Lord. I will tell you I have always struggled with being really hard on myself. I mean really. I totally used to look at a year or two and think Lord why am I not making any progress?!?!? Now I look and go what in the world! I am not who I was. I am not where I was. The Lord has been so faithful. I have been faithless, yet He remains. I found myself confessing some things the last couple of weeks regarding my attitude that I just can't believe I can't get with the program on. Anyway, I don't ever want to have to remember the height from which I have fallen...yet we can fall so easily. I want to keep on running the race. I need the Lord so much. I am just plain scary to myself without Him. Please don't think I am living in some condemnation, especially since Psalm 130 is my banner! Let us not forget the quarry from which we have been hewn!
Isaiah 51
Everlasting Salvation for Zion
1 "Listen to me, you who pursue righteousness
and who seek the LORD :
Look to the rock from which you were cut
and to the quarry from which you were hewn;
Here is Kelsie's sweet blog:
May we all continue to grow up in Him and grow in grace.
1 Samuel 2:26 And the boy Samuel continued to grow in stature and in favor with the LORD and with men.
Anyway, go over and show her some blog love or siesta love. lol

Really, our rear view mirror is an awesome thing. I just looked at my old blog and I really miss it. Can't say much on fb that is for sure. Miss you on fb.
love you girl!
I'm right there with you Jenny, and you so encourage me. Let's keep doing this "thang" ok? Loving Jesus more and more every day!
Jenny, your so sweet to write all of that! It made me shed a few tears! i am so thankful for you!
We are all on the road to sanctification. I like 1 Cor 6 where it talks about us being baptized, justified and sanctified. Justification (or salvation) takes place immediately, but sanctification takes place over time - our whole lives.
Have you sent me a review/summary for the Favorite Marriage Books? wb
You are wise for one so young. i don't know how I came across this blog but I'm glad I did. I have added you to my "interesting" page where I list my favorite sites. God bless you.
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