Monday, July 27, 2009

The Inheritance--by Beth Moore

New Bible Study!! I am so excited that we will be able to offer this 9 week study on "The Inheritance" by Beth Moore.

Tuesday Nights at Hunter Street Baptist Church

Room S107

Church Number--985-7295

Directions and other information CLICK HERE

September 9th-November 3rd

6:30pm until 8:00pm

There is no childcare. There is no workbook, only a listening guide. Please bring a notebook to take extra notes and a set of index cards. Please invite a friend. Contact me at if you are interested.

So often as believers in Christ we live for lesser things and as a result we become bored and stagnant in our daily living. We then turn to the need to try to control everything until we have stifled the life right out of us. That is not what God intended for you and me. Have you lost the passion that you once had? Well, you are not alone. Come join us for a nine week video driven study on “The Inheritance” by Beth Moore. When is the last time you really just let go of the reigns in your own life and said, “You know what, I am going on with You God?” Are you ready for a wild ride? You are not ready for a wild ride if you are the one driving! Come and learn what it means to live and walk in the lines that have fallen for you in pleasant places. Learn what it means to really live this life even in the midst of trials and great hardship and find beauty in our relationship as children of God and co-heirs with Christ. Indeed you and I have a beautiful inheritance (Psalm 16).

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