1 Kings 17: 2 Then the word of the LORD came to Elijah: 3 “Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan. 4 You will drink from the brook, and I have ordered the ravens to feed you there.”
Since my blog has been so pathetic as of late, I feel updates are in order! This pic of Morgan cracks me up! She loves VBS (vacation bible school) and this years theme as far as baptists go is "The Big Apple". She is already a tad high maintenance and she has requested that I take her to Hollywood and New York for certain birthdays. When she saw this attire at Lifeway she about fell out because she really thought for VBS this year that she was headed to New York! Love her!
I can't even begin to articulate the depth of my love for this precious one. The joy and blessing she brings to our hearts can't even be measured. One thing about her momma is that I loved, LOVED, LOVED me some VBS. I grew up in a small little town and I mapped out just about every VBS in town and had my mom or dad drop me and my sisters off. They always took us and I am sure with 5 kids in my family that the break was welcomed.
I remember eating those cheap vanilla cookies, the kind with cream in the middle, and drinking fruit punch and making crafts. Those times at VBS were so fun. I helped lead it at my church 2 years ago and I am not knocking it but it is so planned out with activities that the kids in my opinion don't have time to breathe or think about what they are doing before they are on to the next thing. I thought about how scheduled and programmed we are and was reminded of how simple yet fun it was for me to go to those little tiny country churches and learn about Jesus.
Next, is this little precious one Blair. I realize that I may have two people that read this that are not on my facebook and do not know that I am pregnant. Here is the latest shot of baby Blair. I feel a little nuts for starting over after 6 years because that is what we will be doing. However, we knew good and well with my horrible pregnancies that we could not try to have another child until Morgan was in school since I have to do the whole bed rest thing. I am excited and terrified! I can't imagine there being any more love in my heart to go around or parenting another child since it is such a HUGE responsibility. I know the Lord will show up on my behalf and in my weakness.
On another note...I am so sick right now with the flu. I have not felt this bad in a while. It always makes me thankful for my health when I feel this way. I am one that CAN NOT sleep with fever so here I am.
I don't know what my deal is lately but I have been reading a lot of commentaries when I study the bible and the more I read the more I realize how much I have to learn. So, it has held me back in a way because I don't want to go writing about something in the Word that is just mere opinion on my part. Yet I realize that I still have to keep sharing and pray that my words fall to the ground if they are not in line with the Word of God. So lately I have just felt a little more desperate for Jesus than usual. I need Him so much and I desperately long to live in His presence. Tonight I felt as if I were Elijah (figuratively speaking) in 1 Kings 17 were he was ordered to go and hide by the Brook of Kerith. We know that Elijah faced depression of discouragement or maybe he was just flat worn out and the Lord told him what to do and attended to his physical needs. Don't for a second miss the miraculous in this passage. The Lord orders Ravens to feed Elijah! Can you just imagine? Instead of the pizza guy showing up at the door some birds show up to bring him "bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening". Here he is hiding out yet he is not for one second hidden from the Lord. The one who commands the wind and the waves commanded the ravens on Elijah's behalf.
There have been many times in my life where I just seem to be exhausting myself yet not with a lot of purpose and the Lord is like enough Jenny...and I am then made to lie down in green pastures. The Lord leads His own by still waters. Elijah was hiding and drinking by a brook which is a small stream. He needed some time where there was no turbulence, a time where God could tend to his real physical need for rest. If you look down a few verses in this passage you will see there was a time for him to recoup and then a time for him to get back up and stand on his two feet so the Lord allowed the brook he was drinking from to dry up.
So what got me thinking about this? Morgan brought me a bible study workbook and she got one for her as well. I had already done this one multiple times but she said, "mom, let's do Daniel again...it's my favorite." She is so funny because of course she is 5 1/2 and has not actually done Daniel. ha! Yet, in such a real way I knew that the LORD used her as my own little raven to bring my what I so desperately needed in the Word. He used her to feed me with some manna from heaven. Some meat and bread!
In all things the LORD knows the way that I take and I am so thankful that He is our portion in the land of the living. He is what we long for, what we need. I pray that if you are weary or broken in spirit that you will take time out to let the Lord tend to your needs and the real issues of your heart. We are so wonderfully complex and He knows us better than we know ourselves. Let us entrust ourselves to the One who is faithful and to The Answer to our deepest needs.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
He Meets Our Needs
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4:01 AM
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What an encouragement reading this post was! He does meet our needs. He is so faithful and true! And just for the record, no, I can't imagine ravens showing up with dinner!
I am one of those people not on your facebook... :)so congratulations!! Praying for you to feel better soon.
I am one of the two not on facebook...SO happy for you!
i am the second of your two friends not on facebook so congrats!!! we'll be praying for you and sweet blair.
Oh my goodness, congratulations on baby Blair!!
Congrats! I love babies. I miss the time when my kids were babies. I hope you are feeling better. I always enjoy reading your post.
Well, I'm on FB, but still didn't know about Blair. Congratulations to you guys!! Praying that everyone is healthy, and things go smoothly.
And, yes, as much as we love our first child, we can and do love our others as much. Love does not diminish for one when we have to share it with others. Instead, it mulitiplies, so that we can still love one with all the fervor of before, and love another in the same way. Kind of like how Jesus multiplied the bread and fish. Amazing.
Anyway, God bless you all. wb
Nice Name! My Baby Blair is now 24 waiting for her birthday next week. I always feel so connected at the hip to you sweet girl! I adore your heart for your Friend, your King. It's a beautiful one! Thinking of you and hoping your flu is long gone. I just got over 2 weeks of bronchitis and it was really rough. My son Britt has tonsillitis, pneumonia, and mono. What's up with all these ailments?
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