Saturday, February 24, 2007

I am constantly being challenged in the area of believing God and trusting Him with His words to me. All areas of disobedience in my life stem from this distrust in His word. I want so much to trust and obey and I find the war of flesh and spirit going at it within me. His commands are for my good always. I will reap what I sow and I am thankful for the grace and mercy that God has so freely bestowed on me when I don't get what I deserve. Anyway, I want so much to obey and take Him at His word. I thought this little devotional was so good!

February 22

Experiencing God

Keep My statutes and ordinances; a person will live if he does them. I am the Lord. (Lev. 18:5, Holman CSB)

God speaks when He has a purpose in mind for your life. His purpose is to give you true life and not the imitation that the world offers. God knows what it takes to have true life. He spells out the way in His teachings and laws. Do you trust His definition of life?

Author and Creator of life, only You can know what life really is. Help me trust You to lead me to true life. Amen.

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