Man I could write a book right now with so much love and compassion to my fellow sisters in Christ who have been so deeply hurt and felt as if they will never measure what is not even real in the media or porn industry. I grieve because of the insecurity and deep rejection and brokenness that it causes. I grieve for those that are so enslaved in sin that they can't even detect their idols anymore. I grieve for the women who think they can just tweak this or that with their outward appearance and then if they maybe change this one more thing...then so and so will love them. The problem isn't you. Fixing your outward appearance isn't going to make someone else steeped in lies love or want you. You aren't the problem. The problem is sin and people who don't fear God, they don't know what living in His presence is like enough to want out because they are so miserable of loss of fellowship with Him. Please no ugly or rude comments either as I could write out a host of scriptures to support what I'm saying. The whole industry is designed to create addicts and we are all created to be filled. Yet with's progressive. There is never enough. You have to add more and more and more to feed the lust of the flesh until you are hung. You may start out in secrecy but you will act out eventually and those secrets will manifest. I'm talking to men and women. And you have to be radical to live in this world and not succumb to the pressure and temptation of sensuality. But I pray for this future generation and the people I stand arm to arm with now...that they will humble themselves and cry out and be free from the sin that so easily entangles them. It's going to take work, a battle plan of knowing where you went East, accountability, the Spirit of God, bathing in His word for the renewal of your mind. Prayer and fasting. We can't walk in victory in isolation. We can't lay one idol down without picking another up. I don't even know if I'm making sense. I keep my phone on password protect because my call in life is not to decorating or painting or call is to women. To serve them, love them, pray for them, grieve with them, and most of all to in some way point them to Jesus and that He is enough. The password protect on my phone is so peoples business stays their business and no one reads what is so personal in all of the prayer requests I get to FB or on text. I entered into one of my friends deep pain and suffering today and I have been weeping and wanted to put it out there that no matter what you've done, no matter the sin (and yes there are consequences and He is merciful), no matter how far you've run, no matter if you were pushed into a pit like Joseph by his brothers...his own flesh and blood!!! And you may stand at a crossroads where you are exhausted and torn and lost your way. I beg you like in the psalm of accents...if the enemy has plowed your back and made his furrows long...that you would weep forward into the soil and let it produce something that only God can cause to grow. Weep forward. Don't dare let the enemy have the victory over you. You are the only person you can control. Don't dare let him drive a stake in you and wave his flag of victory over you. He can't have your salvation if you are in Christ but he can empower your witness. He can allow you to ebb away with bitterness. DO NOT LET HIM!!!!! Even if life has hit you hard by Gods grace get up and deal with the blow that was dealt to you. Get in the word. Pour out your heart to God and some safe people. This can apply to anything. Also, grieve the loss of what was, what isn't, what you hoped it would be but grieve before The Lord and tell Him. He already knows and He grieves. He also heals. He turns gaping wounds into scars even if no one else will see them. God sees. He loves you my sister in Christ. "The King is enthralled by your beauty, honor Him for he is your lord." Psalm 45:11. Also, all this living in darkness stuff and not being accountable. The bible is speaking to believers constantly about being free and putting off the old and putting on the new. It speaks to immorality constantly. Why????!!!!! Because God doesn't waste words and believers were going back to places of captivity. It's nothing new. Yet Gods commands are not burdensome. They are for you. They are for you. People want to pin Christians as hypocrites. Duh! We are all sinful and sick with sin and need a Savior. We will struggle with sin until we lay these bodies down and our faith is made sight. However, you and me...we can walk in victory.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Sunday, October 27, 2013
What goes up must come down--cause and effect and consequences of sin
Ok I can't come to grips with people who can grasp Sir Isaac Newtons famous quote, "what goes up must come down"...but then can't come to grips with the cause and effects of sin. In His Great Love and Mercy we are not consumed. Let me mantra is psalm 130 before anyone misunderstands me. But when others douse themselves in kerosine and light the match to their own flame and burn everything to the ground around them. Then, almost as if they had some temporary amnesia...never-mind the fact that they have shipwrecked their faith and family for the lust of the flesh...they come back and can't understand why people are hurt and relationships are torn and trust is broken. It amazes me every-time!!! Then, if I've heard it once...I've heard it over and over...they are forgiven by God now and free without any repentance or cooperation with The Lord to be free or any proof of godly sorrow that leads to repentance...and if you don't get on board with that then you are some bitter, unforgiving, judgmental Christian! How about NO! Forgiveness as far as it depends on you doesn't mean reconciliation of relationship with a destructive unrepentant person! Watch the counsel you get and compare it to scripture. People will try to emotionally manipulate you and twist scripture even to mess with your head and the devil did it to Jesus in the wilderness. Don't ever ever make the grave mistake of thinking He didn't come as fully man even though He is God (Phil 2). He was tempted in every stinking way we are and was without sin!!!! Every way!!! Even when people try to pin their sin on you as the excuse...they are calling God a liar and saying He didn't provide a way of escape. He did. (I'm not talking about true victims of abuse or childhood abuse either as I want to be so sensitive to that) They just chose not to take it!!! Again, I'm not being like James and John who were nicknamed the Sons of Thunder. I don't want to call down judgment or fire on anyone!!! That's not my seat! I'm just saying why can we so clearly understand gravity and not get that we have consequences for our choices. It's what's wrong with this victim mentality society we live in. No one wants to turn their finger in but only point and blame others. Even if others have failed you miserably, broken your heart, set you up for temptation, rejected you, abandoned you and the list goes on....are you going to live in a prison of victimization your whole life pining away over it and trying to get someone or something to pay you what you feel is owed only to come out worse off? How long will you lay in defeat over something that was done to you or not done 20 years ago? By Gods grace I would beg you to throw yourself at the mercy seat where the curtain was torn in two and we have access to the Most High Priest and fall into His hands like David said. With Him is unfailing love and with Him is full redemption. Even if you have shipwrecked things...your life isn't over!!!! Pick up His word. Deeply repent and use all of that to pay the enemy back as you seek to snatch others from the flames and turn a sinner from his ways. We are still supposed to be our brothers keeper!!! Godly sorrow leads to repentance and moreover relationship with our creator through committing to the process of knowing Him. You can't lay one idol down without picking one up. He has to be exalted over all until you say get away from me and throw those other idols in your life away like the bible says, "like a menstrual cloth". We live in a world where it's so hard to hear from all the noise and will we trade our inheritance for a bowl of stew, for what is cheap? For what brings shame? For what we've been redeemed from? Or will we go after Him? He is worthy and He is proved right always. Take it from someone who knows and y'all NO I'm NOT TALKING ABOUT ME OR ANYONE in my immediate family.
Let's deal with our stuff quickly and cry out to Him for help! He does not treat us as our sins deserve.
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11:35 PM
Friday, October 25, 2013
Denial and acceptance
Failure to move beyond denial makes acceptance near impossible. Whether it's denial over sin, denial over reality, denial over the truth, denial over what might have been... You can't move onto acceptance and wholeness until you own up to whatever you're in denial about. It means taking a hard long look at maybe even the lies you've told yourself for so long that you've believed them...but letting The Lord search you and taking steps to face up and accept some things about your current estate. Saying goodbye to something's. Obedience isn't always easy especially if longstanding periods of disobeying got us where we are. But small steps in the right direction and willing to obey has to happen before your heart and mind change. However, the only way I know for a renewed mind and change is Gods word. Living in it. Allowing Him to heal you of waywardness or brokenness. When you try not to think about something or someone if you are like me you are like ok great plan but if I try not to think about xyz then I'm thinking about not thinking about it and I'm thinking about it. To take your thoughts captive you have to replace them. Put them on Gods word. It's the only way I know for liberation and wholeness. Letting Him thrill us and meet us in our barren places. Until then...we will only pine away for what isn't...and maybe wander around in a wasteland never moving on to the promised one. We have to exercise the will to obey. It doesn't come natural. Speaking to myself of course. ;)
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8:34 PM
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Baby girl door hanger! My sister is supposed to give birth today to a baby girl.
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2:48 AM
Monday, October 14, 2013
Diy burlap door-hanger roll tide (even if it's a cuss word to me)
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1:49 AM
DIY arts and crafts from tonight










Posted by
12:33 AM
Mistle toe- diy crafts
So I know it's early but what a great keepsake. I stained some blocks. Painted some white paint on their feet, then covered with Modge lodge and made my bows for the top and nailed them in the wood and added their names and year along with the green star and red button. Now I'm already getting lots of sugars.
Posted by
12:29 AM
DIY fall crafts
Diy fall decor ball jar or mason jar layered with coffee beans, then candy corn, and repeat. It smells divine. Then, I put a candle in it and used tulle ribbon to put over the top for the smell.
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12:25 AM
Monday, October 7, 2013
My poor neglected blog
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1:10 AM