I wrote this tonight after I finished doing some bible study at Chick-fil-A. I had to turn my head toward the glass while I watched her play because I thought I would bawl my eyes out. I wrote this for her, so I don't suppose many people will be interested. This is just sort of my electronic journal. =) Morgan will be 4 next week and I can't believe how fast it has gone bye.
The tenderness of God
His mercy so sweet.
What a blessing of grace
this child is to me.
With one child in heaven
and one here on earth
this little one gives me such joy.
It is a wonder my heart doesn't burst!
I never knew how much this handicapped heart could love.
'Til that 5 pound blessing was sent
from our God above.
Four years have gone bye
in the blink of an eye.
I have prayed for her, loved her,
and worried myself to death.
I have laughed so hard
at times I couldn't catch my breath.
She is as stubborn as an ox,
an explorer from the day she could walk.
As I sit here with tears in my eyes...
I know that I am merely a steward of her
and oneday I will have to let her go.
Oh LORD, rewind the clock
Give me memories of days gone bye.
One day she will be grown & leave-
Oh LORD what will she do,
who will she be?
But most of all
will she still love me?
I hear her ask "why" a thousand times a day
the things I take for granted I will miss so much one day.
The tender heart,
the little prayers,
even sometimes the mid-night scares.
I love her so much
my heart can't even tell.
Oh how He must love us,
what joy He must share.
Thank You sweet Jesus
for this little child.
I'll hold her here in my arms
for a while.
She is Yours to fulfill Your purpose and plan.
But for now we'll do life hand in hand.
She will always be my baby girl,
the one who came and rocked my world.
Thank You Jesus,
Thank You for the love You have shown.
You always finish what You start
& my, my, my what a piece of art.
When You do things...You do all things well.
You live in me and
one day I'll see Your face-
I will pass the baton
and let her finish the race.
Luke 18:16
16But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
Monday, June 15, 2009
My Baby Girl
Posted by
9:45 PM
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That was very beautiful!!
sweet writing....if you get the STOP the time clock and get to go back I want one too!
Thanks for sharing. You are precious and make me smile! JW
Wow Jenny! what beautiful words!!
Just made me cry.
4 years...where did time go?
You are a good mom!!!
many hugs.
beautiful jenny
初めての書き込みでちょっぴり緊張してます、男の人と出会うきっかけがなくて!こう言う場をかりてみるのもひとつのきっかけですよね。周りの友達は彼氏とラブラブの毎日、あたしもラブラブな毎日を過ごしたい、21歳の恥ずかしがり屋なんで、年上で引っ張ってくれる人がいいです。メールしてくれたら返事は確実だよ♪ワクワクしながらメール待ってます love.love.happy-@docomo.ne.jp
出 会いを探しているのなら会員数ナンバーワンのスタービーチ!開放的な夏休みはここで新しい出 会いを見つけよう!
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