Saturday, August 8, 2009

If I die tomorrow...

If I die tomorrow (or should I say today??) it is because of the following pics. I don't want to throw Rod under the bus here, but he is very funny about me doing anything to our house. I guess since he lived in it for 5 years before we got married...
If I do anything I must do it during his hours of sleep. Tomorrow, I will ask for forgiveness instead of permission for these little projects that I did tonight!!

(above Morgans closet)

(above her light switch)

(above her tub it looks slanted by the way I took the pic)

(above my mirror in the bathroom)

(down the staircase from the top of the stairs)

Please say a little prayer for mercy! LOL


Ardy said...

What an inspiring act of your husband! Truly setting his affections on things above not on things below. Continue to walk in faith. God bless you.=)

jennyhope said...

oh lol!! it is me who did it. I am hoping he doesn't get furious!!

michellemabell said...

LOL It's beautiful really. I just love the style of lettering.
Did you freehand or use a stencil?

jennyhope said...

I do freehand. Thanks for the word of encouragement so I can talk myself out of feeling like a failure when he awakes and sees it. That is if he even notices. LOL

Anonymous said...

All of that is beautiful. How many talents did the Good Lord bless you with?? I'm jealous, oops, I think that is a sin.
Love in Christ,
Nancy in NC

michellemabell said...

Wow! If you ever want to turn some of your freehand into stencils, I know someone who would be interested in buying them...LOL

Eva Hoskison said...

Love it! Good for you!

Little Steps Of Faith said...

Wow. I would say that is pushing it sweetie!
But it is your husband...I mean maybe unless you engrave the tv set screen you'll be okay:)

I know when it comes to mom's though...she'd come in with a cow in a half!

sara@augustfields said...

jenny! i love it! you're marking your house with the word of the Lord...Deuteronomy 6:9. its a you're good :)