Psalm 37
1 a]" Do not fret because of evil men
or be envious of those who do wrong;
2 for like the grass they will soon wither,
like green plants they will soon die away.
DO NOT FRET!! Don't we need that word that David opens up Psalm 37 with? I have had 2 hours of sleep last night and I could not shut my mind down over the previous story of the girl who is my age that was held captive for 18 years. It is so evil and so frightening. Man left to his own depravity is evil all of the time. I am reminded often of 1 Peter 5:7 to Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. God of heaven and earth, the Eternal, Immortal One cares for you and me. He knows every hair on our head and every sparrow that falls to the does not go unnoticed to Him. He is perfect and just in His judgments. All wise, all knowing, completely other. Who can even say they have touched the tip of the iceberg when it comes to knowing God or the mind of God?
I love this verse in Psalm 55:22
Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall.
God will sustain us in our need. Whatever plagues us...He cares. That thing that we keep desiring that has not come to fruition...He cares. The deepest longings of our souls...He cares.
I am so glad that He sees us where we are at and extends mercy and grace to those who cry out to Him.
Morgan has got to talk to me. I need to put this thing down and go pay her some attention. If nothing I say makes sense it is because I had 2 hours of sleep!

Can't wait to hear your thoughts from the simulcast! I was gonna get to go to one at a church here, but my husband had an elder's retreat and I had no childcare for the little peeps.
It will be good to hear from Psalm 37. It is one of my favorites!
Im sure u r doing the simulcast.Iam at the beach and not able to attend. Would u plz post urnotes from the weekend? Still want to get with you one day.
donna hazelwood
Would love for you to post your notes from the weekend!
Beautiful post.
To know He is all wise and knowing and that He cares for us.
How I pray for all involved in that horrific story. As a mother of two girls, I just can't even imagine...
But that is my peace that our great God is never changing and He is like you said, all perfect in His ways and judgements!
Have a blessed day.
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