I truly have so much to blog about because to the great glory of God I have been learning away. I feel such a responsibility to share what I am learning as it is not just for me. Hopefully I will have time to sit and blog tonight for all two of you.
I just love this little picture of Morgan. We are ready for some cool weather (I never thought I'd say that) and here is her fall display she did! I would never even decorate were it not for her.
Monday, September 27, 2010
so much to say...
Posted by
5:28 PM
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Finally I have finished my fireplace project
These pics are for Janel!
The pics aren't that great but these were the old shutters I took down from downstairs and I painted them and then screwed the backs from the old hinges to the backs to connect the shutters. We had an old ugly brass opening to our fireplace and I just like this a lot better!
Posted by
1:08 AM
Friday, September 17, 2010
Fashion Show
Little girls are so much fun! I found these great outfits on ebay (CLICK HERE) but here is the website: CLICK HERE
I paid $11.99 for 3 of them and $13.99 for one. I also received a coupon for online orders. Use promo code: SAVE to receive 55% off of your entire purchase. I did not have a coupon but that is SUPER cheap. The ebay name was Jess Kidz.
I would buy them off of ebay...so much cheaper.
Posted by
3:43 PM
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
LPL- Beth Moore Simulcast this weekend Sept 18th
CLICK HERE to find out where a church in your area may be hosting this Living Proof Live event. I can't wait! If you live near me, several girls are meeting at First Baptist of Helena it is $15 and childcare is free. You can call and reserve your spot but you pay at the door! WHOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!! I can't wait
Posted by
12:48 PM
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Happy Birthday to My Little Sister
Psalm 115 13 he will bless those who fear the LORD—
small and great alike.
14 May the LORD make you increase,
both you and your children.
15 May you be blessed by the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
Happy 23rd Birthday Stephanie! I will never forget the day that you were born. I was so excited I could hardly stand it. I was wearing my blue "jam" pants with a blue and white shirt. I had anticipated holding you and I was so scared that I might drop you. I will never forget being in second grade and getting word that it was time to be able to see you. I remember checking on you for a couple of years because we had that cat and I wanted to make sure you were alive so I would run in the room, check to see if you were breathing, sometimes move the crib a little, and run out. I am convinced that maybe I saved your life a time or two...just kidding!
I remember loving your baby magic smell and I would rub your bald head and smell your sweet scent.
I also remember all of the times (as we talked about) that you broke into my room and ate all of my candy! Then wrote me cards to tell me you and Will were sorry.
All you did was point and grunt and Heather, Holly (well sometimes Holly...j/k), and I would get you whatever you wanted.
Peas and corn
macaroni and cheese
fries, fries, and more fries were the things you loved to eat.
I love that you would eat a whole pack of gum and how I would endlessly try to work with you on your ABC's and you would have NONE of it!
I learned all things Disney thanks to you. There were times I thought I may rip your vhs tapes out of the player if I heard anymore songs. I did love how you loved sing a long songs...and you loved them! That is an understatement. I will never be able to watch a disney movie without thinking of you.
Most of all I love how you love my little girl. She thinks you hung the moon. I am so thankful for you. You are so loyal and such a hard worker. I also love our shared affection for all things girlie even if we don't always agree on shoes. I can't help it if I am more stylish...bahahaha!
I love most of all that you love Jesus and mexican food. It means more to me than anything that you keep getting back up and following the Lord.
Thank you for being such a wonderful sister, aunt (auntie...haha) and friend.
Morgan and I love you more than seven sons!!
Here is a little song I wrote...you wanna hear it...here it go! LOL
A song by dad
hey peppy
come back peppy
I can lean to the left
lean to the right
twist all day
twist all night
I'm peppy
My name is peppy
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, blast off peppy....

Posted by
8:39 AM
Sunday, September 12, 2010
In No Particular Order
So tonight I was able to teach at Underwood Baptist Church in Montevallo, Alabama. I was so thankful for the opportunity. They were such a blessing...I'm not sure that I was...ha! No but really I am usually way over excited, nervous, and I always have more material and not enough time. I felt sorry for them after it was over.
I was so thankful to their church and their pastor (Randy Hollingsworth) for opening their church home to us. It was encouraging to see him operating in the calling that the Lord has placed on his life. I am thankful for him and his wife because they really care about igniting a passion for truth and authenticity in the hearts and lives of God's people. I was only able to get a couple of pictures.
This is Mia. She is just precious to say the least. She has the most beautiful voice and the sweetest heart. Nikol Whitten taught first and it really convicted me about how I will sometimes forfeit extra time that I could spend with the Lord for sleep. She really encouraged us to seek after the Lord and to know Him and walk with Him daily.
Here is that sweet baby of mine at the State Fair. This was the first one I had been to (to my knowledge)...it was not a good start when I saw (and smelled) these animals right when we walked in. She had the BEST time.
This picture cracks me up so bad. I swear besides some friends we saw from church, I think we were the first ones there...kind of creepy!
My heart is so tender to that sweet baby girl. She means so much to me!
I scooped her up from the car and put her in bed a minute ago and had to leave the t.v. on for light to just ponder how blessed I am with that girl...and thank God for the holy privilege to steward her.
Posted by
12:16 AM
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Y'all I just had to deactivate facebook. I am really working on cleaning house spiritually speaking and for now I have got to get more focused. Anything that is truly hindering me in the Lord has to go until things are in their proper place so to speak. =) I lived without it before and I can do it again...amen! I really want to press on to know the Lord and if I have spare time it needs to be spent on Him.
Posted by
2:24 PM
Friday, September 10, 2010
Ladies Conference
1 Peter 5:5-8...All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because,
"God opposes the proud
but gives grace to the humble." 6Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. 7Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
8Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 9Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.
I have been hesitant to post anything about this weekend because I don't want to "self-promote". I am good about stepping out and stepping ahead of God so usually my call is one of waiting and humbling myself. However, I have been feeling so sick today and yesterday. I have had a fever along with my throat and etc hurting. I have sort of lost my voice today so I am asking for prayer.
Also, if you are interested in attending this FREE event tomorrow night please join us!
HERE is the link. Also, if you don't mind please pray for the women in attendance that they will encounter the Living God, that God will use this time to draw women to Him. Please pray that the women attending will not be distracted and that they will have a time of refreshing from the Lord. That He would revive our hearts and help us to lay our burdens down.
Thank you in advance. I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve Him this weekend and I know that I am not a big deal but that He is worth making much of!!!
Posted by
1:49 PM
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Esther: It's Tough Being A Woman- Beth Moore
It is indeed tough being a woman but I sure wouldn't want to be a dude! haha!
This coming Tuesday night we start fall bible study. I AM READY to say the least.
Here are the details:
TIME: 6:30-8:00 pm
PLACE: Hunter Street Baptist Church, Room s107-108
What will you need? Your bible and Workbook
You can purchase a workbook at Lifeway.
Please sign up online if you have not already. CLICK HERE
This study is SO good!
Posted by
8:28 PM
Man life can be so brutal to the human emotions. Right now I am staring several uncertainties in the face. In a way I am so thankful because it forces me to meditate more on scripture and spend more time praying. It is tough being a jar of clay and realizing just how fragile and out of control you really are. Yet if you truly bring yourself before our Almighty and Sovereign God you find that He is steadfast concerning you and He is faithful. It is impossible for Him to lie or for His love to change. I need to know that and I think you need to know that deep down in the recesses of your innermost being. We need to know the love that surpasses knowledge. Morgan is always trying to tell me in some form of measurement how much she loves me. She will say, "Mom, I love you up to the sky...I love you times 100...I love you a hundred pounds." It is so precious to me but I am reminded every stinking time she says it how God birthed that in our DNA. We want to be able to know that we are loved and part of our human condition is that we will search the world over (in the flesh) looking for someone to love us so lavishly, so deeply, so perfectly, so unfailing, and we will search in vain until we find Him. He is the only one that can meet the deep and I mean deep, often times cavernous needs, of our soul.
I was talking with a woman last weekend and she asked me the normal chit chat questions like what do you do? are you married? and so on. She then said, "So...you have been so happy in your marriage for 7 years!" Um, that was sort of an unusual question. I told her no (of course no relationship is all happy all of the time...and if you are searching to be happy 24/7 with a relationship hinging on your happiness you will live a very narcissistic life) and that I am sure Rod would say the same thing. It is the fear of the Lord that has kept us together at times when we would both rather part ways and call it quits. The Lord has been VERY gracious to us and very merciful (psalm 130). Along the way I have learned a lot about Rod and the Lord has taught me to the core that He is still my Royal Bridegroom even though I am married. The Lord defines me, the Lord is the only One who can fill me and even heal me. While He may use earthly relationships to bless us greatly I am convinced that if I had the perfect man in my life I would sure make him an idol. So, I can truthfully tell you that I have to cease striving where my expectations are concerned and just let some people off the hook. It doesn't mean I don't go through times where I feel needy or clingy but I have to take those things to the Lord or I will in essence suck peoples will to live trying to get them to make me feel special. I can say that even through marriage and earthly relationships that where I have felt let down or failed and have taken those things to Jesus I have been so thankful to see what He is to me that no one else can be. I wouldn't know that if I was constantly searching for it in every other way. I have also made it my prayer that I would see each opportunity where I feel hurt or needy as an opportunity to fall upon His limitless love for us. I love Rod now more than I ever could at the beginning because I see how God has used my earthly relationship to love my Heavenly Father more. But don't think I didn't try to suck the dregs dry only to come up empty before I learned the hard way.
So, what in the world does it mean to love God? Why in loving Him do we get to be blessed back? He knows how prone to wander we are and Him telling us that we need our hearts to be surrendered and wholly His means our liberation. We are safe to love others in the way that God would have us, even at times if it means to be guarded, when our hearts have been set at rest in His presence.
Mark 12:30 (New International Version)
30Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.
Part of loving God is trusting Him. Placing our trust and confident expectation in Him. Trusting that even if __________________________ (fill in the blank) leaves you or forsakes you that He won't. It is the whole "even if" that scares us to death. Some of you may not have one iota of fear concerning loss but I will say that you are not the norm. I had to personally think through some fears this week that were flat out giving me anxiety. I took them to the Lord and practiced what one of my favorite bible teachers taught. I knew good and well I was supposed to be casting my anxiety on Him. We don't need to throw off what we aren't carrying. He is telling people that are burdened, anxious, fearful, to cast ALL of our anxieties on Him because He cares for us. He is our Shepherd. We are the sheep of His pasture. When Israels kings or priests were often sited in the bible they were referred to as people who shepherded God's people. So lets not get a lowly view of Christ here. He is God on the Throne. He is in our tomorrow and He wants us to get up daily and seek Him as He gives us spiritual manna to feed our souls with what we need for that day. His word works. It brings healing and peace to my soul when nothing else will comfort. Yet we have to go and gather that manna like the Israelites had to do in the wilderness. It was supernatural that God fed them and the Israelites expected that God would deliver them and then that they would have no more hardship. That is so us. We want to walk with God and take what He has to give but we sure don't want trials. We don't want friends, husbands, kids, to walk out of our life. We can live plagued by fear over any of those things and just think that God is constantly out to get us. That is not God. He wants us alright. Our bodies to be the living sacrifices because when it comes down to it...those of us who are in Christ...He is all we really have. The only certainty. So, yes like the Israelites had to gather enough manna for them (otherwise hoarding manna would spoil)and God gave according to their need. He is not going to let us wig out with worst case scenarios that have not happened and give us grace to just sit there in our heap of worry and become paralyzed. That is not true living. Back to my fears and anxieties this week. I did a couple of things:
1. I petitioned several people that I knew would pray for me and asked them to pray.
2. I spent time in the Word.
3. I had to go to God over my fears ...myself. No one can have your relationship with the Lord for you. You won't find peace living vicariously through others relationships but not having your own. Isn't that why reality t.v. is so popular? Finding excitement in someone else's life. We NEED godly teaching and sound teaching but it can't replace our own intimacy with Jesus.
4. I walked what I was fearing through with God and thought about the worst possible situation that could happen (not to be negative). I found peace and comfort in my soul that I would ultimately be ok in this life because I have Him.
We literally are going to have to attach ourselves to Him, cling to Him, at times just fall on our faces before Him, make much of Him and you get the idea...if our hearts are going to be healthy. It doesn't mean they won't be broken but He is the One that binds up and heals.
Posted by
2:47 PM