when I do not follow Christ.
Paul says this in 1 Corinthians 11:1
1Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.
Well, I blew it tonight. My blood pressure is still up I think. I went to Walmart to get my watch battery changed. We waited and waited and the girl couldn't do it. That is my 3rd attempt to get a battery and get the thing changed. I should have just bought a new watch. Here is some quick background info for why I say don't follow my example from tonight: Morgan and I go to the Walmart by my house almost daily. The greeters know her and even buy her presents. Seriously. I know if a cashier is new or not. I know most of the managers. I have been a loyal patron there. I get up to the check out and I had left my wallet at home, so all I had were my checks. The cashier tells me that she can't run my check through without my license number. Well, I know my number by heart. I looked around at all of the cashiers that I knew and they vouched that they all knew we came in daily. Still she was not going to take my check. Then, I asked to speak to the manager. He said, yes ma'am I know that you come in everyday but we can't take your check... it is our system. We have to know your license number. Okay then, I can give it to you...I reply. I then told him that he knew it was me. I was not trying for any special favors but please give me a break. So, I have Morgan with me about to freak out because we had been there waiting for an hour to get the battery changed. Long story short, they would not take my check. I understand policy, as well as protecting others assets, but if I was going to rip them off with an automatic debited check it would have been for more than 20 dollars if you get my drift. Also, they have NEVER asked for my license in all the few years I have been going to this one or even once since I have used a check for auto debit. So, to me they need to do it all the time or not at all.
I about lost it! I even told them that I would never set foot in there again, AND I WON'T. To all of these big businesses...they do not care. Phone companies, large chains, or whatever...they could care less if they lose your business or not. It just amazes me. I was rude and I will have to take that up with the Lord...but it just amazes me. Sorry for waisting your time...I have just been furious. I know it wasn't righteous indignation either. Lord, help me.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Don't follow me...
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9:44 PM
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Hi, Jenny. I look at your blog daily because I find it to be so motivating to me and I learn a lot from your posts. Keep up the great work. I hope you don't mind me reading your page! I wanted to tell you that you just endured a test by the Lord! I can imagine how frustrating that would be. Especially when you have a child waiting with you! As your Bible verse said, we have to follow Christ. That can be so hard sometimes, huh?
amy, thank you so much for your comment. I really blew that one last night. =) Glad His mercies are new every morning because I need them.
I have actually had so much to post and no time to do it lately with my little swimmy fish! Morgan doesn't want to leave the pool then I have to get caught up on everything else.
Anyway, thanks so much for the comment! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!! Love jenny
I think I would have done the same thing. We all need the Lord's mercies daily. I can tell you are a very dedicated Christian and you are grounded in His word. Have fun with Morgan, your little fish, and have a great weekend.
Nancy (in North Carolina)
You can be angry and sin not you know. Sounds like that is or could be what you did. Maybe you turned over a table or two but they did not help you with your situation. You are right that sometimes people check ID and sometimes not. No rhyme or reason. So sorry.
Let me say, Jenny =), that when my younger son who is now 5 was potty trained I gave Walmart up. Didn't need to go there for diapers and wipes so I told the Lord and my husband that I will gladly give Publix the at least $40 a month I used to spend on diapers and wipes. I've never looked back. Occasionally I go to a Walmart for stuff (not groceries anymore, Thank You, Jesus) but immediately remember why I left---the place is stressful!
Well, since you know me and know I will say that a couple of weeks ago in Destin I threw a fit at the beach chair rental boy. He was rude to me and blew me off so I thought I would just let him know how I felt and what I thought--loudly and not exactly rationally. It was not pretty and I'm sure I made a fool of myself in addition to not be someone for anyone to follow.
Can we blame these episodes on hormones? Probably not but it would be nice! You are a treat! (((hugs))) JW
Hey girl! I have been busy too and not blogging as much. Good to catch up...I feel your pain with the Wal Mart thing. Sorry you had such a tough time!
Look forward to seeing you in August!
Jen, you write about stuff we all deal with, if we're honest about it. I have to constantly ask myself what is beneath my behavior. What's beneath the anger? Cause you're right, it's stupid that stores don't care if they lose business but they don't. Let your sin surprise you. I think it does. And I love the way that you move toward your God in it, always. Isa 30:18 - the Lord longs to be gracious to Jenny Hope!
Jen, you write about stuff we all deal with, if we're honest about it. I have to constantly ask myself what is beneath my behavior. What's beneath the anger? Cause you're right, it's stupid that stores don't care if they lose business but they don't. Let your sin surprise you. I think it does. And I love the way that you move toward your God in it, always. Isa 30:18 - the Lord longs to be gracious to Jenny Hope!
I want to say I will be there tomorrow, but Elle's nose is running pretty bad. If she gets fever, I'll durn be stuck at home!! :(
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