My sister left me a comment on one of the posts regarding Morgan going #2 on the potty. She told me that if ever I had another stalker (I had one once that wore a fanny pack)...
that they would seriously know everything about me on my blog including stomach issues and when Morgan goes number 2. So, for the record SHE DID IT AGAIN #2!! I can just hear the sounds of you cheering from your computer.
Back to the stalker he was really scary and would stand in the corridor near where I worked and just watch me, call me and etc. I would literally freeze up in fear. He had to be banned from where I worked and from my church, the police even had to get involved. I hate thinking about it.
So, when Morg's did the number 2 she held the phone to the toilette to try to show her aunt steph. Then she called her MiMi and all of her cousins got on the phone and cheered for her going poo poo! It was the funniest thing. It scared me when she was holding the phone near the toilette thinking they could see it. We are just weird like that.
Another thing, God really has a sense of humor. Of course He does. I love to laugh and we were made in His image so I know He has to have a good laugh from His throne.
Rod got a new bow for hunting season. Like a kid with a new toy he has been admiring it and watching every hunting show on television. The funny thing is Morgan is watching them to and she doesn't want him to change the channel. She does some really funny stuff and she got a clothes hanger that had cardboard on it (don't try this at home people) and she took it pointed it straight at the buck mounted on our wall and pulled back the cardboard like she was going to shoot it. Then she said I killed a buck!!!! I about died and had to call Rod to tell him. He is hunting down a bow for her now. Anyway, I guess she is going to take a liking to his sport and I thought I was going to have me a weekend buddy...guess not.
And on another note: For the past 9 days I have been struggling with something called pelvic congestion syndrome and it really hurts when I sit or stand. I do not want to take the medicines that I could take for them 1. because one of them would make me gain like 30 lbs. and 2. I tried the other one and it made me dizzy and I had some no thanks.
So, I really need to get back to normal and I know some of you will seriously pray for me. Also, my little friend Mohammed at the gas station asked me where I was going the other day and I told him to the doctor and he said you are always going to the doctor. It is pretty sad when the guy at the gas station says that. LOL!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
A Family Affair!
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11:25 PM
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My sister had a severe case of pelvic congestion for several years. She said it really hurt (alot). I will be praying for your health and that Morgan will continue to do #2 AND that she will love shopping more than bow hunting.
Sending up prayers for you girl!
Girl! You totally crack me up. Never even thought about the "little swimmers" connection. My girls are even cheering for Morgan. Please know that I will call you by name each day until you are well. I will be praying that your faith will remain strong and that God will provide you with scripture to keep the devil's lies and deceptions behind you.
Ouch! I went to your link and now I feel sort of faint. The whole idea of veins makes me shudder!
I freaked out about a month ago when I saw some spider veins on my leg. My stepmother is a nurse and used to work in a cosmetic surgery outpatient office. She said, "Oh, it's no big deal. You just have to get several injections into the veins to make them disappear. I'll do it for you."
No big deal?! I am the one who refused pain medication for childbirth because I DO NOT like needles! (by baby #3 I was begging for the biggest needle they could stick in my spine)
I am so sorry you are in pain and I will pray for you.
Ummm, about the pelvic congestion.....she had it for a looooong time (she has 3 kids) and she had to eventually have a hysterectomy.......I am sure that there is some medication you can take to help though.....her case was severe... I will be praying.
Oh my word Jen, between you and my Brookie, you girls keep me praying with all you and Brooke are going through...last night they had to bring Brookie to the hospital for sharp chest pains and she had Intercostal chondritis---whoever heard of that and now your PCS---oh my dear...i am seriously praying for both of you to be free of the syndrome stuff. And your post was precious from Morgo to the bow to the attendant at the gas station. How did I ever find you??? You are absolutely precious. GET WELL BROOKE AND JENNY!!!!!
You looked beautiful today!
I love ya Jenny! Praying for you sweetie.
Okay, I'm double dipping...
waiting for a post from you...
s m i l e
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