I had a clear hair dye thing that I purchased some time ago and I never used it. Well, around midnight I decided I would dye my hair with this clear dye that is supposed to make it shiny. Since I am not complaining...(see previous post)...I will just show you the pics and let you know that my hair in no way has any added shine. Keep in mind I have NO makeup on and it is 1:26am
These are both obviously self portraits and I have a headache so the flash was kind of hurting my eyes. And this would also be my favorite pink robe that I wear even in the summer because Rod keeps the house FREEZING!!

I can just see you setting up the camera and running back real quick to position self for a casual pose---I'd have a headache at 1am!!! LOL Shiny or no, you'll look gorgeous for the SF.
HeHe you crack me up
I love the robe - it looks nice and comfy and your hair is getting SO LONG
BTW: thank you for your sweet words on my blog you are precious
See you soon
Well. . . these pictures make your hair look shiny. You look great here Jenny and at 1:26 in the morning. Oh my!!
Hey, are you going to wear your robe at the PJ party?
Can't wait to meet you for REAL!!
Jenny, please don't get mad. But, honey, without makeup, you look even REALLY young! You are so beautiful!
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