Psalm 27
Of David.
1 The LORD is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the stronghold of my life—
of whom shall I be afraid?
I grew up with a SERIOUS stronghold...I mean SERIOUS...of fear. Anyway, the Lord has delivered me and is delivering me daily from that. I have shared before that when I had Morgan I did not want her to see her mother living in fear and jade her as well. HERE is a quick post about that. So two days in a row I have been able to meet up with the Hoover Police. I went on a simple trip to the dollar tree and I walk in, again on the phone with my sister, and this man begins to circle me and walk up and down past me and then he said mmm' mmm' mmm'. O.K., what in the world? Then, he follows me all around the store. My little sis stayed on the phone because it was making me nervous. Then, a man that seemed to be drunk, in his 50's, holding a bottle of Dr. Pepper, started waving at me and saying HEEEEYYYY!. Stephanie was still on the phone and she asked me if I was talking to the guy who was following me. No, this was a different one. Then, the original guy starts to signal another man about me. I am not making this up. So, I call Rod and tell him and I told him I was going to call the police which are right behind that dollar tree. Two officers made it within a minute and they made sure I got to my car and did not get followed. I found myself so fearful tonight and last night but I don't want to start freaking out thinking the worst about everyone ya know. I am just starting to wonder if I have a freak magnet on my head j/k.
oh well. Thank the Lord for protecting me!