I came home from work tonight and immediately smelled a not so pleasing, all permeating, greasy smell. I can not stand fried food in my home. Nope can't stand it. And for those of you that thought I couldn't tie fried food into my scriptures I am fixin' to do it. I bust open the door to the den...sniff sniff...what is that smell? I ask Rod. What smell? He replies. It may be the dirty diaper I took out...he says. Nope thats not it. Oh it must be the fried chicken from earlier. You can't be smelling that, I cleaned it up hours ago. I have the nose of a hunting dog people! LOL! Anyway, it got me thinking. That smell permeated the whole house. It is lingering as we speak. I am worrying as I type that it may "get into the clothes". Anyway, it made me think about what kind of reprensentation I am putting out there for Christ. How am I doing? I can't even begin to tell you how many times I blow it. I want to be the pleasing fragrance that spreads Christ spoken of in 2 Corinthians 2:14-15
14But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him. 15For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.
I was cleaning and I felt as if the Lord spoke these words in my spirit regarding the matter of obedience: Jenny you can either proclaim my name by the way you live or you can profane it.
You can see yourself as washed and holy, set apart for my use...washed in the blood. Or you can use your vessel for your own purpose and profane your temple and forfeit the blessing that comes from obedience. YOU CHOOSE. (I am not talking about just se*ual sin before anyone starts thinking that....I am talking about anything that causes us to operate as less than the child of God that we are.)
So how are we doing? Are we proclaiming or profaning Him by our actions?
Leviticus 22:32
32 Do not profane my holy name. I must be acknowledged as holy by the Israelites. I am the LORD, who makes you holy
or Proclaim...
Psalm 64:9
9 All mankind will fear; they will proclaim the works of God and ponder what he has done.
Psalm 22:31
31 They will proclaim his righteousness to a people yet unborn— for he has done it.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
This just got me thinkin'
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1:22 AM
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Hey girl - great post!! In Isaiah 45, I believe, It says that we were created for His glory. When we translate that golry is literally means created to give a correct opinion of hwo our Lord and Savior is! To give a correct opinion of Him. We give people an opinion of Him - is the right one or not??
THank you for the reminder!!
Have a great day - PS - I would not have given the ride to the "homegirl" either!
Love, Leigh
Deep stuff! I like the comparison, the visual. You really should be writing bible studies girl!
Actually, you are, here. But I mean on a broader scale that will reach more - I really mean this!
My name is Rachel and I'm a friend of Emily's. I'm so new to the blogging world. I have been discouraged in "mothering" and have been sharing with her through our blogs. I saw your blog through hers and am so encouraged by some of your posts. Thanks for allowing God to permeate through you.
and much to think about...how often don't we look like the picture of CHrist that we should...I know I want to proclaim and not profane.
I will keep this in my thoughts as I go back to work on monday.
love ya princess
Good good stuff! I have a devo written about those same verses about the "fragrance" of Christ. It's neat to see God using the same words over you. :) And yes, the smell of something fried drives me crazy too! My dad is not supposed to have fried foods (bypass) but we always know as soon as we go through the door he's "cheated". :) I used to get upset, now I just smile. I'm going to cherish that memory one day. And quiet possibly the smell?? Surely not... Anyway, good stuff! :)
Great post!!
And you totally crack me up that you were able to take the smell of fried food and put it to scripture!
I love the reminder that how we act permeates to others and either shows off for God in a good way or a bad way.
I want to smell good for God!!
Love ya,
Sorry Jenny - I answered you in my own blog - I am so green at this blog thing :(. Janel
You always bring a smile to my face. Fried chicken and Christ??? Who'd have "thunk" it? You're such a hoot, but a deep hoot that never ceases to bless me through your blog. Girlfriend, I can't wait until the day we can meet face to face!! I know for sure I'm gonna be laughing with you--no doubt in my mind.
Oh, and I'm glad the lemon juice worked. I simply buy the cheapest, generic kind. It's so helped my dishes get clean in my dishwasher!
Love ya my Siesta,
Hey sweet friend! I need to email you something regarding my "Unbelief" post. Could you shoot me an email so i can send it to you?
Hi Jenny!
I LOVE reading your BLOG! They show your heart towards the Lord! I love you honesty and your questions! I was there in Birmingham and I SO remember that! POWERFUL! I LOVE how God works! Amazing!
I was reading a few blogs down about the DC Talk song...the quote about Christians is from Brennan Manning...I love his stuff...have you ever read any of his books?
I am glad you are feeling better, my husband had viral meningitis when our 1st child was 8 months old...he was so sick...I am so glad you are doing better!
Have a great day! Emmy : )
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