So, I share a birthday today (12/18) with my twin Holly and with my aunt, and Brad Pitt. I bought some celebratory cupcakes for my birthday and Rod managed to eat them all before I got home from work. Way to join in the festivities Rod!! =)
Morgan went to the doctor today and she is doing better. Thank you so much for the prayers. Then, about 30 minutes ago she tripped (wearing 2 left shoes) and fell head first into the hearth. I have to wake her up in increments to make sure there is no concussion. The good times just keep coming!
My 28 random things about me on my bday is to come...oh aren't you excited!
Monday, December 17, 2007
HAPPY Birthday To Me!
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11:52 PM
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Happy Birthday Dear Jenny Hope!
There are places deep in your heart where your good God whispers to you of His Rest, His Love for you. Isaiah 30:15 is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One you adore, He says: In repentance and rest. In quietness and trust is your strength. 30:18 He longs to be gracious to Jenny Hope. He rises to show you compassion on your birthday. Blessed is Jenny Hope for you wait for no man, you wait for your beautiful God to show up! He is! I just love your passion, your tenderness, your heart for HIM and all of us. You're a good mom Jenny Hope and, oh my, how is that precious Morgan? Oh my. Hang on tight to her with open unclenched hands to HIM. You're doing it! Praying for you my dear friend on your special day. I'll think about you bunches.
Happy Birthday girl! Hope your day is wonderful!!
PS... I'll hang on to that tix for you! So glad someone wants it! so sad I cannot go!
Happy Birthday, Sweetie! Many blessings (and more cupcakes) to you today!
Love, Susan
Happy Belated 28th Birthday, Jenny! I still have not been able to get bloglines to work right, so I didn't know you had posted... sorry!
I stopped by to tell you that I absolutely LOVE the picture of Morgan that comes up when you post a comment! She is so so so cute!
Can't wait to hear the 28 things!
Angie xoxo
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday sweet, precious Jenny! Happy birthday to you!!
I love you and pray God's blessings over you this next year.
Morgan, we are praying for you too sweet girl.
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great one:) I'll write you later girl:)
Be Blessed!!!
Happy Birthday! I haven't been around lately, so just hearing about Morgan being sick. I am so sorry and then hitting her head! When it rains, it pours...huh.
I hope you have a great birthday anyway!
Happy Birthday, Jenny! I hope you do something fun as you celebrate your very special day.
Glad your baby girl is doing better. Sorry about the head to hearth thing. If it isnt one thing its another some days.
how is Morgan doing??
finally got my blog to work, i's been out of whack big time...disappearing text...LOL
let me know how Morgan is!!!!
and let us all know how your special day was!!!!!!
I really am. I love to read things about people. Interest me.
I hope Morgan is ok. Yes, with kids that is how life is.
Aw! I want to be sitting right next to you! I woke up SOBBING on my birthday if you remember reading about it. I LOVE that you are real and it is so INVITING to me that you put your heart out there and let us in. For it is your beauty deep in your soul that draws me to you. Unfading beauty. You touch my soul deeply with your words, Jenny Hope. Hold fast to HIM tonight and live in the present in this moment and He'll meet you there. He's knocking right now...Rev. 3: 17-20...Happy Birthday Darling!
Happy Belated Birthday!! I'm so sorry to hear that Morgan fell and hit her head. I'm praying for better times for you. So many of God's faithful that I know are under some kind of attack right now.
Love Ya!
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