I was not going to do this but I am...I am sitting here just laughing out loud...ALL BY MY LONESOME and I need to share a little song I wrote (I didn't write it) like to hear it...here it go:
"When your sliding into first and you feel something burst diarrhea cha cha cha...diarrhea cha cha cha. "
If you were growing up in the 80's please tell me you know these kinds of songs!!
What got me thinking of this is that my most googled post is the one about Taco, Burrito, what's coming out of your speedo you got trouble yeah your blowing bubbles yeah...
No but really Morgan had some of this nastiness today and I also wanted to take a little bathroom survey about the bowels...LOL!
I think I am the ONLY person on the face who has trouble going. The doctor gives me a constipation regimen when I go to see him. It consists of several medicines and mineral oil. So each day I have to load up on the fiber and down the mineral oil. You think I will have good bowels in heaven...because we will be eating and all you know!!
Does anyone have any other home remedies to my problem? Be honest...I know I have just stepped into some uncharted territory!!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Diarrhea Cha Cha Cha
Posted by
10:39 PM
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Sang right along with ya! Know the tune well! I've actually taught my boys! :)
But, i cannot help you with your problem. I'm sorry. I wish I could. I'm glad, though, that I don't have any expert knowledge in this area of grownup bowel malfunctions!
I bet someone will come through for you.
As a nurse, I don't mind you stepping into uncharted territory!! I can't think of any other remedies than what you have already tried. I have a TON of stories from the hospital related to such issues that you wouldn't believe. I will certainly not step into that uncharted territory!! I could write a book about such things!! Ha! Ha! Sorry, just a little delirious from working last night! Haven't slept yet!!
I have heard that tea can be used for either constipation or runs. Drink it to aid in the relief of either.
MY children love "coke medicene". They think it taste good but it keeps them regular from being backed up. The real name is Fletchers Childrens Laxitive.
Actually, Woggie had issues up until a few months back. The pediatrician told me some OTC stuff to buy. It's actually for adults, but I just had to dilute a smidge of it in Woggie's juice. I used it for a week and then would stop for a week. I did this only a couple of times and he hasn't had any problems since (boy does he go, now!). I won't say that it's the laxative, but I can't say that it wasn't either. I'll see if I can find the bottle so I can tell you what it is.
You know what they say, "You know you are getting old when you talk about bowel movements". Wanna know how I know that? My sister and I talk about them alot. So sad, but true. The only home remedy I know of is dried apricots. They are quite disgusting in my opinion, but they will make you go. The fact that I NEVER go to the bathroom is a joke with my whole family. My doctor prescribed Miralax, but it doesnt work for me. I recently ordered some stuff called Oxypowder - it worked, but I am not sure how healthy it is so I only took it for a month or so.
I am not sure why I am sharing this information over the internet, but I hope I have been of some minimal assistance to you. ;-)
Child of the 80's and LOVE THAT SONG!
Do you like coffee? Sometimes that works for me!
talk all you want. now that i have a grandson, you know mom's you are so into the bm talk. so my remedy was activa yogurt. just like the commercial. one every day and they really work. try it for at least a couple weeks. the active bacteria does something. i'll check with my knowledgeable blog friend maria. she is an amazing new christian who just this year converted from islam. she is a very awesome person i know she will be able to help.
i am so bummed. i don't know the song but i want too now. i only know the one about i like big butts and i got a rash on my butt thanks to my 33 year old nephew. funny stuff. ~janel
TMI,LOL,LOL! Sorry I've got nothing for ya!!!
Hope everything comes out alright;)
hey jenny!yes i know that song and i am laughing too, have not heard that in years!
my now 5 year old had constipation problems for like a year and he was on th prescription laxitive ( can't remember the name) i know his system got hooked on it though, so i would be careful of that type of thing. honestly, i believe it was prayer that changed his bowels! i kept praying and praying in all sorts of lingo to God (ex. God please let him go, Lord if he could just poop today!) and I know God healed his little body :) Praying for ya! (in much more general lingo!)
Hmmmm, I wish I could come up with something for ya...I've got nothing! ALthough, with two boys, bathroom talk is quite common around here!
I'm not sure why that is such a common problem.......We eat bran cereal....make smoothies with flax seed and several fruits....I take 5 metamucil tablets a day, which regulates you eith way...stops diarreah and promotes healthy bowels. I love bowels, I have lost all modesty in the past few years.
You are so precious! :) You crack me in half. And yes, I do remember that song. ;) And no, I don't mind posts like this but I don't have any advice for you. Sorry! There was a time I was in the hospital on 24-hour flat-on-back bedrest. That's when I REALLY had trouble going! And I was in a foreign country--brand-new missionary, didn't speak the language yet--and one of my new coworkers is having to translate for me the nurse's instructions on how to go in the bedpan ... yeah, that was a serious lesson in humility.
OK, so that doesn't really help you at all, but that's what your post made me think of, and after about 1 a.m. I just start rambling ... I guess they call that diarrhea of the mouth. Or in this case, the fingers. ;)
And oh yeah, I think my amazing regularity is also linked to my devoted coffee-drinking habit. ;) In case you haven't tried that yet.
Funny that you shared this. I sing it, but would never want my girls to sing it.
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