Proverbs 19:22
What a man desires is unfailing love ; better to be poor than a liar.
Psalm 130:7
O Israel, put your hope in the LORD, for with the LORD is unfailing love and with him is full redemption.
I have been sitting here literally sobbing into my hands at the unfailing love of God. I do not deserve His love, mercy, or steadfastness at all. Yet He has been so good to me. I have sinned against Him, shunned Him, set myself in opposition to Him at times, yet from on that cruel cross He cried out for you and for me "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." He has saved me and kept me to this day because of who He is.
I have looked for love in all of the wrong places and have truly only found unfailing love in Him. His love will not fail us even when we feel forsaken. He will not drop us, or abandon us, or forsake the work of His hands. He still calls us to a path of obedience for our own good so we can experience the full measure of His Spirit. No matter how far we have ventured from His side, with Him there is full redemption. Does anyone reading this need full redemption? Look for the love you so desperately need and desire in Him alone.
Trying to find love by this worlds standards will be the death of us. It only leads to misery and an empty space that can't be satisfied. What if we were secure in His love for us...His unfailing, unchanging, steadfast love? Ask Him to make you secure in His love and keep your nose in His word so you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. He loves you. Even if you feel no one else does...He loves you.
**Let me add this and I have a Valentines party to attend for Morgan in a minute.
A lot of you are familar with the Hebrew word Hesed which is where most of your translations translate unfailing love. I want to quote something from the lexical aides of my Keyword study about the word Hesed:
"Hesed is central to God's character (Ps 59:10; 100:5). It is closely tied to His covenant with His chosen people (Dt 7:9,12); in fact, the covenant may be thought of as the relationship from which the hesed flows. God's hesed, however is not bound by the covenant itself, and though men may prove unfaithful to this relationship, God's hesed [unfailing love-emphasis mine] is everlasting (Ps 107:1; 118:1-4, 29; Isa 54:8)."
Psalm 148:13 Let them praise the name of the LORD,
for his name alone is exalted;
his splendor is above the earth and the heavens.
If you need a reminder of His unfailing love CLICK HERE and read through some of these verses.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
If it weren't for the Lord...
Posted by
10:39 AM
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You are so right!! He is more dependable than anybody here on Earth that's for sure!
His love endures forever!
To God be the Glory!!
Love you,
Charity are so precious and sweet. I have said it before and I'll say it again, many times over I'm sure...I can not wait to hug on you!
I am glad you liked it!!
Go Girl!
Check my blog either late tonight or in the AM there will be an award waiting for you to be picked up.
Have a great V day!
What a beautiful post!
In spite of who I am - His love will never fail me! I love Him so much!!
happy valentines jenny. i saw myself in all your examples. He is our one TRUE LOVE. <3 you! ~janel
This is such a good day to write such an overwhelming blog on God's love! You are so uplifting. I love watching God love and teach through you! Happy heart day, sweet friend!
Hi Jenny! I followed the link to your blog from Abby's blog, and I have also seen your comments on the LPM blog (siestaville!). I love what you wrote and just had to leave a comment (btw, that picture of your little girl is absolutely adorable!!!). I have been meditating on that verse about God's unfailing love ever since Beth Moore explained it in detail in her Roman's study. It makes sense that our need for unfailing love is the God-shaped hole inside all of us, cause only God can provide that-everyone else will fail us. I myself am working on grasping how much God loves me. I know that if I fully understood it, I would be completely transformed.
My sister-in-law, Corrie Clay, has a ministry called Filling the Gap ministries. Her message is basically about this. Filling that God-shaped hole or gap that is in all of our lives. btw, I noticed that you said you live in Pelham, AL. Corrie used to live there but she moved to Hayden, AL a few years ago (about an hour away). She has a website in case you would like to check her out, and you can click on my name to find her blog.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Jenny, I am so happy that you visited my blog! I love yours! The strange part is that I too cried this morning when I thought about this "day of love" and how deep God's love is for me. My heart just wells up. It was like I was reading what I had told Him this morning! By the way, Katie told me you live in Pelham. We lived there about 2 1/2 years. We lived in the townhouses behind Regions. It is grat to meet you. You are such a blessing!!
Happy Valentines Day from our hearts to yours!
kari & kijsa
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