Psalm 138:7-8 KJV
7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch out Your hand Against the wrath of my enemies, And Your right hand will save me. 8 The LORD will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O LORD, endures forever; Do not forsake the works of Your hands.
Janel, asked me a question that is prompting this post because the Lord has been recalling certain familiar passages of Scripture to me all week. I have prayed that the Lord would speak through me regarding this post because I am no expert on the subject. I will say that I have had ample and I do mean AMPLE opportunity to worry over things and I am sure that you have as well. I am currently facing a situation where I can make a choice...I can worry or I can trust and pray, casting all of my anxieties on Him because He cares for me.
Let me ask you a question? What are you presently worrying about? We have so many things that we worry about just to name a few: money, health, our children, loved ones, our marriages, situations at work, sin finding us out, we worry about the future, about dying...there are so many things that we worry about on a day to day basis. If you don't worry I should advise you to go ahead and quit reading. Just for a minute as you read this get whatever that thing is you are worrying about and try to think about how you can apply some of the scriptures that I am going to include. I really believe that worry and anxiety can really become a stronghold in our lives if we don't pray and do away with it on a regular basis. How do we rid ourselves of it? I am going to seek to answer that with a few things that I have learned.
All of our worry is because we feel that we are out of control (because we are). So we begin to worry as if it would change anything. I say this in all humilty because of my own tendency to worry...we must recognize that worrying is sin. Plain and simple and we have to stand in agreement with God that it is sin and confess it for what it is. I would like to tell you that in almost every area of my life I have had a reason to worry and let anxiety eat me alive. Through this I have been able to learn (I am not saying that my feeble self doesn't default back to worry) to trust in the Lord and I have seen His mighty hand come through time and time again.
Let me ask you another question? Do you believe that the Lord is concerned for you and the matters that concern you? Do you just know what He says or do you truly believe it?
1. God cares about you and I will prove this through Scripture.
1 Peter 5:7 tells us to cast our anxieties on Him, the literal greek of the word cast means to throw off your anxieties. The way I do that is to pray and tell God every detail until I am rid of it and I may have to do that several times according to the situation.
This is long but please drink it in. Please don't just hear it with your ears I am asking God for whoever reads this that you would know it in the bone and marrow that you would even feel His care for you right now.
Do Not Worry Luke 12:22-34 22Then Jesus said to his disciples: "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. 23Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. 24Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! 25Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life[b]? 26Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?
27"Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 28If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you, O you of little faith! 29And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. 30For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. 31But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.
32"Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. 33Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. 34For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Here are a few things to glean from this passage: a. We are God's most prized possession. He will provide for our needs so we are told not to worry. b. Worry will not add one second to our lives. Not only will it not add anything, worry comes to rob us of our years, our health, and our joy. c. As seen in the above passage we have got to ask God to help us to believe (not just know) that He truly cares for us. He knows the very number of hairs on our head (that is a lot for me). He says in Matthew 10:29 that not one sparrow falls to the ground apart from the will of our Father. He is sovereignly, all knowing, all powerful, almighty God. He will perfect that which concerns you.
In this passage He tells us to seek first His kingdom. So we need to pray and seek Him through His word to cast off our anxiety. One thing I have learned is that grace comes when you need it and not before. Some people have told me...Jenny I do not know if I could have gone through losing a child like you did. Of course we don't think we can handle much but I promise you that the Lord aportions grace as you need it. The way I got through that was to keep praying and keep seeking God through His word until He brought me thru the fire and the deep darkness that seemed to close in around me. Same thing in marriage or anything else you look at your circumstances and think man can I make it with this person another however many years. Instead of getting so ahead of ourselves we have to truly take it one day at a time and ask God for His wisdom in all things.
TO BE CONTINUED gotta go to work. Any by the way, I am writing this because I have plenty of opportunity to worry right now about my own situations and the situations of others....
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
It's Out of My Control
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10:32 PM
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Whew! I really needed that right now! I just love how the Lord puts people and blogs (like yours!) in my path to help remind me that HE is in control! And I praise Him for that!!!
Perfect, perfect timing. It frustrates me friend that i already know this - but when steeped int he moment, or moment(S), of worry, I forget!
I am anxious everyday over one particular area that I have worried about for far too long. It's just seems so huge and, yes, out of control. And IT IS! But not out of HIS control.
I'm gonna have Brent read this tonight too!
Thanks Jen!
Yes I too am aware we are not to worry...good grief, wish I could WRAP my mind around that and LIVE in that!! I am a worry-aholic! I mean, about things that aren't even REAL, just made into a big deal in my darn head!! I am praying for you that God ease your worries and provide for whatever situation is causing you worry!! I love ya!
Great post, Jenny!
I tend to worry a lot, too! I remember when I didn't know worry was a sin. I'm glad I know that! I love the passages that you shared with us! What a great reminder. I, too have a lot of things going on in my life that I could worry about. It's such a freeing feeling knowing that I don't have to and I shouldn't anyway if I want to be obedient!
Angie xoxo
Oh Jenny! I could just sit and cry over this. I have been in a season of a week now that has just been so difficult. Just spiritually under attack and has caused me to worry tremendously over so many things.
I so needed this because I am just seeking out all sorts of scriptures, devotions, teachings that I can. I am climbing my way back out of this pit I'm in. You have now helped me too.
We have worry at different times and on different levels. Trying to come out of this time of intense worry, is exhausting. But, I'm clinging tight to Jesus.
He is my One and Only.
Thanks Jenny. I appreciate the time you put forth for this refreshing word and much needed word.
I love ya!
Good Stuff Girl!! Miss you!
whew jenny you are so sweet. i guess i'm not alone. i feel everyone else seems to have it all together but me and ya sometimes even on a blog i get that feeling. i know it not to be so and that is another area satan gets me.
frans word exhausted that is what i have made myself over this situation. i've been stupid is is stupid does today. i just worried so much and i took no time to pray. i had p&w music on while rocking my grandson but i didn't pray my words.
i have read and reread these scriptures and they were balm to me. i admit i am not believing Him at this moment for this situation.
thank you so much for this and it is so encouraging to know i am not alone.
you are so dear. hugs.
Oh I have not been a worrier when it comes to me but now that I have children I do tend to wonder with some anxiety about them.
Are they eating right, are they going to grow up to love and serve God, will they stay away from bad choices in HS and college, who will they marry? will she like me and be a good Christain woman. I pray over all of these concerns but still they linger in my mind. YOu are right - I have to give it to God!!
Love ya,
Worry is a sin. It is like telling God that you do not have enough confidense and fiath in Him. The best thing you can do is hand your worries over to the Lord. GIve them to him. He is control, have fiath in His plan. Nothing is to big for him to handle. Worry is a robber of time and energy. Give it all to the Lord.
Great post! I have to get onto my family all the time regarding this issue. We can worring the family curse because all of my extended family are nautural worriers. I have to get on my soapbox about this all the time.
I think it is right to say hand your worries over to the LORD but we must remember that there is another power at work here. It is a battlefield of the mind and satan is behind any worry we may feel. Worrying keeps us focused on the situation rather than the LORD of the situation. We must weild our sword and fight the enemy everytime we are tempted to worry about our problem. And we must ask God to renew our mind with the mind of Christ. We must ask God to set us free from the temptation to worry and to give us more faith in Him as He controls every single little detail of our life. I've heard it said that the things we worry about very seldom really happen. And we must remember that everything God allows us to go through and experience rather good or bad is always to the benefit of His children.
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