This is Morgan with her layered pj's. Have you ever read 5 Love Languages? Well, in this picture she is speaking Rod's love language...Auburn football. She had to wear this shirt to bed or else we were going to have a knock down drag out. So, I settled for putting it on over her cute jammies.

Since so many of you wanted to see a picture of me on my wedding day :) here you have it!!

Morgan and I painting pumpkins~she was not a happy camper that we had to stop.

My niece
Bre and her friend on a
field trip at the Galleria (
Bre is on the right).

Now what would this be? I opened the butter (from the fridge) to find this lovely spoon in it. Rod had left it in there in case he needed to use it again...I mean why dirty up another spoon.

Gangstas! Morgan woke up this morning in one of her moods and SHE had to wear the outfit she has on. I had something cuter picked out. She insisted that we both wear our hoods. I AM NOT KIDDING. Should a 2 year
old really care about what they wear?

My man
great pictures!! :)
thanks for the award...
and yes, we MUST get together when you come to TN!!! ps...patty from LPM is moving here next week!!! what in the world?! :)
You and your daughter look alike.
The wedding picture-I think your hair looks very nice. Come on!
Gangsta Jenny!! Love these!
Thanks for letting us peak. And tell Rod he must put the used spoon in the sink at least!! :)
I love the spoon in the butter! Cracks me up :) The sad thing is....I have been known to do that!
I love your pictures! Thanks for sharing! What a cool picture where your heads are cut off at your wedding! I'm serious, I think it's so cool!
Angie xoxo
p.s. Your husband is hilarious!
Cute pictures except where is your head on the wedding photo!
Too funny! I am impressed that your 2 year old cares about what she wears! She is adorable! Thanks for sharing the pics!
ya'll are seriously too cute...and I think our kids are related! sara is VERY particular about WHICH bow she is wearing with WHICH outfit..I mean at 2 this is her concern...Lord help us both when they turn 13...we need to stay in touch just so we can "pray" each other through those days!! Love ya girl, hang in there!!
Love the pictures. I've got to talk to talk to Morgan's teacher to see if she is as opinionated with others as she is with you!!! And now I want to see a real wedding picture!!!
thank you jenny for the my dear are one humble gal! i've read many of your comments from your heart and think---if Jesus says in Isaiah 66:2 to this one I look, the one who is humble and contrite and trembles at His word, then He must be looking at you tonight for I can see it just from your words...
Love the pictures - You have such a sense of humor - the picture of you at your wedding - too funny!
Love ya
Great pictures!! Except the wedding one ... funny girl. Did you really think we'd let you get away with that? ;) You know what we want!
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