My heart just breaks for what is going on in Minneapolis right now. I was watching footage of it on Fox news as soon as it came on...I just could not believe what I was watching. How people were just driving home from work or to a game and the bridge just collapses. My heart breaks for those who have lost love ones tonight. Our lives are so fragile. We aren't promised another breath and yet we live at times as if we think we are invincible. There is so much that goes on in the world on a daily basis and God sees it all and knows it all. I wonder sometimes...why? Don't we all? Why did that have to happen today? Why are innocent children harmed? Why do babies die? And I know that it is all a product of living in this fallen world. For those of us who are Christians our hope is in heaven and in the fact that He will come and make all wrongs right.
On another note, it is not Thursday yet but I want to go ahead and make my testify thursday please leave your comments as to what the Lord is doing in your life this week. It is so encouraging to me. You can share a verse, a story, or just a way that God is moving in your life. I was pondering tonight about something and here it is: I wish you could really know me and know how I have blown it in regards to sin so many times. I have hung my head in shame at the words of Christ: "If you love me you will obey me." I do love Him...I have loved Him...and He is all I have truly had in life...and yet I have shamefully disobeyed Him time after time.
We have all heard this: "God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in Him." I agree with that...but...what I want to testify to be true in my own life is that God has stooped down and been the lifter of my head when I didn't think I could look up. He has initiated relationship with me and come and met me (like the woman at the well) in my sin. I have poured my alabaster box on my King. I have wept at His feet and dried my tears with my hair. What amazes me is that God has brought Himself glory even through my sin. He has shattered ideas and misconceptions that I have had of Him in showing me that no matter how far I have gone, He is deeper still. What stirred this in me tonight was an email that I got from a sister in Christ. She sent me a message of encouragement. I have received several of those this week...but this really got me thinking. I have taught for seven years in some shape or form at my church and it amazes me that in spite of our sinfulness (and hear me I am not saying that God wants us to stay in strongholds so He can get the glory...I am not saying that we aren't to grow and become more like Christ) God still uses us...even when we blow it. It amazes me that people who know me would still come back to bible study and possibly hear a word from me. That is Christ in me...because I truly know that in me no good thing dwells...and I stand in Awe of a God who can truly bring beauty from the ashes...the places that have been long devastated! I am amazed that He can take a life that has been tarnished and still allow people to hear from Him through that vessel. I think we sometimes feel that because of our sin that we can no longer be used by God. That is such a lie. We are all sinners, we all fall short, we all like sheep have gone astray and yet God still takes us and uses us for His name and His renown. Glory....Glory! He is so Holy and beautiful. I love Him for forgiving me and for keeping me. Words can not express what He means to me. My faithful and true. THE MAN on the white horse.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Testify Thursday
Revelation 19:11-12
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10:40 PM
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I used to live in Minneapolis so that tragedy is really "hitting home" for me! Keeping them in prayer.
Thank you for testifying, sister.
In my life this week, God has been wooing me, and speaking to me through brothers and sisters, especially through their raw honesty about struggles and pain ... and God meeting them there. He is reminding me of His faithfulness, and blessing me through the love and compassion of some precious saints around me.
I have so often thought too that "no good thing dwells in me" If not for the Spirit of the Living God dwelling in me there would be no point in life! For Him I live - to Him I hope!
I love this post Jenny...your vulnerability and willingness to be so very real with us. For His Glory! People respond to you in bible study and in life in general because He lives in you! He is your Grace covering! He is all of our Grace covering...when we "let" Him be! Let us all die to ourselves and let Him reign in His rightful place!
Ooooh girl. I am SO right there with you. There's that praise song that says "You are so much more than Worthy, and I am so less than deserving". Sometimes I think about how I feel when my husband isn't giving me much attention. I think "I've done this and this and this for you and you're too busy playing golf to notice". And then I think that God is looking at me saying "I've redeemed you, I've loved you, I've lifted you up time and time again and washed away your sins... why won't you meet with Me?"
Psalm 27:13-14
I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.
I have been eating on this all week. We are stepping out and following by faith to an unknown place. Many moments we want to take the next step because we are tired of waiting. But then God's voice comes in to play. He is so Good.
Oh how God has reminded me of this over the past few days.
I think when we lead Bible study we are under such attack. This week I was under attack BIG time (you know the story)
God reminded me this week that it is all for His glory. All the trials and tribulations we endure are ways He is molding us into the person He wants us to be.
He has shown me how to turn the lies satan has told me into the Truth He wants me to understand and it has been so refreshing.
Here is one example - satan says to me "Why are you leading Bible study you are not qualified?
God has said to me "I equip those I call to serve me"
He reminded me of the disciples that were basically uneducated/stupid men and how those disciples became huge servants of God spreading the Gospel all over the world and to many different languages - God equips those He calls to serve!!
So many more examples but I do not want to write a book - hehe
God bless,
I am praising him for another anniversary and for the year that he has brought us through. It's been a bumpy ride at times but I can see the light ... Whatever is in store for us is going to be great! Praise Him!
Ssshh...ssshh...quiet...very early in the morning when everything is silent...I have snuggled in my bed for a time with my Main Man...the Son of Man. I'm talking 4:30 AM people! I have to admit that I am not as faithful to Him as He is to me. But I am trying to start my day reading His Word. I have been so blessed to read Galatians, Ephesians and part of Philippians this week. I testify to this empowering me throughout the day. I know God's Word and read it often. But I need to meet with God in a way that has PURPOSE. He is so worthy of being my highest priority.
"What amazes me is that God has brought Himself glory even through my sin."
Amen sister! He always amazes me in that.
I think I have often felt God could not use me in my sinful state, but you're right, we all sin!His love for me brings me back every time. I wrote a poem on my blog called Jesus Freak that testifies to my walk with God now. He is bringing me back from the pit of sin presently and I feel so unworthy, but He sees His Beloved Son when He sees me and He loves me no matter where I have been. What a wonderful Saviour!
Praise Him!
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