O.K. everyone has their Tuesday or Wednesday theme going on in blogland. So I am going to take a minute to explain to you my Thursday plan!!! TESTIFY THURSDAY! This will be where you leave a comment on my blog about something the Lord has done for you, in your life, or you have witnessed in the life of another. This is just a way to give Him some praise on Thursday's! We don't want any rocks having to cry out! So, if you read my blog PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT telling how the Lord is working! It will bless you to be reminded! This better not be my shortest comment post either! LOL!
I just shared my comment in the last post!!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Testify Thursday
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7:22 AM
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we are in the middle of a season in our life that is 'unchartered' at least it wasn't in our 'play book' for life. However, It seems to have been in Gods. Times have been tough and funds are tight due to J's being 'let go' completely without cause. This caused us to 'worry' mainly me which means sin. Anway, during this time God has completely provided for our needs - we've never missed a meal and we still have our house and cars. There are still several medical needs that we are waiting on God to provide for and we Know he will be cause He is faithfull. I'm reminded that even during this tough tough tough (did I mention tough?) season in our life that God is with us and that he is meeting our needs as he sees fit. I'm learning to quit planning so much (HARD TO DO) and to allow God to lead even if it isn't in my 'play book.'
oh girl!!!
i have a praise! my husband and i are going to have a weekend getaway soon - to a B&B on the coast of Maine.... and this is no small miracle on a seminary budget... someone who loves us gave us a $gift$ about a month ago.
oh we're indebted to them! and thankful that the Lord provides.
Thank you Jenny. I will testify!
I posted on my blog a "Lesson Remembered" which briefly explains how I learned from a housekeeper I used to employ how to be an intercessor and pray in the home. After I posted that I was ironing my husband's clothes and praying for his protection while at work. The next day I learned about an incident he had at work and he could have been hurt (or worse), but he wasn't because the Lord protected him! PTL!
Blessings in Christ!
What a wonderful idea! I have been worrying and fretting lately about our future. The future is a little fuzzy and unclear right now and I am not super comfortable with that. I have found comfort knowing that God already knows exactly what's going to happen. He has mapped it out perfectly and has prepared the path. Last night I was reading in Psalm 119 and I saw the verse I've read a thousand times: "Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path". It meant so much more to me last night. That word PATH is something I've been saying so much lately. God's WORD is a LIGHT TO THAT PATH. I dont' know where I'm going or what we are doing in the next 6 months- but if I just study God's Word, He will light that path for me. HE IS SO AWESOME!
Thank you for the reminder to praise the Lord for what He has done in our lives as well as the lives of others. There are so many things that I can praise Him for but the one thing that I will praise Him for today is the I have been cancer free for 9 years. Wait..I have another thing...my friends. God has blessed me with absolutely amazing and Godly friends. Can I praise Him for something else? I have recently gone through and I am going through a tough personal situation but God continues to give me peace when He knows that I need it.
I am loving this idea.
I can testify to Jesus safely allowing me to drive a uhaul truck down to FL yesterday. Re: post
Give Him Praise! It was seriously a big feat!
Terrific...Testify Thursday! Too Touching trying to think!!!
I've just got to testify about God's providence and His great love for me. On the spur of the moment last Saturday morning, my husband and I decided to drive to Savannah and spend the night. I got online looking for a ONE-night b&b. I kept coming across a place called Mansion on Forsyth Park Inn but WAY too costly. Well, after much searching I made reservations there anyway and it was SUPER! We almost didn't want to leave the MANSION! But oohwee Savannah is so beautiful. Did I mention FUDGE! God was just so extravagant pouring out this huge blessing on me. And the room was actually cheaper when we arrived! TATA!! God is so GOOD! I'm ready for the next adventure...with God and with my most wonderful husband in the whole wide world :)...
I can testify to God's amazing plan. I am a planner as well and I had certain plans that I have had mapped out for years. GOd through a BIG wrench in them a few months ago when He called me to Women's Ministry. He gave me a big revelation last night while I was studying His word - I will post it on my site later. He is Good, Faithful and our All Sufficient One!!
Hey jenny Hope! I am trying to meet some new bloggers and I read your post and bio stuff on connorcole'smom. You and I like a lot of the same things-very cool. I will testify today that my mom is on her way to healing from ovarian cancer, I believe. She was diagnosed about 17 years ago and had surgery. It was quiet for about 13 years and then 4 years ago it reappeared in a different place-but same cancer. She has been on chemo for four years and it has been tough. There was a big void for awhile because she and i did everything together. Add to that the Lord moved my family out of state soon after that-hard. But, I have seen her transformed during this time. She is not the same person she was four years ago. Lifelong bondages have been broken and relationships changed for the better-amazing. Recently she met a clerk at Target who didn't know her at all, but heard her talking with another woman in line about cancer-she had some form also. The clerk said she knew my mom was a believer and she felt the Holy Spirit all over her. She gave my mom a hug and said she believed my mom was healed (the exchange was longer than that). It was an amazing experience but mom didn't feel any different. Since then, she has been to the oncologist several times and every time she goes, her treatment get's put off another three weeks, for random reasons like her blood pressure is too high and stuff like that.This is unheard of in her case and she has felt some anxiety over it. The last two times she went, her oncologist looked at her numbers and how she was feeling and said, let's wait another three weeks. We really believe she is walking into her healing! She has not had a treatment in forever and it was not something she planned with her doctor, it just started happening. She has had a great summer and some much needed sun and fun time. Praise God for who He is and His grace in our lives. Sorry for the long post, but I am glad to have shared. My blog is colorfulwoman.blogspot.com. Talk again soon!
My praise is that the Lord took a weekend trip that I was dreading (and almost cancelled) and made it the most fulfilling and hilarious weekends I have had in a long time. I got to spend serious Girl time with old friends and new ones and got to reconnect with friends that I have not been in touch with. I seriously have not laughed that much and that hard in a very long time.
It was a mansion!
Thanks for your sweet comment and your prayers. we can use all we can get! :)
No rocks crying out in my place:
God has been so good to me over the past three months since I have become a stay at home mom. I LOVED my job and made 2X sometimes 3X more then my husband every year. After I had Emma Kate I stayed home for 3 months and then went back part time for 3 months which was great. I had the best of both worlds. But then I really felt like God was telling me to stay home....which was hard for me because I really enjoyed what I did and recieved a lot of satisifaction from it, and I was VERY WORRIED abot the money. However....God has been FAITHFUL and I LOVE staying at home. My husband asked me just last night if I missed work which I very quickly responed...NOT AT ALL. I have even enjoyed learning to cook (even though I am not good at it at all!) and I am also STARTING to become a good housekeeper! I praise him for His Faithfulness and the CONTENTMENT I have.
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